


  • Geminicw
    Geminicw Posts: 7
    hi everyone Im 22 and a student. I just joined slimming world today and am very excited as I have only heard good things about the program. I was in weight watchers but found I was always hungry and even gained some weeks so had lost all motivation, I left weight watchers two weeks ago and when I got weighted today I was down 2 1/2 pound and never had this big of a loss in weight watchers. my goal is a stone and then ill see how I look as I dont want to be stick thin. im looking forward to hearing everybody's journey's on this good luck everyone :) xxx
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Steph! I got married two months ago, and still have at least 50 pounds to lose (ugh).

    Joined slimming world two weeks ago (second weigh in tomorrow). FIrst week I only lost half a pound, but I was also a bit confused on "Extra Easy".

    The past week I've been on Red Days, and I'm feeling much better - so hopefully the scales will agree with me!

    Good luck to all and I look forward to chatting you all in the group :)

    Steph x
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    Welcome both!
  • dishonour
    dishonour Posts: 15 Member
    hey all!

    i'm kayleigh, 24 from catterick. i've done slimming world before but it got too expensive but i'm about to re-start tomorrow using my old books and existing cobwebby knowledge of the plan. i lost 2 stone 4lbs last time i went but have put it all back on simply due to laziness and general life unhappiness, but i'm feeling more motivated and determined now so taking charge!

    i have 8.5 stone to lose overall and i know it won't be easy but hopefully i'll keep on track this time and get into shape.
    good luck to you all on your individual journies <3

  • Hi, I'm Ellie, I'm 29 and I live in Scotland. I'm not currently following SW but I'm intending to start next week. I've been to a group before, but I didn't get on well with the woman who was running it (she wasn't following the plan herself and was very big so wasn't very motivating, and she kept telling people the wrong syn values for things and arguing with me about what it said quite clearly in the books!); tried another group but people only came for the weigh in, then left, and I want the group session for support; so I've finally found another group and I'm going to join soon! Would be great to have some friends on here who are following the same plan :-)
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
  • bb_1982
    bb_1982 Posts: 66 Member
    Im beccy and im 29. New to the group and new to slimming world (joined last night.... eeek)

    I've been calorie counting since having my son and whilst it was working to start with my weight loss has stalled and with my 30th approaching I am having a mini freak out. Im quite active (gym 3 times a week, Exercise dvds at home on my days off) and I dont think im eating enough to keep my body happy with all the exercise I do. Plus It doesnt matter how active I am my tum is never going to be flat when im ultimately eating c**p whether I keep it to 1200 calories a day or not!!

    So here I am! Looking forward to getting to know you all xx
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    welcome everyone, feel free to friend me if you like, and I've been on SW plan since jan 2011, so I've got a million and one recipes if you want a SW-friendly version of pretty much anything...
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    Hi Beccy! I too am fast approaching the big 3-0! August for me. Welcome to the site and to slimming world. I will send you a friend request. Now the days of being hungry are over!!!
  • I'll be 30 in September, there are a few of us hitting that milestone this year on here!
  • Hi, I'm Sara and live on the IOW with my partner and my 2 children. I've done SW on and off for around 14 years and have always lost weight and then managed to regain it. Around 4 years ago I lost 3.5 stone and for the first time managed to keep most of it off (although I was regularly up and down up to about a stone). I re-joined a SW group in November and am now 2st 9lbs down (a total of 5st 9) with another couple of stone or so to go. I'm feeling extremely motivated and have no doubt that I will get to target as I know my way of eating has changed. Always good to get some extra support though and I joined MFP just out of interest to see how many calories I'm consuming!
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    Welcome to the group!
  • deex18
    deex18 Posts: 113 Member
    hi everyone im deirdre!! iv been doing slimming world online since january and this is my most successfull weigh loss ive had!!! i put on a lot of weight when got with my boyfriend cos he loves me no matter wat but i am in a place in my life now i want to lose the weight... im 24 and wanna do it for myself and also because we are goin to florida for a wedding in november and want to look and feel fabulous!!!!! anyone and everyone feel free to add me!!!!
  • EmRobo
    EmRobo Posts: 146 Member
    Hello!! Just found this group - yay :)

    I am Emma I turned 30 last week. I am a mummy to two girls, Alexandra is 4 but has disabilities and special needs and Bethany is 2.

    I started sw to lose weight for my wedding back in 2004, I lost about 3stone and got into my wedding dress, I never got to target though and I stopped, which was my biggest regret!!!

    We went on our hooneymoon cruise and the weight crept on and on and on, before I knew it I had put on the 3 stone and an extra stone. In 2007 we decided to move house and wanted to try for children, I was at my heaviest ever of just under 18 stone. I lost a stone by following sw at home, and then fell pregnant.

    Some miracle for me happened, during pregnancy I lost 3 stone, so by the time I gave birth I was down to 13st 10lbs, and breastfeeding allowed me to lose more weight . This was in 2008.
    10 months later I fell pregnant again, stayed the same weight throughout pregnancy but lost a stone after she was born, I decided it was not going on again, I was 12st 10lbs, the lowest I had been in a while, this was end of 2009.

    I put about a stone back on so in 2010 I decided to exercise more and try and follow sw at home again (which never works for me).
    I was going to zumba twice a week, netball 2 hours a week and bootcamp 3 mornings a week, I got down to 12st 4lbs, and was in a size 14 dress from monsoon I was so happy. I told myself I wasn't going to put the weight on and I never until Christmas 2010. I put on 10lbs over the Christmas period, which I needed to lose as we had a cruise to go to in April with formal nights, i.e the dress I brought had to fit me!! I got half of it off and still felt fab

    April 2011 was our cruise, I ate and drank what I want, but still exercised, but I put a stone on, then 6 weeks later I put on 1/2 stone in Spain!!!!

    In November 2011 I decided to join slimming world again weighing in at 14st 10lbs. I have lost 1.5 stone, and still have approx 2 stone to go, haven't set my target yet, I loved being 12st 4lb, but still felt I had a bit to go.

    I have used mfp on and off, but have finally got to grips with synchronising sw and mfp together.
  • EmRobo
    EmRobo Posts: 146 Member
    oops that was long!!
  • EmRobo
    EmRobo Posts: 146 Member
    Hi, I'm Ellie, I'm 29 and I live in Scotland. I'm not currently following SW but I'm intending to start next week. I've been to a group before, but I didn't get on well with the woman who was running it (she wasn't following the plan herself and was very big so wasn't very motivating, and she kept telling people the wrong syn values for things and arguing with me about what it said quite clearly in the books!); tried another group but people only came for the weigh in, then left, and I want the group session for support; so I've finally found another group and I'm going to join soon! Would be great to have some friends on here who are following the same plan :-)

    Group support is so vital, I hope your new group is a success!!
  • qwants2bslimmer
    qwants2bslimmer Posts: 30 Member
    Hi I'm Linda, and nearly 43 eek and live in Cornwall! I started Slimming World (again) last week and had my first weigh in last night and lost 3.5lb. I am really good at starting things and then get bored, but as I have very few clothes that fit me at the moment I desperately want to stay motivated this time just so I don't have to keep buying bigger clothes!
  • ralh
    ralh Posts: 14

    I'm Rebecca, I started Slimming world on Thursday 24th May but started dieting a few days before. So far enjoying the diet, will see what I really think after my 1st weigh on Thurs :-D
  • megan120c
    megan120c Posts: 13
    Hi, i'm Megan

    I was on Slimming World and at target untill a year ago, fell off the wagon when other distractions got in the way and gained over 2 stone...

    I joined group again last night so hopefully can get back to target!
  • wend2579
    wend2579 Posts: 5 Member

    I'm Wend, i'm 32 and live in Runcorn. I joined SW in Jan (12).

    Although I love the group I attend and I find the concept of the 'diet' easy I have struggled to maintain a continual weight loss. Im hoping using this site as a tool along with SW I can get in the zone!

    I have ALOT of weight to lose and i'm quite happy to take my time to lose it safely and even though there are interim goals to aim for I do feel very overwelmed by the amount. Any tips on how to just focus on my 1st interim target rather than my entire weight loss?