Your favorite meal at the moment



  • iambellaluna
    iambellaluna Posts: 4 Member
    Stuffed tomatoes!!! The stuffing consists of fresh basil, garlic, paprika, a splash of hot sauce, coconut oil, reserved tomato pulp, orozo, goats cheddar cheese (vegan/soy/etc.), and beans or tvp. Bake and viola! Muy delicioso!
  • jenbunboo
    jenbunboo Posts: 90 Member
    I make a HUGE variety of dinners. I cook for my dad, my fiance, and myself, and while I could do beans, rice, and greens every night, I use a lot of different dishes to keep them interested. Not that I mind, I love the variety too. But for lunch, I'm on my own. If I'm not eating leftovers I LOVE making some sort of bean salad. I grab a can of beans, put half of it in a bowl with...stuff. I overdid it on standard salads when I first became a vegan, so I still find them sorta boring, but a bean I'll add a couple chopped celery stalks, some halved cherry tomatoes, chopped carrot, peppers, anything veggie tastic, and maybe some fresh chopped herbs. Drizzle on some lime or lemon juice and a teaspoon of nut oil, and yum! Protein, veggies, healthy fats and a happy me.
  • spricia
    spricia Posts: 29 Member
    My favoirte meal is what I call raw veggy taco salad. I cook one egg or melt some cheese or put a small amount of cooked chicken breast on a small low-carb tortilla. Then I put on a combination of raw vegetables which might include lettuce, tomatoes, red peppers, zucchini, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, celery, spinach -- whatever I've bought from the produce section. Then I put a generous amount of salsa which is a wonderful salad dressing because the calorie count is so low. It makes a very filling meal for under 300 calories, all full of good vitamins and enzymes.
  • sarabelle0
    sarabelle0 Posts: 49 Member
    "cheezy" kale chips! Apple slices dehydrated with cinnamon. I am basically having a love affair with my dehydrator...everything goes in there. Tonight more more more raw foods- Chocolate mousse
  • urbansmamma
    urbansmamma Posts: 202 Member
    This red lentil dal... It's amazing!!! I cook it at least once a week and anytime meat eaters are coming over for dinner. It's sooooo good! I just don't add any oil to the recipe
  • Veganbambina
    Veganbambina Posts: 108 Member
    Marinated mushrooms in lettuce wraps, seriously. It's supper every night!
  • swoozieq67
    swoozieq67 Posts: 3 Member
    I made a farm fresh veggie stir fry with sesame oil and hot red pepper flakes. This si my new favorite!
  • davinasaunders
    I am completely RAW and my favorite foods now are Red Pepper and coconut soup as well as RAW felafels. OMG....the falafels are amazing. LOL.

    SO good to be RAW!
  • Kendall_Lauren
    Kendall_Lauren Posts: 20 Member
    kale kale kale. I'm going through about 2 bags of the baby kale from costco per week right now. Love it with homemade lemon tahini dressing, or sauteed with a little oil and garlic, and I add it to just about any other meal I make. I have a huge bowl of it steamed for lunch the other day! It's amazing how much tastes can change- my favorite food (long before becoming vegan) used to be a McDonalds double cheese burger with mayo. Makes me shudder to remember!
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Roasted onion, garlic, thinly sliced sweet potatoes, carrots, turnip, and mostly Brussels sprouts! I add olive oil, pepper and nutritional yeast.
    Mashed yams and butternut squash.
    Bubble and squeak with the leftovers.
    Any black bean and brown rice recipe.
    Red lentils, quinoa and kale( that has been baked and chopped) all mixed together.
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    My meal replacement.
  • KetsyBaby
    KetsyBaby Posts: 40 Member
    Last night I made my own recipe for "Chili con Kindness" and when I served it up to my non-vegan brother he said, "This is fricken awesome. My first vegan meal and it is the best chili I have ever had!" After a hearty bowl myself, I had to agree, everything tasted so good, and it took me just a few minutes of prep and then a half hour simmer. I added it to my recipes in my profile too.

    It had in it Crushed Tomato Puree, Canned Diced Tomatoes Chili Style, Canned Organic Kidney Beans, Yves Veggie Ground Crumble, A Packet of Chili Seasonings, Olive Oil, Celery, Carrot, Cooking Onions, Fresh Garlic [All Organic Veggies]. I was in heaven!

    Served up with a 2 oz. Glass of Organic Vegan Merlot and a slice of Organic Chia Whole Grain Bread Toast.... Yummy!

    :heart: Please Add ME To Your Friends Support Team, I am looking for like minded individuals who are at the beginning, middle, or near goal in their journey to help me stay motivated and positive. I love a great sense of humor! I have a long road ahead of me, and need a good network of friends. :heart:

    40, Female
    GTA, Ontario, CANADA
  • akmflute91
    love quinoa...with anything! sometimes ill just have a little sea salt and garlic on it, and I'm good to go! I also love quinoa with chick peas or kale! :)
  • azalea617
    azalea617 Posts: 109 Member
    Lately, I've been having a big bed of baby greens with kidney beans, celery, carrots, parsley, and then a couple tbs. of guacamole and balsamic drizzled on top. The balsamic goes SO well with the guacamole to make a sort of dressing/veggie dip.