Chris' (Gerbies) 90-day journey with JM...



  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I'm a week ahead of you and yep, workouts 3 & 4 are harder!

    But they are doable and if I can do them, YOU can do them!!

    A couple tricky moves~ maybe 2 total~ that I had to totally opt-out of due to balance issues from MS. But everything else was challenging but doable!!

    You're doing GREAT, by the way. Are you seeing any changes yet? I am~ lost 1 inch off each body part so far!! AND 6 pounds!!

    Oh, good, then I'm excited for 3/4~! I've lost 9 lbs (as of Wednesday)...I'm not going to measure until Phase 1 is over, so I'm not sure. I feel better, that's for sure!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Week 2 is done!!!! Or at least the workout part. I'll be going to my yoga class later this morning, too. I plan to eat on the lighter side today, since tomorrow is Easter. I'm feeling stronger and toner. I cannot wait for my weigh-in tomorrow. I have a weekly goal in mind and I want to hit it! I'm both excited and nervous for workouts 3 and 4, but I'm up for the challenge! I hope everyone is continuing well on their program!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Week 3 has begun! I completed workout 3 this morning and my feelings are mixed. I mean, I love the workout becaues it's Jillian, but I was surprised by the moves. For me, some were downright easy and others were much more challenging. For this workout, I tended to follow the basic workout and doing the "lower" modification. I was able to do the full push-ups and plankup, downs. I was also strong with the yoga moves, since I go to yoga classes, except for the plank to crescent (I can do this but at that speed my form is not fantastic) and the camel. I have the tightest hips so the camel is very hard for me. I had to just reach ack and touch my heels. As a result, I didn't feel challenged by this part of the workout. I love that Jillian upped the cardio portion to help with the calorie burn and added combination exercises (sumo squats with tricep extension; squat with overhead press). I'm looking forward to workout 4.

    I look forward to doing workout 3 next time, now that I know the moves.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    First time doing workout 4 and it was definitely a step up! Again, some exercises were really challenging (e.g., Hollowman, step up/downs, etc.), and others not too bad (weighted leg raises, lat side crunch move). Overall, it offered a lot of challenge. I used as heavy of weights as I could, but also couldn't do some like the group. I definitely felt challenged with my balance on one-leg deadlifts. The step up/step downs are a KILLER! I could not use weights and still could not keep up with the group's pace. I decided to keep the right form and go a bit slower; I probably did 1-2 reps less than the group going slower. Overall, I can already feel tightness/soreness from yesterday's workout and this morning's workout. I'm going to be sore tomorrow~!
  • SherryP71561
    I've done a lot of different workouts, but I really enjoy the change and challenge that BR offers. I did Workout 4 today for the first time and am still sore from Workout 3 yesterday. I'm adding extra cardio as I usually work out 45-60 minutes a day, but the weather has been beautiful and I love going out for a walk after work!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I agree with you...I love the change and challenge that JM Body Revolution offers!

    I have to admit I was looking forward to doing Cardio 1 today...I might do more cardio later, but we'll see. I hope workout 3 will be a bit easier than it was the first time. I plan to focus on form and challenging myself; I will also use my HRM to confirm the calorie burn.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Almost done with week 3...cardio 1 tomorrow and then rest day on Sunday. Today was a hard day for me. I completed workout 4 this morning and it seemed so much harder than the first time. My body is so sore and my balance was terrible this morning (with those one legged deadlifts). I got so frustrated that I couldn't keep my balance and go at their speed. And the step up/down things with hands in the air. I could barely finish them. I actually got so frustrated, I started to cry. It was a low moment for me this morning, but I finished it.

    Today's challenges caused me to think about how I'm going to get through this program. If I have trouble in workout 4, how will I do workout 7-8 in just 4 weeks? I'm going to be open to adding an additional week here and there if I do not feel ready to move up.

    Not a good day...
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Week 3 workouts are DONE!! I did cardio 1 today and also took a yoga class. My 3 week weigh-in is tomorrow on my rest day, so I'm looking forward to seeing this past week's results. My body feels heavy after the introduction of the new workouts this week (I'm sure my muscles are retaining water), so I'm not sure what my weigh-in will be. No matter what, I'm feeling better and feel like I'm toning up. I'll wait to take measurements after I complete week 4/phase 1. So far, loving this program...
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Started week 4 today with workout 3. I was nervous going into the workout since I was frustrated last week and still felt sore from my yoga class on Saturday. The workout went smoother and I felt stronger today. I guess the lesson learned is being patient and allowing my body to get stronger. I am still cranky that I didn't lose weight last week, but I'm going to keep the faith and believe in the program. Looking forward to how workout 4 goes tomorrow. I'll be taking a yoga class tonight as well...
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Another workout 4 done! Though the workout was a bit easier than last week, I still struggled to keep up my form and the pace with the one-legged deadlifts and I hate step up/step downs. I still do not use weights and by the last one, I want to scream. I may decide to add an additional week. I feel like I should be able to "do the moves" before moving on. We'll see how I feel later this week. Feeling very tired and sore today (I added a yoga class in last night and I sweat like crazy...I'm sure I burned tons of calories). It's only 9:00 a.m and I could already take a nap :(.
  • genthel
    genthel Posts: 59 Member
    Hello. I am thinking about starting the Body Revolution. I have lost 75 pounds and have about 40 more to lose. What can you tell me about the workouts? What do you enjoy and what do you not enjoy about them? I am not sure if I will completely follow the diet since I have a family but we are healthy eaters at this point. Any advice you can offer will be appreciated!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Hello. I am thinking about starting the Body Revolution. I have lost 75 pounds and have about 40 more to lose. What can you tell me about the workouts? What do you enjoy and what do you not enjoy about them? I am not sure if I will completely follow the diet since I have a family but we are healthy eaters at this point. Any advice you can offer will be appreciated!

    I love this program! I love that it's only 30 minutes a day (though you can add more cardio if you'd like), I love that it's a challenge, but doable. I am not a huge fan of the diet, though you can get results without using it. If you like Jillian Michaels, you'll like these workouts!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I was so relieved today was cardio day. I woke up with a super sore hip flexor. I think I may have overdone it at my Monday night yoga class and yesterday's workout 4. As I was getting ready to workout and started to do the Cardio 1 dvd, I thought to myself, "why do I feel relieved today is cardio? Is this getting too easy?" The workout is not too easy, but I feel confident that I can do it and am not dying. I decided to challenge myself and added one more interval. So after interval 3, I rewinded it back to the last interval again. This definitely was a challenge after the third set of suicides! I will definitely do that again on Saturday (I might even add a 5th interval!). Feeling good about today!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Week 4 is almost done! Though I hurt my hip flexor, I've pushed through and continued to follow the program. I'm able to do everything the same, except for the lunges (except for side lunges), the crescent poses and the one leg dips. To combat my hip flexor, I kept with a shorter range of motion on the lunges, but added weight to keep the intensity. For the crescent pose, I didn't move as much, but held the pose 4 times for long periods really low (makes your legs burn!!). The one leg dips, I just tried to do slower, but still almost fell over. Ultimately, I still got good workouts yesterday and today with workout 3 and 4, respectively. Tomorrow is cardio day and then the week's workouts are over! I decided I'm pushing ahead to week 5 workouts. I might need to add an extra week as I progress in the program and I don't want to do it too early. Overall, I'm excited to see what my results are for Phase 1!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I just completed Cardio 1 for the last time (at least the way the program is written) and I am going to miss it. I added one additional interval; I had hoped to do 5 but, I didn't want to push my luck with my recovering hip flexor. I will be starting week 5 workouts on Monday and I'm looking forward to the new challenge. I decided that I do not need to be perfect at every exercise. I'll do better when I do a second round of body revolution. I can't wait to weigh and measure tomorrow. This morning as I was getting out of bed, I lifted my leg to scratch my thigh and my leg felt so toned!!! This program is working!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I didn't post here yesterday, but shared my Phase 1 results on another post. Overall, I'm satisfied with the results: weight loss of 15.9 lbs and 10" inches overall. I thought the inches would be more, but that's o.k.

    So, today was Day 1, Phase 2, doing workout 5. My calorie burn was lower with workout 5 (300) than the prior workouts, but I'm hoping that's due to the video being new. Overall, the workout was doable. In some ways, I thought it was going to be harder. I look forward to workout 6 tomorrow!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Just completed workout 6 for the first time. I like it better than workout 5, but I still feel like I'm not getting my heart rate up enough throughout and not getting a good enough workout. I definitely had my challenges (perhaps that's why I'm not getting as good of a workout?). With the cross over lunge with bicep curl, my range of motion is not the same as on the other people...there's NO way I'm getting my knee one inch off the ground. I'm lucky my knees are With supermans...well, the weights didn't happen. I tried 5s...didn't happen. Tried one 5 and got liftoff, but not the range of motion I should have had. The wood choppers were better than in workout 5, because I lowered my weight to 8 lbs. I still have a tough time with range of motion with the moving lunges. I think at my weight, it's pretty tough to get so close to the ground. It's all progress, not perfection, I suppose. Maybe I'll get a better workout with 5 and 6 when I have the moves down better?
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Today is week 5, day 3...first time doing Cardio 2. And...I LOVED IT!!! There wasn't one exercise I didn't like and I loved the sequence. There were just the right amount of exercises to catch your breath (knee crunches, skaters, jumping jacks, hook punches) in between higher intensity exercises. I cannot wait to do it again~!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Week 5, Day 4...workout 5 for the second time is in the books. I got a MUCH better workout this time. I think this was due to a number of reasons (hip flexor is healed, feeling stronger, am familar with the moves). I certainly was not perfect by any means with form. Those darned wood choppers still allude me, but I tried. I do not feel like I'm getting all I can out of them. My one legged squats are better, but I still had some balance issues. I'm looking forward to seeing how much better I get with them next week, when I do it for the third time.

    I put on a pair of pants this morning that I haven't worn in at least a week and they are getting LOOSE! Definitely looser in the hips and legs the most. So excited!
  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    Thank you for all of your posts! I am finishing Phase 1 on Saturday with a nice day off on Sunday. SOOOOOO looking forward to starting Phase 2 and doing Cardio 2!!! (not a fan of Cardio 1, but have gotten better at those RUNNING MEN lol) Congrats on all of your results and keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!