"Fat, Sick and Nearly dead"



  • Hi Everyone!

    I've been researching (off and on) the benefits of juicing since December. I'm new to MFP and found this group and thought, awesome! This week I've been getting preparing to start my juice fast on Friday (so I'm out of the office for the first few days - I hear that's encouraged :wink: ).

    I watched Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead last night and couldn't believe how inspiring it was. I am super pumped and ready to go! Day 1 is Friday, April 13 -- and I'm going for 7 days.

    My sister is really discouraging me to do it, though, so I'm really going to need your support. She thinks I'm crazy.

    Anyways. I just wanted to say that I'm happy I found this group and I will let you all know how the fasting goes! I'm going to be documenting and I'll keep ya'll posted.
  • Good luck aesimonton! I did a short fast (11 days, was shooting for 10 but 11 just kinda happened) starting on January 1st. Since the fast I have been juicing lunch most days and eating a sensible dinner just about every night. I also eat a some fruit gummies and popcorn for snacks in the evening - the evenings are my hardest time. I have also started rotating a couple of different workouts (Yoga for Regular Guys, 10 Minute Trainer, and 30 Day Shred). I can really feel a difference AND some medical issues I was experiencing have either lessened or completely gone away. I started at 258 and I am currently at 203.5, 55 pounds in 3.5 months is not too bad!

    As I have said in other posts on here and spoken to people about the juice fast - people will think you are crazy, say it will not work, say it will be too hard, etc. Give it an honest try, if you are not happy with the results quit doing it. If you are happy with the results keep going!
  • Actually starting today. Had some unexpected events this weekend that I decided wouldn't be a good time to start. SO. Day 1. I'll report back shortly.
  • Thanks, byronguy! That's awesome, congratulations! And yeah, almost everyone I've talked to thinks I'm crazy and will fail. I'm here to prove them wrong!!
  • Hi Everyone,
    I'm on Day 2. Nothing too exciting. I haven't noticed any real side effects. That could be because I have always had such horrible eating habits to begin with (i.e., no breakfast and not eating lunch till 3-4p, skipping meals often, etc). Just one of the things I'm going to fix. I love my juicer. It's the coolest thing ever. I've already decided that I'm going to juice for breakfast every morning after my fast is done. Because right now I never eat breakfast and apparently that's bad for you?
    Had some awesome natural OJ for breakfast. Oh and I made this "liquid salad" (I called it) last night. Romain, Carrots, Celery, Tomatoes, and cucumber. It did not taste that awesome until I added a little lemon. Then it was bearable. I did get my Juice Recipe book in the mail yesterday though so I'm planning to experiment with that and get some awesome ideas!
  • About halfway through Day 4. Things are great. I feel much better today than yesterday. I was tired yesterday mostly. Not very much support here. I'm basically talking to myself.
  • Hey there Aesimonton!

    I'm here! new the site and doing a juice fast third day in myself, however I see you've posted 3 weeks ago.. dunno if you'll see this
  • bsgkid
    bsgkid Posts: 72 Member
    I did a 10 day fast a while back and am about to start another one. I tend to juice the same stuff over and over, as I'm not very adventurous, even with a juice recipe book. But, hey, whatever works, I guess! :wink:
  • Hi guys! I just recently saw the Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead documentary and my interest in juicing increased dramatically. Over the last two weeks I've been juicing twice a day. I'm going on a juice fast the Monday after mother's day with my mom and one of my aunts so I will definitely be posting. I hope you all are having positive experiences with your juice fasts and if you need any inspiration/motivation I'm definitely willing to lend an ear to listen because I know its not going to be an easy road.

    Peace, Love, and Best Wishes,

  • Hey Jas, good luck with your juice fast, I'm doing one myself, on my 5th day right now.

    Thats awesome that you have your mum and aunt doing the fast with you! Hope you guys see some amazing results
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    I was very happy with my juice fast, and I still have fresh juice for breakfast practically every day. I did not have any bad experiences and I am feeling healthier because of it. I did eat a small amount during my fasting days, usually more produce. I wish everyone continued success. My favorite effect is that my tastes changed to more healthy foods, and that effect has not dissipated. Cheers!
  • thanks so much and good luck to you too!!!
  • cindaroses
    cindaroses Posts: 117
    I saw "Fat, Sick and Nearly dead" last year and my husband thought it would be great for me to try. We bought an Omega Nutrition Center juice. It is single auger and the juice lasts longer than a centrifuge juicer. It also can make sorbees and a whole lot of other things. I tried juicing and after 3 days gave in to eating the bad foods I was craving so badly.

    Today I am drinking mean green all day. I find that when I switch around the flavors too much in a day I don't do as well.

    Tomorrow I hope to drink carrot, orange, mango, kale and cucumber.
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Folks -

    I am on day 2 of my second juice fast - I am aiming for 14 days, which is how long my first fast was. I can not say enough good things about juicing but like others previously noted, some people just think I am crazy! I lost about 13 lbs last go around and kept it all off no probelm (ended in Jan).

    Anyways, really really need the motivation and support of a group bc this is HARD mentally. I just want to feel like im EATING something. Almost caved today and I'm only on day two ..

    Best of luck all - and feel free to add me anyone :)
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    Hi everyone!! I haven't posted in a while because I'm not juicing right now...other than a few carrots here and there. With summer coming up though, it's reboot time! I'm going to do another reboot in a month, after a vegas trip. Hope you are all doing well, keep juicing :)
  • Hi guys. just wanted to give you all a little update! my scale and my juicer broke in the same day!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I made it two days into my fast and then my juicer just gave out on me. I guess its b/c I've been using it so much lately IDK :( Nonetheless I've tried to maintain a healthy diet and I've been doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred everyday. Whether or not I've lost weight I'm really happy with the job I've been doing. I hope you all are doing well with your juice fasts/reboots/ or whatever steps towards a healthy lifestyle you all are taking.

    <3 Good Luck & Best Wishes to you all
  • HealthyFitNTrim
    HealthyFitNTrim Posts: 21 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I saw the Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead last night after a friend told me about at work. So inspiring so much so I have pulled out my juicer. I have been juicing off and on for years never just all juice I would like to give it a try in fact I will along with my friend. I hope to have great success with it so my husband and son will also want to give it a try.

    I know I will be fine once decide to just do it, just coming off (jan & Feb.) eating no meat, diary or cheese products. That was great, fell off when on vacation to Boston. I have read all post in the thread great stuff. I will be checking in and posting my progress once started.

  • HealthyFitNTrim
    HealthyFitNTrim Posts: 21 Member
    Ok today I did a test run to juice, so far so good all day I have drink nothing but water and my green juice. Not bad at all, I have to make more for later fresh so I will be doing that once I am home. I can do this, in fact I am looking forward to it gonna continue the test run until I can get more veg's and fruits.

  • Hey Michele, nice going!

    Restarting my own juice fast aswell, since I kept falling off - can be really hard to stay committed!

    Hope things continue to go well for you Michele, keep us updated!
  • cindaroses
    cindaroses Posts: 117
    After just 2 days of juicing I'm not craving the sweets anymore. I am still drinking juice when I have plently of things to juice from the garden.