Level 2



  • babywing
    babywing Posts: 13
    Tonight will be day 4 of Level 2 for me. It's getting easier but it's A LOT of plank moves and it's hard on my shoulders. I Hoping to get through this level fairly quickly. I was really sore after day 1 and 2 of L2 but it's been better.
  • sjjacobs1
    sjjacobs1 Posts: 17
    Day 1 of Level 2 today- WOAH! I am burning...I know that tomorrow I need to HYDRATE MORE! I was feeling it hard! And oh, those plank-hop things...holy crap! But we're rolling into summer and I want to not be embarrassed is a swimsuit, so I'm pressing on :) Friend me for support!!
  • It seems like so far the levels concentrate on different areas. During level 1, the muscle group that really burned for me was my abs. Now my abs are better, but level 2 really targets your shoulders and upper back. Wonder what the L3 scapegoat will be. :laugh:
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    D3, today it was very difficult for me, I couldn't do many moves, and my knees are killing me. I'm trying to modify some moves, but still is HARD on the knees. I'm decided to get healty, but I won't pay the cost of bad knees. I know maybe I am not burning the same calories and all that, but I don't care. Bad knees run in my family and I don't want to get surgery or anything like that. I am not jumping that much, instead, I "run" in the same place when she says "jumping jacks" or "jumping rope", etc. I don't know if I am going to do it tomorrow, I was thinking in doing one of the 2 others DVDs I have from JM, maybe the killer buns, or the six week 6 pack... we'll see!
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    Man, I liked my progress/results from Level 1, and now I'm SUPER curious as to what I'll be feeling/looking like after Level 2! This feels like MUCH more of a workout than the last one!

    I did a *bit* better with some of the plank moves today. I figured out I can do the plank jacks pretty easily (the first 2 days I did Anita's step method), and I think I might be able to try the forward-jumpy-knee-plank things tomorrow. My glasses keep falling off while I'm in plank position though haha.

    @ nomayo - No shame in modifying the moves to fit your style! I think pressing through the workout with whatever moves you can, despite the difficulties, shows some real dedication :) Half the time I modified the jump ropes since I don't like them (not bad knees), so I kinda alternate feet jumping instead of jumping with both feet at the same time. Just gotta keep moving!
  • Yesterday, I took a rest day. When I got up and started moving around, I could feel that I needed some rest, so I took it. I was craving protein hard all day, so I assume my body was doing some major rebuilding. Tonight is another 30DS workout and probably a run, then tomorrow the pool's open again so it'll be 30DS and laps. <3
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    just finished my first day of level 2 and daayuuum... that is all.
  • JustACaJen
    JustACaJen Posts: 83 Member
    just finished my first day of level 2 and daayuuum... that is all.

    Hahaha! Your post and your profile picture made me laugh out loud! I have finished 3 days of level 2 today and everyday, the first thing I say at the end is "I hate that b*tch." But as my boyfriend keeps reminding me, I will love her when it's done....
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    @ jaimemariel - the girl in your avatar adequately sums up how I felt after I finished L2 D4 today :P Those plank twists at the end...man, I just collapsed when she said we were done. Tomorrow is Day 5 for me though...which is exciting...because that means I'm halfway done! :P
  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    I'm half way (day 15 yesterday) and haven't loss an once :,(
    I do all my workouts like Anita, but I don't take breaks. Well have to finish what I started even though I don't get results.
  • I'm half way (day 15 yesterday) and haven't loss an once :,(
    I do all my workouts like Anita, but I don't take breaks. Well have to finish what I started even though I don't get results.

    I recommend taking your measurements and looking at those. Honestly, my weight hasn't moved much at all during this, but my body fat % and my measurements have dropped by inches.
  • anr1228
    anr1228 Posts: 11
    Okay, I need a vent moment! I am on level 2 day 5 of the 30ds and have not lost one single pound!! So frustrated!!!!! I have only taken one complete day off from the shred. I do cardio 5x a week. I take in about 1200 calories a day. Burning between 300-500. Am I doing something wrong?!? I told myself I wouldn't measure again until i finished the program but I'm thinking maybe I should. Not seeing the numbers go down on the scale is so discouraging! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks ladies :)
  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    Okay, I need a vent moment! I am on level 2 day 5 of the 30ds and have not lost one single pound!! So frustrated!!!!! I have only taken one complete day off from the shred. I do cardio 5x a week. I take in about 1200 calories a day. Burning between 300-500. Am I doing something wrong?!? I told myself I wouldn't measure again until i finished the program but I'm thinking maybe I should. Not seeing the numbers go down on the scale is so discouraging! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks ladies :)
    I took pictures on day 1 and on day 10. My tummy actually looked bigger on day 10:sad: I took my measurements both times also and went down 1/2" on my chest and 1/2" on my hips and 1" up on my waist:mad: Hope day 20 brings me better results:ohwell:
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    Okay, I need a vent moment! I am on level 2 day 5 of the 30ds and have not lost one single pound!! So frustrated!!!!! I have only taken one complete day off from the shred. I do cardio 5x a week. I take in about 1200 calories a day. Burning between 300-500. Am I doing something wrong?!? I told myself I wouldn't measure again until i finished the program but I'm thinking maybe I should. Not seeing the numbers go down on the scale is so discouraging! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks ladies :)

    Please don't hold me to this as I'm no expert, but from what I gathered from reading other forums around here, you may be eating too few calories - which could stall your weight loss. If you're eating 1200 and burn 300-500, you're netting only 700-900 calories a day -- far too few for your body to properly function.

    1200 is generally the bare minimum recommended to sustain your body -- and that's without taking exercise into account. If you're going to exercise, you need to give your body additional fuel (calories) to so it can run properly and heal itself. Think about it like a car...you wouldn't expect it to work if you didn't put fuel in, right? Well, your body is the same way. If you don't properly fuel (feed) it, it's not going to work right.
  • Millefleur
    Millefleur Posts: 26 Member
    Okay, I need a vent moment! I am on level 2 day 5 of the 30ds and have not lost one single pound!! So frustrated!!!!! I have only taken one complete day off from the shred. I do cardio 5x a week. I take in about 1200 calories a day. Burning between 300-500. Am I doing something wrong?!? I told myself I wouldn't measure again until i finished the program but I'm thinking maybe I should. Not seeing the numbers go down on the scale is so discouraging! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks ladies :)

    Please don't hold me to this as I'm no expert, but from what I gathered from reading other forums around here, you may be eating too few calories - which could stall your weight loss. If you're eating 1200 and burn 300-500, you're netting only 700-900 calories a day -- far too few for your body to properly function.

    1200 is generally the bare minimum recommended to sustain your body -- and that's without taking exercise into account. If you're going to exercise, you need to give your body additional fuel (calories) to so it can run properly and heal itself. Think about it like a car...you wouldn't expect it to work if you didn't put fuel in, right? Well, your body is the same way. If you don't properly fuel (feed) it, it's not going to work right.

    This would be my guess too. Is 1200 the minimum MFP has given you? 1200 is low to start with, even for a 5'1" shorty like me. You need to be eating those 1200 plus whatever you burn from exercise - you'll still be at a deficit but fuelling your workouts.
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228

    @ nomayo - No shame in modifying the moves to fit your style! I think pressing through the workout with whatever moves you can, despite the difficulties, shows some real dedication :) Half the time I modified the jump ropes since I don't like them (not bad knees), so I kinda alternate feet jumping instead of jumping with both feet at the same time. Just gotta keep moving!

    Aww, thank you very much! I wouldn't think that I am a dedicated person, I procrastinate a lot, but now, I'm trying to not do it and be as organize as when I was in college. Thanks for the support. Kudos to you.
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    I'm honestly a bit nervous to do Level 2 today -- it'll be day 6 of it. Last night I took a peek at Level 3 and it looks HARSH! I feel like I really need to step up my game in Level 2 to even *think* about moving on to Level 3, but Level 2 is already killing me as it is....ahh! Wish me luck, going to head over and do it soon...hopefully. Hah.
  • JustACaJen
    JustACaJen Posts: 83 Member
    I'm honestly a bit nervous to do Level 2 today -- it'll be day 6 of it. Last night I took a peek at Level 3 and it looks HARSH! I feel like I really need to step up my game in Level 2 to even *think* about moving on to Level 3, but Level 2 is already killing me as it is....ahh! Wish me luck, going to head over and do it soon...hopefully. Hah.

    This is exactly why I haven't looked at level 3 yet... since I am only doing 7 days on each level, I am really scared of level 3. I did Day 5 of level 2 today and I still can't get all the way through the squat thrusts or the plank jacks (at full level). I also have go slower on the arm lifts so I don't get as many reps in (too stubborn to buy lighter weights...). YIKES!!
  • anr1228
    anr1228 Posts: 11
    Thanks for responding! I'm also 5'1" and MFP gave me the 1200 calorie intake. I didn't think about eating too few calories. I guess in my mind I figured the fewer the better. I will bump it up so I can be breaking even at 1200 after exercise. Thanks so much for the advice! Hopefully after this I will start to see results. :)
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    I'm on Day 4 of Level 2. I don't really like level 2. Not because it's too hard, I can struggle through it. (Although the plank jacks literally kill me.) It just doesn't keep me interested like level 1 did. How does everyone else feel about level 2?

    And Good Luck to jnels!

    I agree. It is just not a workout I'm very into. I might alternate it with Day 1 every/other workout but do Day 1 more vigorously (follow Natalie, bigger movements, etc).