I agree with this.



  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member

    Take heart folks - it just means you're the cool kids now. Other people are copying you. also....dang do people still watch BBT?

    I will never be cool, I'm way too awkward. Librarians are hated.

    Lol, I used to be one of those. But honestly all I have to do is open my mouth and people's eyes glaze over. What is this you say about dungeons and gear lvl's? Your mage what? Dps huh? Or when I want to play this song I love from Daft Punk, and people just don't understand, lol. Sigh, if only I had Nerd Rage.

    It is a good way to get rid of men in bars, I remember a friend and I were on holiday and a group of sailors (middle aged men not tan, muscle bound youths in a white uniform) came over and started talking to us. They asked what we did for a living I said I was a librarian, she informed them she was a marine biologist, he said "There's just no point us trying is there?", in unison we said no but they still bought us a drink.
    The older I've become the more I've entered in to geekdom, not on purpose but not caring either.

    I think my main objection is hearing youths say "I'm such a geek" because they are wearing fake glasses. Glasses do not make the geek.
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    Take heart folks - it just means you're the cool kids now. Other people are copying you. also....dang do people still watch BBT?

    I love BBT! I want to marry a taller Leonard.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Take heart folks - it just means you're the cool kids now. Other people are copying you. also....dang do people still watch BBT?

    I love BBT! I want to marry a taller Leonard.

    Too late, I already got him.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Hmm, I really hope this isn't talking about me. I liked SyFy when it was SciFi, read and reread David Eddings' Belgariad series, along with any other fantasy I could get my hands on, and shunned the teen romance novels my friends read. I'm also a numbers geek. My profession is numbers. I will happily spend hours on a spreadsheet making it just right. Do I qualify? :tongue:

    I'm glad I'm not the only Excel nerd on here and Garion was my secret self when I was growing up (I WAS going to be the Riven King, dammit!)... but yeah, it seems like the "cool" Geek/Gamer Girls are just like the other "cool" girls, except that as well as being size zero, they also get to have tattoos and piercings and say cute things about Legend of Zelda.

    Honestly, I HOPE they are real geeks and gamers, but somewhere in the back of my mind I can't help thinking that most of them wouldn't know a flux capacitor from a sonic screwdriver... :P

    Let me love both of you! I feel like there aren't enough Excel nerds around - I feel sort of left out when I freak out over a new PivotTable function or nested formula that I finally got to work! And the workbook I have that tracks my weight loss and daily workouts is pretty impressive, but only to me. :ohwell:

    And *sigh* to Legend of Zelda reference... I miss my NES.
  • VinVenture
    VinVenture Posts: 290
    Wrote a long response, disliked my wording, decided not to post it. Long story short, I disagree with this article and wonder why we want to limit the glory that is geekdom, instead of sharing it and getting more unlikely girls into gaming/reading/bookbinding/comic books/fantasy/sci-fi/you-name-it.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I work in stats too *dances*
    I agree that the sexualisation of "geekdom" is bad, but it's inevitable once something becomes more mainstream. Geeks can be a tight knit/excluding group; I don't game, I don't play cards or tabletop games to some people that excludes me from the geek title. My huge si-fi/fantasy book collection (including Belgariad - wore out one set, had to get another!), my comics, tv shows of choice might not count!
    If someone pretends to be a geek, then finds something they actually enjoy it, isn't it worth being a little annoyed?
    Great article from the Mary Sue on his topic:
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    It's also similar to the amount of girls that wear band t-shirts and you know they don't even know it's the name of a band let alone like the music. Saying that I wonder how I would be judged, but really you do just know with some girls it's their latest look.

    Have you heard the song "Take Off Your T-Shirt (If You Can't Name a Song by the Band That's On It)" by WWIII (Watt White)?
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    I have been called a nerd, not geek most of my life.
    I refuse to be labeled as any such though.

    I don`t tell people, I game, have a small comic books collection of 200 (ranging from the 70`s- early 90`s.. A precious gift from my uncle when I was 6... I forgot the kick *kitten* 3CP0 he gave me too.. Should not have opened that package!) and that I watch the SPACE (Canadian) every day.

    I remember when this whole geek/hipster became popular and how pissed off I was.

    I've grown up watching horror movies/shows and scifi movies/shows my whole life because my parents were into that stuff.

    I remember Data scaring the cra.p out of me and hiding behind a chair, then when I realized he wasn't a monster when I was around 8, loving him. I remember we had the Star Wars trilogy on VHS and how we would have mini marthons. AND MOST OF ALL... I remember when SPACE had a black and yellow theme and when they still had Friday Frightmare AWEHHH YEAAAAA.......

    It was never until I was older that I even realized I did things that were "nerdy" or "geeky"....
    I still don't label myself as such, but I sure I'm awesome hahaha.
  • karmaticgeek
    Wrote a long response, disliked my wording, decided not to post it. Long story short, I disagree with this article and wonder why we want to limit the glory that is geekdom, instead of sharing it and getting more unlikely girls into gaming/reading/bookbinding/comic books/fantasy/sci-fi/you-name-it.

    I feel the same way. On one hand it can get frustrating when you think someone's as nerdy as you and the conversation falls flat because you're not on the same page, but on the other, I don't think we should be shaming each other for not living up to a very subjective and very fluid idea of what is enough to be classed as a "true geek". I particularly dislike how the article focuses on fake girl geeks. Should we women really be turning on each other like this when only 10 years ago I encountered regular ridicule in online communities, either called a liar (because I couldn't possibly really be a girl) or a fraud (because if I was a girl, I was only pretending to like X for attention)?

    I just don't see how excluding people is going to help anyone, especially as I recall being excluded as a teen for the very reason that I am nerdy.
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    Hmm, I really hope this isn't talking about me. I liked SyFy when it was SciFi, read and reread David Eddings' Belgariad series, along with any other fantasy I could get my hands on, and shunned the teen romance novels my friends read. I'm also a numbers geek. My profession is numbers. I will happily spend hours on a spreadsheet making it just right. Do I qualify? :tongue:

    Hot damn - someone else who loved Begariad series! I have a group of books I read at least once a year
    The Belgariad series
    LOTR (yes I start with the Hobbit)
    Incarnations by Piers Anthony
    The Rowan - Anne Mccaffrey
    Ender's Game - why i'm drawing a blank on the author I have no idea!
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    Also for the record, I'm spending the day today relearning unix.
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    Between reading that editorial, and the responses here, I'm reminded of when I was a little girl. When I was about 8 or 9, my best friend Janet and I, both social outcasts, started a club (because clubs were ALL the rage in 1992) and as with any club, you had to like certain things, you had to possess certain things, and anyone who didn't meet all those requirements couldn't be in the club. And each week we'd get together and add to this list of things that just kept making the club so exclusive, and so special, and then six weeks later we got invited to join a larger, more prestigious club with its own lists. Looking back, those clubs, those groups, which we all bounced around in for a year or two, until they were "out of fashion", relegated to "little kids", were our juvenile way of organizing our society on our own. Imposing our own limits and caste system and social order, beyond what adults prescribed to us. Now, as an adult, I have to wonder if we as a society have devolved back into that sort of social order, where who you are and what type of person you are and where you belong are determined based on lists of things you like or dislike, items you own or despise, your opinion on sushi or tofu, etc. Or if it's truly a behavior we carry through life, and always have. And either way, if we choose to define ourselves by a list of more or less external traits, is it really so very wrong to like something, and then be part of a group, or to be part of a group and then like something? As long as you genuinely like the thing in question, it's not false advertisement.

    And really, speaking as someone who loathes Battlestar Galactica, but who nevertheless lives surrounded by real life friends who love the show, do you genuinely have to "like" all the same things to be part of a social group?

    And if we're talking about something more specific than a rather generic social group, it seems like you're either a geek or you're not. You can dress in whatever way you want, and it doesn't define your interests or your passions. And you can proclaim whatever you want about yourself. But if you can't back it up...well, that's not a wise idea for anyone, with any trait. But it's going to happen no matter what. And it's really difficult to fake genuine passion or knowledge.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Hmm, I really hope this isn't talking about me. I liked SyFy when it was SciFi, read and reread David Eddings' Belgariad series, along with any other fantasy I could get my hands on, and shunned the teen romance novels my friends read. I'm also a numbers geek. My profession is numbers. I will happily spend hours on a spreadsheet making it just right. Do I qualify? :tongue:

    Hot damn - someone else who loved Begariad series! I have a group of books I read at least once a year
    The Belgariad series
    LOTR (yes I start with the Hobbit)
    Incarnations by Piers Anthony
    The Rowan - Anne Mccaffrey
    Ender's Game - why i'm drawing a blank on the author I have no idea!

    Orson scott card.
  • karmaticgeek
    Well, I watched this just now (it's Felicia Day): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFhgupR565Q

    And now I'm feeling more torn about this issue. I think shunning people who may have a genuine interest in something geeky, perhaps one thing (like Skyrim Mom) and nothing else, is wrong. Or people who have a passing interest but are open to learning more. It's when you start talking about bullies and other arrogant jerks who are just faking it to fit into whatever is considered cool at the present moment that I see the issue. They can die in a fire. :P

    Anyway, hope you all enjoy the vid!
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    Growing up as an only child I was officially branded as a nerd/geek due to fact television rarely existed in my home all I had were my books, library card and my imaginary friend who I shamelessly presented to show and tell back in the 1st grade. My love for dark/witty sense humor is deep My late night conversations with my only 2 best friends consists Science, Greek Mythology, culture, stupid **** and strange ****. We have alot dumbass inside jokes we post on each others walls people I can imagine people scratching their heads like wtf. But hey! We're cooler than the other side of the pillow!
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    I'm loving the number of people with the same book collection as me :bigsmile: David Eddings must write some of the best characters ever. I managed to miss my bus stop one time while reading one of his novels :smile:

    I think it's rather sad if people feel they have to fake geekery just to be part of the trend. Although that extends to anything really, if you're having to fake something just to be accepted, then there's something wrong (and yes, I'm aware that this is exceedingly easy to say but not so easy to do, particularly if you're insecure/uncertain etc) Particularly to the extent of having fake glasses!
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    Well, I watched this just now (it's Felicia Day): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFhgupR565Q

    And now I'm feeling more torn about this issue. I think shunning people who may have a genuine interest in something geeky, perhaps one thing (like Skyrim Mom) and nothing else, is wrong. Or people who have a passing interest but are open to learning more. It's when you start talking about bullies and other arrogant jerks who are just faking it to fit into whatever is considered cool at the present moment that I see the issue. They can die in a fire. :P

    Anyway, hope you all enjoy the vid!

    Omg, thanks for posting that!!!
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I said somewhat the same thing and got ripped in the general forum.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    I said somewhat the same thing and got ripped in the general forum.

    Ohhh yeah...I remember that.... :)
  • Ro0kins_Wedding
    I said somewhat the same thing and got ripped in the general forum.

    Wasn't it you ripping me? You didn't want to join this group because I originally called the group 'the geek squad' so you blasted me for it?