Diabetes and weight loss...

deejayy89 Posts: 144 Member
anyone else having trouble losing weight with diabetes? I've been diagnosed sincr the end of feb, I changed my lifestyle...eating healthier and exercising atleast 4 times a week. I'm getting really discouraged as I'm not seeing anything but fluctuations in my weight. I've only lost 5lbs since I've been diagnosed and I'm really frustrated!!


  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    it can be difficult. depends on the medication you are on. the food plan you are following. so many factors. it's a gaint puzzle to put the piesces together and find what works for you. i lost the large portion of mine counting carbs. right now i am doing weight watchers. my daughter came by one night and said come on we're going. hubby said i could continue as long as i keep losing. i have lost just over 15 on their scales. it has become very easy for me. people say i exercise too much and am too detailed about my eating. but, if that's what i want and it works for me. let me be. i enjoy the high from my exercising. i like having control over my food.

    just keep going and finding what works and make your master plan.
  • journey1962
    journey1962 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm in the same place you are. I spoke to a dietician the other day and she seems to think I need to trick my metabolism, mix my exercise up a bit instead of the same thing every day. I know when I first was diagnosed last June, it was so frustrating. They told me it would take a while and to keep up the good work and it will show. I have lost 20 lbs, very slowly. Just don't give up and tell your doctor of your concerns, it does help. :smile:
  • mmsexybetty
    mmsexybetty Posts: 34 Member
    It's that all metabolic syndrome thing. Diabetes really messes with our thyroid levels. I find it very frustrating as well.
  • rwhite61
    rwhite61 Posts: 7
    Glad You have at least lost 5#--- I exercise almost every day for at least 30- 60 min's & I do nothing but either gain or loss a pound--- Under some stress right now!!1--- Blood Sugar's are up also-- was down to 120 - 130 but this AM up to 180 & have been up to 230 this past week--- Talk about frustration!!!-- have been keeping Total Calories under 1900 but does not make any difference--- Not giving up yet-- it is just very discoursing ---

  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Glad You have at least lost 5#--- I exercise almost every day for at least 30- 60 min's & I do nothing but either gain or loss a pound--- Under some stress right now!!1--- Blood Sugar's are up also-- was down to 120 - 130 but this AM up to 180 & have been up to 230 this past week--- Talk about frustration!!!-- have been keeping Total Calories under 1900 but does not make any difference--- Not giving up yet-- it is just very discoursing ---


    Stress will mess with your blood sugar which may be why it is up despite watching what you eat.
  • rwhite61
    rwhite61 Posts: 7
    Good evening-- Just finished recording food & excerise for today @ "Y" for almost 60 min's-- then walking 2.39 miles & steamed cleaned carpet for 40 min's--- Almost made myself sick by not eating enough--- Ended up with over 1400 cal's before excerise-- With stress from my Daughter & Wife while cleaning Carpet--- Just kept my mouth closed & said nothing back!!! See what scales read in AM-- if it goes like it has been, Not much drop--- Need some way to jump start My Motablish{sp}--- Hey, just thought I would say something--- If anyone has any ideas, please let Me Know--- Good Night

  • Bevigal
    Bevigal Posts: 66 Member
    I used to have a real problem with it. My doctor put me on Januvia along with my metformin and I started losing weight. Januvia does not have a weight gain side effect. It is not for everyone. It was that or go on insulin, so I tried it. Luckily it has helped me. It is expensive, but I was happy not to have to go on insulin. Another thing, some of other medicines can also affect your ability to lose. There is no quick fix and what works for one person does not always work for the other.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    rodney...are you spacing out your carbs. diabetics need to watch their carbs most of all. spacing them out during the day helps keep them more even. some people theirs go up after exercise. some go down.
    for me i find that when i count calories i don't lose as well as when i just count carbs. i don't worry about anything but carbs. right now i am doing weight watchers (daughter wanted to go one night, she dragged me, it's working so i am staying with it). so for me and my body. i don't think i eat enough for the amount of work, exercise, etc i do. when i was doing carb counting i was losing about 1.5 to 2 pounds a week. now on weight watchers the same thing. when i do calories i am losing maybe a pound. the mystery puzzle for diabetics is finding the match of food intake and exercise and the putting the numbers in order. once you get the whole puzzle together it works and keeps on going. you just twick here and there. the calorie vs carb counting are some of the pieces for my puzzle. some can't handle higher amounts of carbs. i can. now at night i have to keep dinner on the lighter side. i will have just above 100 in the morning. i am shooting for under 100 every morning right now. i take victoza, it is a needle injection. not insulin. it helps with appetite really well.
    i love gardening too. just getting ready to put seedlings in the ground. tomatoes are in, strawberries are in their pot. some squash, onions are in. i have lettuce coming up. planted it 2 years ago. oh, well.
    good luck to you.

    everyone, it does get better once you get it together. it can be easy to live with diabetes as long as you pay attention to your body and the signs it gives you. take care of yourself. don't let stress run your life. i find i someone is stressing me out. i put on my headphones and listen to my "zumba" music. i can lose myself. i use to eat, but, now loving music. keep a journal too. i need to do that more. i also have a daily devotional i am going to start reading. it's not just about what we eat and how much we exercise. it's about how we live.

    sorry for going on. sometimes once i get going i can't stop. guess i need to go to my blog and rattle on.
  • jlong7774
    jlong7774 Posts: 64 Member
    Unfortunately there is no miracle in weight loss. If you stay on your plan it can work. Don't be too discouraged. Think of it as a journey and you are just getting started.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Good evening-- Just finished recording food & excerise for today @ "Y" for almost 60 min's-- then walking 2.39 miles & steamed cleaned carpet for 40 min's--- Almost made myself sick by not eating enough--- Ended up with over 1400 cal's before excerise-- With stress from my Daughter & Wife while cleaning Carpet--- Just kept my mouth closed & said nothing back!!! See what scales read in AM-- if it goes like it has been, Not much drop--- Need some way to jump start My Motablish{sp}--- Hey, just thought I would say something--- If anyone has any ideas, please let Me Know--- Good Night


    Part of your problem may be you're not eating enough. 1400 cals doesn't sound like much for an active man. Watch your carbs. I tried to add some carbs back in this week and gained 2 lbs plus had out of control BG. Diabetes and weight loss is sort of an experiment. If one thing isn't working then try something else. And again, stress will mess up both weight loss and BG. for me, spacing out my carbs and my exercise seems to help. Also figuring out the best time of day to eat more carbs can help. For me, mid day is way better than night and since I wake up high I usually don't eat much carbs in the morning either.

    Are you on any meds? If your BG is running high despite your best efforts then you may need drugs. Metformin often works great to get BG under control plus it often allows people to lose weight. I really wish my drs. would put me on more drugs. The met isn't cutting it anymore.

    High BG can also cause grumpiness which can increase stress. I find when I have poor BG control my hubby can do little right.

    I have been at this for 13 years and still haven't figured it out. I can go years where things are working fine and I get comfortable with my routine then bam, it all changes. It really is an ongoing experiment.
  • csmigin
    csmigin Posts: 30
    I understand this delima all too well. Sadly, after I lost a whole bunch of weight last year, I put a lot of it back on. That's where I'm at now. I'm trying to re-lose weight that should have stayed off last year, but didn't. I suspect not only stress, as has been said here and medications, but also just knowing that we are creatures of habit and we have to change our habits slowly and gradually. That being said, I find myself craving fruit now, whereas before I only wanted sweets. My best advice is what I tell myself everyday: Don't give up! There's a thinner person inside you just trying to break free! :wink: :laugh: :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • rwhite61
    rwhite61 Posts: 7
    Good evening Again--- So tired-- Cleaned Church today for 3hr's--- Ped. said I walked 4.73 miles-- Had People over for Taco that they brought--- Know for sure BG will be up in AM--- For just once I would like to see a drop in BG & weight-- would be nice but if I don't will keep working & excersie-- Thanks for all the information--- You People are great!!

  • 2getgeorge
    2getgeorge Posts: 81 Member
    when I was dx w d2, I went to emergency room because I thought I was having a asthma attack, 6 hours later they said you know you have diabetes, right? they said I had a bg of 457.
    I started out on 3000mg of metformin and 30mg glyburide (sp?) I hit the gym hard; 2hrs a day doing cardio and yoga determined to shock my body and up my metabolism. I was STRICT on my self. I also started nutrisystem to get used to portion size. since you are on here it will be a bit easier with this support system. I did it on my own for a few years before i found livestrong.com and now i use this site. I've been meds free for years. Its a uphill battle but its doable. I tested myself constantly.
    your body and metabolism will change, be patient and never give up.
  • rwhite61
    rwhite61 Posts: 7
    Evening to All--

    Missed the last couple of Days--- Upset cause Blood Sugars were Hi again--- Seems that No Matter what I do, it just makes No difference--- Carbs. can be right along with Cal. intake, wgt & Blood Sugars do the same thing, go up!!!--- Sorry to complain but it is upsetting--- Know matter how much work I do, nothing Changes--- Man I Hate this Stuff even as long as i've hard it--- Guess I need to calm down & eat less plus do more work---
    Need to get to bed---Go take med's then Bed!!!!

  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member

    I am sorry things are really stressful for you and you aren't finding the right balance right now. :( Maybe to destress you should do some yoga or meditation. I find this to be a great stress reliever if only of the hour I am doing it. I am only concentrating on myself and my well being. No one else matters. Hahahahahaha Kinda selfish I know, but it does work. I hope things are better for you today.
  • rwhite61
    rwhite61 Posts: 7
    SherryRH--- Look's like a find Marine standing beside You--- We are Also a Marine Family!!-- Son got out in '11 just after The Towel's fell & Penagone{sp} was Hit-- I'm not for sure what is going On with My Diabetes right now, just know it is not good!!--- Usually when Spring arrives I can lose the wgt. I put on during the Winter-- So far that has not happened-- Of course, Daughter breaking Her Foot & Wife having lower back operation has NOT helped Much either--- With Wife home right Now recovering, My schedule has been all messed up-- finding time for myself has not been easy-- Going to "Y" 2X week helps some but this week, did NOT go cause pull muscle in Rib cage--- Might try tomorrow--- When at "Y", work out by myself so I can forget about ALL the other things--- Still working on losing just very frustrating at the Moment!!!--- Take care of Your Marine--- SEMPER FI ---

  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    SherryRH--- Look's like a find Marine standing beside You--- We are Also a Marine Family!!-- Son got out in '11 just after The Towel's fell & Penagone{sp} was Hit-- Take care of Your Marine--- SEMPER FI ---


    You are right. That is my son on the day he graduated from bootcamp. He was so excited to show me how he looked in his dress blues. Of course that picture was taken because he said you have to be really serious and I was making jokes to make him laugh. It was a very serious moment. NOT! LOL

    Please tell your son Thank you for his service!
  • alyons21
    alyons21 Posts: 10
    Just read a book a few month ago called Dr Neal Bernard s program for reversing diabetics this introduced me to the idea of Vegan eating and to my surprise has helped me control my blood sugar and lose weight.one note though you have to keep the fat low. Just an idea to think about, diabetes can be frustrating and scary but a lot of new information is coming out. Good aerobic e exercise if important.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Rodney, D always seems to change. Right around the time you think you've learned the rules something happens. For years I had a good balance going. I'm now down to as few carbs as I can consume. I eat lots, just few carbs. I seem to be running about 35-45 net carbs a day. Maybe up your green leafies rather than just reducing food intake. Also, more protein and good fat help. Finding the right time to eat carbs helps. I eat my apple somewhere between 9-2. If I eat it in the evening I wake up high. Sometimes I manage a piece of bread at lunch. But for the most part, I have given up milk, fruit, grain, and starch.

    If the Y has hatha Yoga that might be a great thing for you. I took my first class last night and it was so relaxing. Half of my class was men.
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    I have only been testing my numbers since Tuesday (my first educational class) and I have already learned that bread and potatoes are not my friends anymore. :frown: While losing potatoes makes me sad, I know that if I give them up it will help me control my weight..