Daily totals WED

cals1,247 carbs94 sugar38 protein82 sodium1,743 fiber15
leaving for my walk right away


  • sparkles1956
    total for today
    calories 1,017
    carbs 31
    protein 54,
    sugar 8 which was eggs, hotdogs, and the piece of bread that I didn't need
  • marlakayallen
    marlakayallen Posts: 34 Member
    Calories: 1185
    Carbs: 149
    Fat: 46
    Protein: 51
    Sugar: 35

    No water :(

    No exercise :(

    Tough staying away from sugar today. My 35 is from "baby cuties" -- little mandarin oranges. There were many desserts around me at lunch and it was HARD to resist. (But I DID!) And this is only the beginning of the month!

    Looking forward to Friday's weigh-in, even though it may not be a big change because of TOM.
  • marlakayallen
    marlakayallen Posts: 34 Member
    No water :(

    Actually had two cups I forgot about...
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    WHOO HOO!! thanks for posting!!
    my totals :
    Totals calories1,405
    fat 51
    protein 164
    sugar 22

    worked out, awesome cardio session.

    128 + ounces water

    warning, I am eating raisins tomorrow , I think my sugar will be high from that.... but my co worker is bringing me some from Palm Springs and they are amazing!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi ~

    Cal ~ 1793, Carb ~ 142, Fat ~ 84, Protein ~ 126, Sugar ~ 47 8 glasses of water

    50 min walk with hills ~ Body Works class, burned over 800 total.

    This challenge is really opening my eyes to what I am eating...I have alot of room for improvement! I ordered a Roasted Turkey Fuji Apple salad from Pandera Bread....then I looked at it and thought OMG Apples have sugar :laugh: I picked some of them off:wink: I also had a guy at work give me some candy....I thought Nope I can't have that now!!:bigsmile:

    Keep up the good work! Tami - Take it easy on that toe! How's your shoulder???

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Totals 1,200 155 29 83 14 43
    Daily Goal 1,555 213 52 57 18 31
    Remaining 355 58 23 -26 4 -12
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Fiber Sugar

    45 minute walk.
    5 servings of fruits/veggies (4 of which were veggies!)
    I passed on gummy worms and a peppermint patty
    4 16.9oz bottle of water, plus 2 glasses of unsweet tea (with splenda)...still not sure,is splenda or sugar free ok??
  • McFrench
    McFrench Posts: 205 Member
    156 carb
    46 fat
    98 protein
    26 fiber
    21 sugar

    I am not worried about sugar from fruit. The dietician from my gym said to keep added sugar under 30g per day....not including naturally occurring in fruit/veggies/whole food. Some people need even less than that, but that is my goal for my body! Water was pretty good yesterday, I didn't make it to the gym, too busy and sore arm from cortisone shot. I did a lot of running around though!

    I am eating out for a work lunch today. Going to research before I go. Boss wants to go to the froyo place after lunch. I will only have a little, if its sugar free....otherwise I will say no:)
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Crap!! I'm not writing my totals for yesterday because I'm struggling to pull that page up in my phone. I was under my calories and I walked for 40 minutes. I was under on fat and protein, but over on sugar and sodium. And confession: I had a Pepsi next. :(. Today I will not drink a soda! You have my word! Looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Calories- 1082
    Sodium- 2562

    I'm having a problem finding food to eat without sugar. I'm not eating enough. It's not a good thing. :( I'm starving. I think I might not count fruit into my totals. 8 glasses of water. I ran a mile and a half.
  • mattysmom
    mattysmom Posts: 82 Member
    calories 1182
    carbs 116
    protein 107
    fat 37
    sugar 24
    ran for 30 minutes
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    all of a sudden I am having problems with fat !
    yesterday: Cals 1598, Fat 76 (!) Sugar 23 ( yay!) protein 74 Fiber 23

    also walked about an hour