How's the Running?



  • graycaro
    graycaro Posts: 71 Member
    Getting ready to do W6D2 today! I was sick for a week which messed with my training for awhile...I have a race scheduled in two weeks, and I'm hoping I'll be able to cross the finish line!
  • KristenStone
    KristenStone Posts: 106 Member
    Hey folks!

    Just did W3D1 today and was amazed at how I was able to run for 3 minutes! When I first started this shabang, I was good to run 30

    Maybe I shouldn't have looked up week 4. LOL I'm scared! But we can cross that bridge when we come to it!

    Yay C25k'ers! We rock!
  • MissEmilie2011
    MissEmilie2011 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Tomorrow is W7D2 for me. I just can't believe how awesome this program is. It has literally changed my life in such a short period of time. I've never really been a runner. Today I decided to run 1 mile just for fun while my mom walked and I ended up running 2.5 minutes faster than I did the first time! I think I might be addicted to the high I feel after after completing a run and going further than I thought I could. The 20 minute day in Week 5 was a bit unnerving, but I definitely suggest going for it and don't let the fear hold you back. It is doable!

    I don't know if anyone else experienced this, but the first 5 minutes of running always seem the hardest. Once I get past that, I seem to feel ok. Also, I still think that Week 4 was the hardest week for me.

    I'm so glad I found this group and to see people encouraging each other to reach their goals. Feel free to add me I'm always looking for new friends.:happy:
  • sarah32lee
    sarah32lee Posts: 5,279 Member
    I just did week 5 day 3 the 20 min run/ jog. I jog slow but i DID IT!! YAY!! :happy:
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    I am on week 3 - the one where you alternate 90 seconds run/walk, then 3 minutes run/walk. I have to say that the three minutes seems to take a while... the thought of going for longer sounds daunting.

    I think week 3 is the first week where it has required any effort. I guess C25K starts out so easy so that almost anybody can do it. At some point, though, I guess I'll hit where my true fitness level is and then it will start to be a real challenge requiring some willpower through discomfort. Week 3 isn't really bad, but I may hit that point next week.

    However, I do feel good about what I did after my session - I alternated sprinting and walking on the way back. By "sprinting" I mean I opened up my stride and tried to run faster rather than conserving strength. I did it in intervals... ran from one telegraph pole to the next, then walked until I got my breath back.

    I did this because the regular session didn't feel that challenging and I wanted to burn more calories while I was out for my morning exercise session. I don't think it hurts you to add on a bit extra after doing the C25K session.
  • graycaro
    graycaro Posts: 71 Member
    Today was week 6 day 3 for me, and I did it! 25 minutes of running seemed like so much when I could barely run for just 60 seconds straight at week one! Today wasn't easy, but I surprised myself by running faster than I expected. I can see the light at the end of the C25K tunnel. Speaking of...does anyone have any hints about lengthening distance after the program ends? I've heard of Bridge210K, maybe I'll try that one.
  • clariangel
    clariangel Posts: 156 Member
    blah. I injuried my left hip on W1D1 over 2 weeks ago. but my hip is getting better and I can't wait to get back at it. :)
  • sarah32lee
    sarah32lee Posts: 5,279 Member
    Started week 6 this week and I feel awesome! I never thought I'd be able to make it this far! :)
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    I finished W1D3 yesterday and then it just skipped to week 2... so im going to re-do one or two more days of week one...but my knee has been hurting! Oh well. I really want to run for at least 5 mins without stopping.
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    Just started today after sitting on my butt for...well...too long! I was a runner in high school, but tore both ACL's (one freshman year and one sophomore year) so I've been leary to run too much.

    W1D1 felt great, and I felt like I could actually run a little longer than it says, but I didn't want to overdo it. Doing W1D2 on Friday after I get done with a clinical for school (cath lab all day!) and we'll see how that feels. I'm so beyond stoked to be getting back into running.