100% On Program Group-Week 1



  • cwade1021
    cwade1021 Posts: 95 Member
    Glad I found this!!

    I had lost 30lbs in a short amount of time. I've basically been off plan since January and have gained 15lbs back. I'm back today with a vengeance. I'm determined. I could come up with 100 reasons why I didn't stick to it but I'm not. It's my own damn fault.

    100% back OP today. About to have my 2nd MF meal.
  • lissa71
    lissa71 Posts: 44 Member
    Tough weekend & volunteering at a chocolate tasting to raise money for abused kids. What was I thinking????
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Tough weekend & volunteering at a chocolate tasting to raise money for abused kids. What was I thinking????
    It's all a out choices and being aware;)
    Anywho!! I am still OP and have dropped 9.6 lbs in the last 10 days since I went off plan that's an avg of .96lbs a day!! Loving my commitment to staying 100% OP till goal weight it hasn't been easy highly stressful times preparing for my hubby to be out at sea and having to be a single mom again for a few months after having my other half for over a year..but its all good went to my Mary Kay Career Conference on Fri n Sat and had to eat out for Lean n Green..but made 100% OP choices lettuce plain and double the meat for the grilled chicken. Wendy's didn't have any dressing I could eat so I ate the salad bare but McDonalds had a light balsamic;) funny how I read the Nutriton labels now...but success I was OP all day Friday took my scale with me on my overnight n dropped .6 lbs then OP Sat dropped another .8lbs;) skipped my MF meal last night n just ate an oz of almonds but I rarely do that...my stomach was bugging;) So I am booking my Boudie shoot tonite and this is my reward for staying 100% OP.till June 4th my bday....I have small rewards so got my nails done Thur and will get a pedicure this Thu;) every week j stay 100% OP I so reward myself;)!!! 32 weeks in and 89.8lbs down U CAN DO THIS LADIES U SIMPLY MUST MAKE A CHOICE!! AND FOLLOW IT WITH A PLAN OF ACTION AND FOLLOW THROUGH....FOR HOW LONG UNTIL....!!!!
  • hippie_spirit
    hippie_spirit Posts: 104 Member
    You need to do what is right for you! Forcing yourself to do something just sets you up for failure.....I am behind you 110% with your next plan of action!

    thank you for that! i REALLY appreciate your support! it means a lot to me!
    i still have 3 medifast meals a day. i like the taste and they are an awesome low calorie way for me to get my protein in! i am making healthy decisions (most of the time) and tracking everything i eat. which actually makes me think twice about what i put in my mouth! an op day for me is staying under my calorie goal and moving my body for at least 30 minutes every day!
    i am nursing a knee injury, which is very frustrating. once it heals i will step up my exercise!
  • hippie_spirit
    hippie_spirit Posts: 104 Member
    Tough weekend & volunteering at a chocolate tasting to raise money for abused kids. What was I thinking????

  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    On plan on plan!!!
  • cwade1021
    cwade1021 Posts: 95 Member
    Day #2 and 100% on plan!! There were some serious moments of weakness but I pushed through. I went 3.5 hours between meals at one point but otherwise it was fine.
  • cwade1021
    cwade1021 Posts: 95 Member
    (there is a giant bag of chocolate covered raisins in my cupboard that I MUST get rid of because they are calling out to me...)
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    (there is a giant bag of chocolate covered raisins in my cupboard that I MUST get rid of because they are calling out to me...)
    Go pour them out into the trashcan...bet u won't go eat them then;)
  • lissa71
    lissa71 Posts: 44 Member
    I did great at the choolate tasting - I was too busy to buy any goodies to go or taste anything but I am up two lbs today. It must have been the chicken fajita salad I had last night. It had no dressing but must have had tons of Sodium in it. But I am still down 3 lbs in 6 days and I have been exercising more than I should and that slows me down. But I need to tone up while I lose this last 20-30 lbs.....
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    Still here...
  • AJHarman
    AJHarman Posts: 35 Member
    Was maintaining since December, went on vacation to see relatives that believe in going out to eat every night and some lunches. So I gained 6 pounds. I'm back on program for a week to lose that. I was on plan yesterday and today is day 2. Started with the orange blend drink blended with ice and vanilla extract (1 condiment) to make it taste like orange julius. Yum! Downing my calorie burn water to give me energy to get through the work day. I'll try to remember to report in tonight or in the morning to let you all know how I did the rest of the day.
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Not a good diary today I will cut the exercise out for now order more calorie burns and get this last 30lbs off with the leanest of meats and lowest carb veggies...will tone up after;)
  • llollis
    llollis Posts: 7
    I started the program last Wednesday have stayed 100% on program I actually like it . Got a long way to go but am looking forward to it!
  • cmthorsness
    cmthorsness Posts: 83 Member
    Day 1 on the program. Coming off Atkins type diet would really like some medifast friends. I have so many questions LOL...
  • jhillman29
    jhillman29 Posts: 3 Member
    I lost 15 lbs last June when I totally committed to the Medifast diet plan. I still have about 15 to lose now that I let stress get the best of me. I gained 10lbs in the last 3 months. That will not happen again. I just finished day 2 and not even a taste of anythink off program. I am really committed this time. I hope I can repeat my success and lose 15lbs by the end of May and finally reach my goal weight. My husband is returning from a 2 yr deployment in Afghanistan and we have a Hawaiian Vacation planned for July! I will be ready to proudly wear my bikini on the beach by then!
  • jhillman29
    jhillman29 Posts: 3 Member
    Looks like we started the same day! I have had a great deal of success with medifast. The plan works if YOU work it and I have recommitted to working it!

    A few tips:
    DON'T buy the pancakes! They are terrible!
    I love the brownies!
    The soft bake cookies are good too.
    Best Crunch bars are peanut butter, caramel, and smores.
    Ranch Crisps are delicious!
    Ready to drink shakes are great too. especially chocolate.

    Let me know how your weight loss goes. I lost 15 lbs the first month I completely committed to it. Best of Luck!
  • I'm heading to Hawaii in July, too. And getting married next fall. I love that there is a board just for MF people. I am doing it through a MF center, so I am doing cleanse and detox this week, then I start MF foods on Monday. Hoping I can stick it out. I go pick out my foods tomorrow so any suggestions would be great--are any of the soups good? which shakes are best? and no to the pancakes...ugh, I was looking forward to pancakes! Haha.
  • dellamac
    dellamac Posts: 16 Member
    Stayed 100% OP today! My big downfall is peanut butter! I put it on the highest shelf & pushed it as far back as I could....I need a ladder & salad tongs to get that jar now!

    Have you tried the PB2?? It helps with my pb cravings.
  • littleredjd
    littleredjd Posts: 66
    Stayed 100% OP today! My big downfall is peanut butter! I put it on the highest shelf & pushed it as far back as I could....I need a ladder & salad tongs to get that jar now!

    Have you tried the PB2?? It helps with my pb cravings.

    What is PB2?

    My Medifast counselor told me this morning when I was weighing in that a great way to get your peanut butter fix is to take the soft serve peanut butter mix, add water 1 tablespoon at a time until it is the right consistency for your "ideal" peanut butter (crunchy vs smooth), then spread it into a couple celery stalks. I can't wait to try it tonight!