Week 2 - Fitness Goals & Checking In



  • momlina
    momlina Posts: 22 Member
    I just got back from Florida. We went there for a wedding. I swam, went parasailing, and I mostly walked everywhere. It was hard to figure out my exercise count because I wasn't on the treadmill and I wasn't keeping track of how much time it took to get everywhere.

    I had a lot of errands to run for the wedding and it was hard to eat regularly. We had breakfast, no lunch and ate dinner really late. I carried trail mix to snack. I had no problem eating my calorie count. I was definitely over a couple of nights. Easy to do when eating out and I drank at the bachelorette party. There is so much salt in the food that I am bloated. I swell really badly when I've been walking and standing a lot. I'll wait a day or two for the swelling to go down and step on the scale.

    I'm anxious to see if I can really lose weight by eating more!
  • debbiesbooks
    I was happy with week one. Week two is a complete disaster. Anyone who has been to RT Bookriews Convention knows how hard it is to eat well. Just eating hotel food is bad. I have however been more disciplined in my choices which wouldn''t have happened if you guys weren't looking over my shoulder. Next week I will get two days of walking in and go back to eating healthy, and losing weight.
  • My fitness goals are working for me, I got two new programs at the gym from the trainer that really leave my soaking and wobbly, and I've started going to a pump class on thursdays. Yesterday I went on a 10K fun run/walk in the forest (walked :) So I'm trying to do some form of exercise cardio and/or resistance every day.

    My problem is that I haven't lost any weight even though I have been very careful about limiting what I eat, and yet eating regular meals and healthy meals. I've started making myself eat breakfast after the trainer at the gym told me I needed to eat more before working out.

    What worries me is that I am menopausal and everything I keep hearing talks about difficulty losing weight and weight gain and belly fat associated with menopause (grumble grumble ) so I'll be happy if I can get a couple of lbs off finally.
  • lucy0326
    lucy0326 Posts: 54 Member
    I am sad to say that I didnt reach my goal, I had a rough week at school so I only got about 4 to 3 hours of sleep a day I was a walking zombie for most of the week :sick: I didnt get to exercise the way I wanted to either:frown: But Im ready for this coming week!! Hopefully I can drink my 8 cups of water and stay on my work out schedule too. Wish me Luck ! :happy:
  • Lucy_Monroe
    Lucy_Monroe Posts: 55 Member
    Everyone has weeks where we struggle...it's what happens after that counts. Do we keep pressing forward or let it push us back into a rut of unhealthy comfortability. I know you all will keep trying...we will *all* keep trying!