Wanting to see if I am doing this right..



  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Thanks. Yesterday was a bad mental day overall. I had a "friend" tell me more or less that I was delusional to think that I could make up excuses about why I was not losing weight, but the root cause was I consume way too much fruit and therefore too much sugar. And once I accept that I eat "poorly" I will never get the weight off.
    I dont eat poorly at all. I eat relatively well. Yes Im still working on increasing my proteins, and cutting back on carbs, but for her to sit there and basically accuse me that my weight loss efforts sucked because I wasn't willing to accept the fact that I was sabotaging myself by saying things like I needed to eat more, that my body needed to adjust to this, etc etc... I was never going to see results.
    It just really put me over the edge yesterday, and I began to question this eating more "plan" again.

    I just had a really frustrating day mentally. Thankfully I chose not to overeat because I was feeling like crap over it, I guess theres a Plus.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Yay, so glad to hear...oh my that was not nice of your friend at all. To make suggestions in love is one thing, but to tell you the way she did....ouch. I think I would refrain from discussing anything regarding health and fitness with that person...oh my.

    Big high fives to you for not allowing it to send you into a binge....oh I am not happy with your friend!!!

    Anyway, here is the link I mentioned https://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/HackDiet/ .

    I actually planned not to weigh myself until Thursday for some of the reasons I mentioned above, but then I figured hey why not start tracking from Sunday since it is the top of the week, so I can see my own trend right. I am a scale nut, but the almost 3wk break from it was really nice I must say.

    If you could handle it, I sure would tell you to put it away for the next few weeks and work on getting the protein up a bit. The pressure of not weighing is just wonderful I tell you.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Thanks for the link. Ill have a look when I have a chance later:)
    as for the inches, No. Nothing seems to have changed in that front for a while, which of course just adds more into my frustration.
    Unfortunately I can't put the scale away, as I am part of a Biggest Loser competition with a bunch of online women on another board. I have to weigh in weekly for it. I signed up because it is great motivation and support, even though I know I probably wont win any money:)

    I will have an official 4 week number this wed, but basically I have stayed within about 2 pounds weight wise. gained the first week, dropped the second, gained the third.
    I know my protein has to increase. I am really struggling with this one most days.

    And yeah.. the "friend" is definitely not a friend, but someone who thinks shes knows it all because her way of living, worked for her..
  • LOL. So does mine. I retain TONS of water during TOM. I took a pic and put it in my profile the other day of how crazy my bloat is. It's almost over and I'm still up like 3 or 4 lbs on the scale. I also had sodium/carb mania during that time, so I know it's all good, because eating was consistent other than that, so I know it's not "true" gain... Tons of water and diuretics (green tea/coffee) for me today, I really need to button my pants soon =p

    But fluctuation is to be expected at every cal increase. It's part of the adjustment process ;) Nice going on the gradual increase.

    Thanks for your note. I'm up 2.5 lbs this week and was wondering how much is "normal" to gain during that TOM. I about passed out when I stepped on the scale! 2.5 lb weight gain and I didn't even eat any Easter candy :)

    I struggle with the same issues as many people. I'm not hungry.... but I'm eating. I've seen my weight go up and down too.... again frustrating. We are in an ultra-marathon here.... not the 100 yard dash.... keep up the good work and know you are not the only one out there who feels the ups and downs. It sure helps to read some of these posts and be encouraged to continue on! Good luck!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    LOL. So does mine. I retain TONS of water during TOM. I took a pic and put it in my profile the other day of how crazy my bloat is. It's almost over and I'm still up like 3 or 4 lbs on the scale. I also had sodium/carb mania during that time, so I know it's all good, because eating was consistent other than that, so I know it's not "true" gain... Tons of water and diuretics (green tea/coffee) for me today, I really need to button my pants soon =p

    But fluctuation is to be expected at every cal increase. It's part of the adjustment process ;) Nice going on the gradual increase.

    Thanks for your note. I'm up 2.5 lbs this week and was wondering how much is "normal" to gain during that TOM. I about passed out when I stepped on the scale! 2.5 lb weight gain and I didn't even eat any Easter candy :)

    I struggle with the same issues as many people. I'm not hungry.... but I'm eating. I've seen my weight go up and down too.... again frustrating. We are in an ultra-marathon here.... not the 100 yard dash.... keep up the good work and know you are not the only one out there who feels the ups and downs. It sure helps to read some of these posts and be encouraged to continue on! Good luck!

    During TOM time, I would fall off the scale if there wasn't at least a 5lb gain...lol

    Eating and not trending upwards means your body is utilizing the fuel you are giving it!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Well my week 4 weigh in was today, and things are still frustrating for me..
    I started 4 weeks ago at 236.2... and now I am 238.2. I had Gained my first week, lost my second, and gained the last two weeks. I am definitely struggling to keep going like this....

    I am eating at minimum 1809 cals, which is my BMR. on workout days I am eating back almost all of my exercise cals and going up to 2000-2300 cals. This is a mimimum increase of about 300-400 cals from when I began 4 weeks ago. Should I continue eating where I am at, or (god help me) should I be increasing my cals even more now? TDEE is around 2800, with a cut sitting around 2300.

    Im hitting the wall hard on this. Im really struggling to have faith that things will start to drop for me.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Well my week 4 weigh in was today, and things are still frustrating for me..
    I started 4 weeks ago at 236.2... and now I am 238.2. I had Gained my first week, lost my second, and gained the last two weeks. I am definitely struggling to keep going like this....

    I am eating at minimum 1809 cals, which is my BMR. on workout days I am eating back almost all of my exercise cals and going up to 2000-2300 cals. This is a mimimum increase of about 300-400 cals from when I began 4 weeks ago. Should I continue eating where I am at, or (god help me) should I be increasing my cals even more now? TDEE is around 2800, with a cut sitting around 2300.

    Im hitting the wall hard on this. Im really struggling to have faith that things will start to drop for me.

    Hey Raynn1, I truly applaude you for holding on...I know it is so very hard and frustrating...I think you should be eating your cut value daily. I know it is hard working up to that much when you aren't used to eating it...but if you can load up on like two more high protein snacks to get those extra calories...then eat the 2300 daily and on workout days you don't have to eat any extra unless you burn over 500 calories. Do that for another two weeks and use this tool https://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/HackDiet
    to track how you are truly trending..to see if you are hitting some lows in there and then we will reassess. Make sure to note each day what happened the day before...high cardio burn, heavy lift upper/legs, constipation, high sodium...etc...doing that will help you to start noticing trends that will help you to know what to expect when you get on the scale... How does that sound?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    So go up to about 2300 and dont eat back exercise cals?

    Sigh.. ill give the trending a try.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Ok.. i wanted to double check my information to make sure I got this right...

    I used the links in the sticky thread to calculate TDEE and BMR..

    BMR = 1850
    TDEE = 2861

    15% cut = 2431

    I have been eating at 1800 on non workout days, and eating 2000-2200 on workout days.

    SO now I should jump to 2400 each day, do not eat back exercise cals unless its over 450ish cals, and eat back only whats above that?

    Im Obese.. so shouldn't I be able to eat "less" and still be able to lose the fat? eating 1800 net cals is still about 1000 cals less than my TDEE, which should "equal" a 2 pound loss, correct?

    2400 cals just seems so frigging much!... I dont know if I can take any more gains, KWIM?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Ok.. i wanted to double check my information to make sure I got this right...

    I used the links in the sticky thread to calculate TDEE and BMR..

    BMR = 1850
    TDEE = 2861

    15% cut = 2431

    I have been eating at 1800 on non workout days, and eating 2000-2200 on workout days.

    SO now I should jump to 2400 each day, do not eat back exercise cals unless its over 450ish cals, and eat back only whats above that?

    Im Obese.. so shouldn't I be able to eat "less" and still be able to lose the fat? eating 1800 net cals is still about 1000 cals less than my TDEE, which should "equal" a 2 pound loss, correct?

    2400 cals just seems so frigging much!... I dont know if I can take any more gains, KWIM?

    Ok, though you are obese, your body still needs a certain amount of fuel to feel "good", run efficiently, and to let go of fat. When you drop 1000 cals from your TDEE, that sends the body into a tail spin....it loses, but at some point the body says, that is too low and starts to conserve energy so the metabolism slows down to meet the caloric intake, hence stalled weight loss.

    Though it seems that 1800 cals is a lot...I am 5' 7.75", 154.4 (as of today), and 41 years old, my cut value is 1900 calories...so you are eating less than me... I eat 1900 everyday and on workout days if I burn over 450 I start to eat back cals...to be honest at times I am more hungry than others and I don't net BMR, but my cut...

    The heavier you are the higher the caloric needs. The whole mindset of eat less and workout more has so many women yo-yo dieting...it isn't maintainable.

    So, Raynn1 I know it is hard, but if you want to give this a go (and why not...we know eating less doesn't work permanently) I will use round numbers....eat 2400 calories and if you burn over 550 calories, then you start eating it back. Use this spreadsheet to track your weight daily because I want you to note what is happening the day before your weigh in (high cardio burn, run, heavy upper lift day, high sodium, TOM, constipation, awesome bowel movement (i know that one is funny, but yep that makes a difference)...etc) in the Notes section daily as well. This will help you see how the fluctuations relate to what you did the day before and you can see your low's too and feel good in seeing that because the low are your accurate reading for weight...not the highs when you are bouncing up and down... https://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/HackDiet
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    Good luck Raynn! I think I'll try the micro-logging for a week too. I am having a similar experience to what you're having.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Ok.. i wanted to double check my information to make sure I got this right...

    I used the links in the sticky thread to calculate TDEE and BMR..

    BMR = 1850
    TDEE = 2861

    15% cut = 2431

    I have been eating at 1800 on non workout days, and eating 2000-2200 on workout days.

    SO now I should jump to 2400 each day, do not eat back exercise cals unless its over 450ish cals, and eat back only whats above that?

    Im Obese.. so shouldn't I be able to eat "less" and still be able to lose the fat? eating 1800 net cals is still about 1000 cals less than my TDEE, which should "equal" a 2 pound loss, correct?

    2400 cals just seems so frigging much!... I dont know if I can take any more gains, KWIM?

    Ok, though you are obese, your body still needs a certain amount of fuel to feel "good", run efficiently, and to let go of fat. When you drop 1000 cals from your TDEE, that sends the body into a tail spin....it loses, but at some point the body says, that is too low and starts to conserve energy so the metabolism slows down to meet the caloric intake, hence stalled weight loss.

    Though it seems that 1800 cals is a lot...I am 5' 7.75", 154.4 (as of today), and 41 years old, my cut value is 1900 calories...so you are eating less than me... I eat 1900 everyday and on workout days if I burn over 450 I start to eat back cals...to be honest at times I am more hungry than others and I don't net BMR, but my cut...

    The heavier you are the higher the caloric needs. The whole mindset of eat less and workout more has so many women yo-yo dieting...it isn't maintainable.

    So, Raynn1 I know it is hard, but if you want to give this a go (and why not...we know eating less doesn't work permanently) I will use round numbers....eat 2400 calories and if you burn over 550 calories, then you start eating it back. Use this spreadsheet to track your weight daily because I want you to note what is happening the day before your weigh in (high cardio burn, run, heavy upper lift day, high sodium, TOM, constipation, awesome bowel movement (i know that one is funny, but yep that makes a difference)...etc) in the Notes section daily as well. This will help you see how the fluctuations relate to what you did the day before and you can see your low's too and feel good in seeing that because the low are your accurate reading for weight...not the highs when you are bouncing up and down... https://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/HackDiet

    Thanks Lucia. I guess Im still grasping to the eating less to lose mentality. I will adjust my diary today to reflect 2400 cals and only eat back if I burn more than 550. I will give it another 2 weeks as promised and see what happens. Im scared s#itless for this, but I will give it a fair shot before I throw in the towel.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Ok.. i wanted to double check my information to make sure I got this right...

    I used the links in the sticky thread to calculate TDEE and BMR..

    BMR = 1850
    TDEE = 2861

    15% cut = 2431

    I have been eating at 1800 on non workout days, and eating 2000-2200 on workout days.

    SO now I should jump to 2400 each day, do not eat back exercise cals unless its over 450ish cals, and eat back only whats above that?

    Im Obese.. so shouldn't I be able to eat "less" and still be able to lose the fat? eating 1800 net cals is still about 1000 cals less than my TDEE, which should "equal" a 2 pound loss, correct?

    2400 cals just seems so frigging much!... I dont know if I can take any more gains, KWIM?

    Ok, though you are obese, your body still needs a certain amount of fuel to feel "good", run efficiently, and to let go of fat. When you drop 1000 cals from your TDEE, that sends the body into a tail spin....it loses, but at some point the body says, that is too low and starts to conserve energy so the metabolism slows down to meet the caloric intake, hence stalled weight loss.

    Though it seems that 1800 cals is a lot...I am 5' 7.75", 154.4 (as of today), and 41 years old, my cut value is 1900 calories...so you are eating less than me... I eat 1900 everyday and on workout days if I burn over 450 I start to eat back cals...to be honest at times I am more hungry than others and I don't net BMR, but my cut...

    The heavier you are the higher the caloric needs. The whole mindset of eat less and workout more has so many women yo-yo dieting...it isn't maintainable.

    So, Raynn1 I know it is hard, but if you want to give this a go (and why not...we know eating less doesn't work permanently) I will use round numbers....eat 2400 calories and if you burn over 550 calories, then you start eating it back. Use this spreadsheet to track your weight daily because I want you to note what is happening the day before your weigh in (high cardio burn, run, heavy upper lift day, high sodium, TOM, constipation, awesome bowel movement (i know that one is funny, but yep that makes a difference)...etc) in the Notes section daily as well. This will help you see how the fluctuations relate to what you did the day before and you can see your low's too and feel good in seeing that because the low are your accurate reading for weight...not the highs when you are bouncing up and down... https://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/HackDiet

    Thanks Lucia. I guess Im still grasping to the eating less to lose mentality. I will adjust my diary today to reflect 2400 cals and only eat back if I burn more than 550. I will give it another 2 weeks as promised and see what happens. Im scared s#itless for this, but I will give it a fair shot before I throw in the towel.

    Listen, I totally know how your feel, it took me a long time to let go of the eat less and workout more mentality myself. When I started looking at the whole picture in how I felt, paying attention to the fluctuations and realizing there are net losses, but not as quick as I thought they would be...plus the positives on how much better I felt and how much stronger I was becoming....it made it all worth it.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Lol, so here I am with about 900 calories left in my day... and I have no idea how I am supposed to get them in now..:)
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    And I got to admit, seeing that 2400 number on my diary is scaring the crap out of me!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Lol, so here I am with about 900 calories left in my day... and I have no idea how I am supposed to get them in now..:)

    How about some good protein.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I did it... dont know how, but I found a way to make decent choices and get to my cut value...
    Now to figure out how to keep it going another 6 days:)

    Thanks for the support. I am feeling a bit better about things after a run this afternoon, a bit of a pity cry in the shower, and some time away from my kids.. I will give it the "old college try" for the next two weeks and see what happens at the end.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I did it... dont know how, but I found a way to make decent choices and get to my cut value...
    Now to figure out how to keep it going another 6 days:)

    Thanks for the support. I am feeling a bit better about things after a run this afternoon, a bit of a pity cry in the shower, and some time away from my kids.. I will give it the "old college try" for the next two weeks and see what happens at the end.

    You can do it, girl! Consistency is key ;)

    Stay the course =D
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I did it... dont know how, but I found a way to make decent choices and get to my cut value...
    Now to figure out how to keep it going another 6 days:)

    Thanks for the support. I am feeling a bit better about things after a run this afternoon, a bit of a pity cry in the shower, and some time away from my kids.. I will give it the "old college try" for the next two weeks and see what happens at the end.
    Yeah! Sweet! You can do this lady!
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    something said earlier reminded me of a mantra i heard constantly in another totally unrelated program (not a weight loss or fitness program). it totally fits here.

    it's a marathon, not a sprint.

    when adjustments were made in that program, you could get awesome positive results or you could find yourself weathering a storm like you've never seen. you HAD to think long-term, remain flexible and be willing to ride out the bad.

    same thing here so it seems. (i'm new here, so i do not claim any great knowledge. just my impression so far.)