How many calories do you eat?



  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    I have it set to lose 1 pound a week. it gave me 1800 cal. Plus I eat back most or all of my exercise cals.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    1600-2000 calories. I eat according to the TDEE # my BMF gives me. I try to eat between 20% deficit and TDEE. Some days over 2000.
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    I was set at 1200 for awhile on the MFP thing. When I first saw it, I was like NO way I can eat that little. I had tried eating 1700 before and thought that was low. BUT I really wanted to lose the weight so I followed its advice of 1200 for a little over 2 months. I lost 23 lbs that way. Then the scale stopped. So I upped my calories to 1300 a few days ago, and I have lost several lbs since then. I plan on upping my calories by 100 every so often until I get to my "maintenance" caloric intake. I do BIG cheat meals about 2-4x a month. I also only recently started working out doing strength training. So on the days I work out I might eat an extra 100-300 calories etc depending on hunger etc. Something like a protein bar or protein rich sandwich or something.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Mine is at 1520 calories on inactive days, with exercise calories i get up to 3000 some days. I've not been able to eat all my exercise calories back when it gets that high though.
  • Nickiii_123
    Nickiii_123 Posts: 134 Member
    Mpf has me at 1850 so I'm leaving that as my goal for right now. I am still kind of new to mpf and when I first started my weight loss goal was 2 lbs. per week which only gave me 1600 cals. per day and I was struggling to stay under so I changed my goal to 1 lb. per week and that seems to work well for me. I do eat my exercise calories back, if I find myself getting hungry during the day I just workout more so I can eat more :) I've been on mpf for two months and I've only lost 5 lbs. but lost several inches from my waist and hips. I would like to lose weight faster than I have been so I might change my calorie settings back to 1600 in a few weeks if things haven't picked up.
  • I Started on 1200 cals per day and it worked for about 3 months I dropped about 12 kilos then I started putting muscle on and was losing no fat so after some advice from a nutritionist I upped them to 1355 and amazingly just those 155 cals more made a huge difference I'm starting to lose the fat and although the scales don't change much the measurements do. I tend to eat back my exercise calories maybe twice a week but try not to most of the time I burn a lot of calories say about 500-800 a day 5 days a week so that would be a lot of food!!
  • PghCLTGal
    PghCLTGal Posts: 10
    MFP cut me down to 1280, but I couldn't survive on that. I was finding I was obsessing about every calorie because I was hungry all the time. And honestly, I was feeling deprived. I exercise 4-5 times per week and my body was not getting enough fuel. I adjusted my own limit and now I aim for 1400-1500.

    Sometimes I do go over, but I always try to keep it under 2000. Occasionally I eat my exercise calories back, or at least some of them.

    I'm losing about 1.5 pounds per week doing that (when I'm following my plan, of course). I allow myself freedom on the weekends and when I take road trips or whatever. I'm not in a race to lose weight. For me, it's about being healthy and running the marathon, not a sprint.
  • my doctor (at a Weight loss clinic in Ontario) put me on a 2100 cal diet. I had a calorimetre test done. I started at 370 lbs.
  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    I started with my cals at 1200ish but was losing nothing for months

    I upped it to 1550 with eating exercise calories and lost most of my weight.

    After I lost the weight, MFP lowered it to 1420.

    I decided that 1420 wasn't enough after all my hard work, so I eat around 1660 with also eating exercise cals now. I have it set at .5lbs loss a week while I try to decide what my ultimate goal is.
  • missjojo31
    missjojo31 Posts: 150
    mine is 1200 but i usually have 1500 - 1600
  • MFP set mine to 1230 I think? I started at 66kgs (146lbs) and my goal was 59kgs (130lbs)

    I was fine on that for about a month and a half but as I started exercising more and being way more active I worked out my BMR and now eat at that and eat my exercise calories back.

    My BMR is 1430
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    set at 1400..I work out 40-60 min 5x'S a week my workouts are intense and I have not lost anything yet since I got back on maintenance because I gained too much with the 2000 cals they gave me. I used to have an ED and now I gain weight so easy and it's been 10 years!! But anyways any tips would be helpful
  • brittbonshor
    brittbonshor Posts: 42 Member
  • ammire82
    ammire82 Posts: 50
    Mine's set at 1550 But I try to stay between 1200-1400. I don't use my exercise calories. I actually plan dinners for me and my husband two weeks at a time so everyday I add my coffee and vitamins to breakfast then add whatever is scheduled for dinner. That way it's easier to figure out what to eat for my other meals and stay within my goals. Being a full time mom of an active 1yr old I don't always have the change to exercise so it's easier if I plan my menu assuming I wont.

    ****Please note that anything UNDER 1200 calories a day for more than a couple weeks can and will put you in starvation mode. Not only that, prolonged under-eating can make you deathly sick and COULD kill you if you're not careful. You can do a 1000 diet but only do it for up to 10 days at a time and wait at least a month before doing it again. Anything under 1000 a day cause cause serious health problems! Diet all you want but don't HURT yourselves.

    Happy and HEALTHY dieting everyone! :happy: