Phase 1, Week 3 and 4



  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I completed Week 3 this morning. My reaction is sort of mixed. I like all things Jillian, so from that standpoint, I liked it. In some ways the workout was harder, but in other ways, it wasn't. She added more yoga moves, which I love, but they don't create the same challenge for me that other exercises do. She added compound exercises (sumo squats with tricep extensions, squats with shoulder press ups, tree pose with side raises), which were good. I struggled with keeping good form (plank to crescent pose, camel move). I didn't wear my HRM, so I counted it as the same calorie burn as Workout 1 & 2. I'm looking forward to 4 tomorrow. I will wear my HRM to see how much I'm actually burning.
  • kelmax
    kelmax Posts: 55
    I completed Week 3 this morning. My reaction is sort of mixed. I like all things Jillian, so from that standpoint, I liked it. In some ways the workout was harder, but in other ways, it wasn't. She added more yoga moves, which I love, but they don't create the same challenge for me that other exercises do. She added compound exercises (sumo squats with tricep extensions, squats with shoulder press ups, tree pose with side raises), which were good. I struggled with keeping good form (plank to crescent pose, camel move). I didn't wear my HRM, so I counted it as the same calorie burn as Workout 1 & 2. I'm looking forward to 4 tomorrow. I will wear my HRM to see how much I'm actually burning.

    Thanks. :)
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    O.k., almost done week 3...cardio tomorrow and then rest day on Sunday. I had a tough day today. I am so sore from the introduction fo week 3 and 4, I think workout 4 was even harder today. I am also pushing myself harder. I felt like my balance was all out of whack (and I generally have good balance). I struggled with a number of exercises today, namely the one legged deadlifts and the step up, step down things. I am a stickler for form and I was having trouble keeping good form and finding the challenge while going that speed (and keeping my balance). With the step up, step down (hands in the air), I do not use weights and it's still difficult. Towards the end of each set, I was grunting to keep up (which I did). After the second set, I was so frustrated with my body (not being as strong as I'd like), that I started to cry. I hate that I can't do what they can all do…and most of the time I can, just with those few items. I can only hope that I continue to get stronger and see that improvement. Has anyone added an additional week onto a phase because you wanted another week to build? I'm in pretty good shape for being 235 lbs, but I still have limitations that go along with being that overweight. Feeling frustrated with myself today :(.
  • radioraven
    radioraven Posts: 89 Member
    Feeling frustrated with myself today :(.

    I have those days too. Just remember, you showed up! :smile:
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    Gerbies, you have to remember that those people have been doing this WAAAAAYYYY longer than we have. If they performed those exercises the way we do right now, you'd throw that program back at them! Don't be hard on yourself, they are supposed to push us to do more.

    And yes, halfway through EVERY 2-week period I think I'm going to do them just another week because I feel like I'm not where I should be. I'm doing it again with 9/10. Not because the exercises are too hard, but because they go so darn fast you just figure out what she's doing and it's over. My form has GOT to suck, I just can't get up off the floor that fast anymore! I should have one of my kids throw a bug in front of me - I'd be in the next room so fast...
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Gerbies, you have to remember that those people have been doing this WAAAAAYYYY longer than we have. If they performed those exercises the way we do right now, you'd throw that program back at them! Don't be hard on yourself, they are supposed to push us to do more.

    And yes, halfway through EVERY 2-week period I think I'm going to do them just another week because I feel like I'm not where I should be. I'm doing it again with 9/10. Not because the exercises are too hard, but because they go so darn fast you just figure out what she's doing and it's over. My form has GOT to suck, I just can't get up off the floor that fast anymore! I should have one of my kids throw a bug in front of me - I'd be in the next room so fast...

    Thank you for your kind words. I think sometimes I forget how far I need to my head, I'm an athlete and think I can do what they can do. You're right...they are all fitness models and I'm a mom trying to get back into shape. I just want to make sure I get the best workout and falling all over doesn't help
  • HannahPTA
    HannahPTA Posts: 39
    There is no shame in being balance challenged! I too struggle with those balance moves but stick with it and as your core gets stronger so will your balance. I have to mentally focus on pulling my core in and getting a focal point. I also compare my balance now with the younger fit version of me from years past. Keep up the good work.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    I started on this today!! Loved it...I was drenched mind you but I am actually loving this program and not getting bored....I am a DIE hard JM fan but most time at W3 I am sick of her voice....BUT This is fun!
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I agree with BaileyBoo13520- phase 1 is very beginner, that's why i skipped workouts 1 and 2 - because they seemed very easy for me. I was doing No more trouble zone, shred with weights and 30 day shred 6 times a week. so that's the only reason why i skipped first two workouts. Anyways, I eat clean under 1400 cals a day( that's what MFP calculated for me to lose 12 lbs) but i weigh myself today and i gained 2 lbs in one day ? is that even possible ? after 3 weeks of working out 6 days a week. Very sad :(((