Week 1 (round 2) Discussion

RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
Working on the Chart for the first round, at the moment! :flowerforyou:

Goals for this round ladies?

Plans on how you're going to achieve them?


  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Here's how I'm starting out this round...

    I bought a Brita water bottle last night. This will allow me to drink the tap water at work without that icky taste and spending big bucks on bottles of water from the vending machine. Yay! Back on that water drinking, no excuses!

    I'm still reading the Hormone Diet, and assessing my current wacky hormone situation. I'm starting to incorporate more of the detox foods into my diet until I get to that part of the book and go full force. (Just normal fruits, veggies, unprocessed foods)

    I'm not setting a weightloss goal but I will be sticking to the following.

    - In bed by 10pm, Sunday - Thursday. I'm allowing myself a little more room on the weekends since plans change and we stay out late sometimes, but I'm able to sleep in and get my 8hrs.

    - Minimal coffee intake. Starbucks limited to ONCE a week, on the weekend. No more morning stops. Otherwise, brew from home and have one serving. No need to have more than one coffee drink a day.

    - Eat clean. Pretty much do my best with what I have on the day to day. No strict criteria, just want to make sure I don't make excuses based on laziness.

    -Stick to StrongLifts 5x5, 3 times a week, with at least 2 more days of treadmill/bike. Not so hard. Do my best, based on how I feel each day.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Sounds like a good plan, Rach!!!!

    No specific number goal for me. I'm eating at a very conservative deficit right now (based on running my numbers on www.fat2fitradio.com) so as long as I see the number moving in the right direction, I will be happy.

    I started StrongLifts 5x5 last week and will be doing it two times per week on T and Th and will continue to go to Kickbox Cardio classes on M and W. Friday will be either rest or a short run in the mornings. Saturday mornings are for the Bootcamp class at my gym (it is no freakin' joke and my calves are still hurting today from this past weekend!). Sunday will continue to be a rest day unless I have registered for a race or something.

    More than anything, I am aiming to reduce my body fat and get stronger!
  • jenbunboo
    jenbunboo Posts: 90 Member
    My biggest goal right now is to stick with c25k. I just started yesterday, and it felt really good to get out there.

    Secondary goals? Up and moving every weekday morning. Whether it be c25k, walking, or doing some cardio/calisthenics/yoga, if I start putting off working out, it gets later and later in the day, and then I work out late one day, so I make it late the next day, and then it takes too long to cook dinner, and next thing you know I've missed the day.

    I'm pretty happy with how I'm eating, so my goal is to keep it up and work on finding more smart choices for times when I'm not home. I'm pretty much golden when I'm home, it is just when I'm out with friends that I start doing questionable things (rice on my Chipotle, eating a whole appetizer and main dish when I was full before that...oh the horrors!)

    Keep with my activity goals. I just got over being sick for the last 2 weeks, and am finally able to breath fully, hooray! I like the little bit of wiggle room I get with the additional calories, hooray for a glass of wine here and there, or extra afternoon snack!
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    I am looking towards a family vacation at the end of August. I am using that as my next goal in sight. If I conservatively lose 5 lbs per month between now and then, I could be down 20lbs by the time our plane lifts off. That would make me feel so good about myself.

    So, my goals this round are to be realistic and conservative in my expectations. Setting goals that are unrealistic for my current lifestyle tends to cause such a ripple and put me off course. Beating myself up and being disappointed in not meeting my goals causes me to gain weight. Terrible cycle.

    Next goal, not to beat myself up.

    Finally, track my food daily. If I bite it, write it. If I lose, I should know why. If gain, I should know why.
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    well... at least I know I started this challenge off bloated! Started my period today which explains a lot of things. ha.

    I have 60 days until my wedding. I am going to shoot for doing the 30 day shred 5 times this week. (which I know may mean not much movement on the scale since my muscles may start retaining water) I also hope to keep it up 5 days a week for the next month and a half or so... would LOVE to tone up a bit and make it a bit easier to breathe in my dress!

    Hopefully next week the gym I joined by my house will be open (it's brand spankin' new) and I can start my before-work workouts again. If not next week, the following week for sure. I will be aiming for 5 days a week cardio of at least 30 minutes and hopefully more than 45. Once those start my goal will be to be IN BED by 9:30 so I can be up and at the gym at 5:15 and work out for 45 min or so and be able to shower and get to work by 7:45...
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I am, again, going for 10 pounds in 10 weeks. Round one I lost 9.2 pounds, so I wasn't far off. I sort of stagnated at the first 4-5 weeks because my ex-husband has been ill for a while now and I had just started having to cook high calorie meals for him and low calorie meals for myself. I think I got it now. I was trying to eat some of what I had cooked for him, but it just didn't work. So, now I fix 2 separate meals. I usually try to cook earlier in the day for myself and reheat at dinner time, then cook his meals in the evening. Breakfasts and lunches are a little easier to manage.

    Note: I have been "live-in" caring (unpaid) for my ex husband for what I thought would be about 2 years, but it's been over 7 years now. Be careful what you volunteer for. It could be a test to see if you *really* are a nice guy. :laugh:
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Okay, here goes! I am going to start working towards getting back down to my lowest weight (179) since I started this weight loss effort last year, since I had started gaining in the past few months and was back up to 187 (doing good already, I'm back down to 185!) Hopefully, I'm going from the keeping the fat/building muscle phase of starting a new exercise program and am getting to the fat burning/muscle building phase.
    My heart rate monitor watch should be getting here in the next day or two, it has a calorie burning program on it that tracks the number of calories burned so I can get a better idea of how many calories I'm burning during workouts. It should help me track my calories in/calories out better.
    I'm keeping the workout I'm on (although I am raising the poundage of my weights):
    Monday: Body Pump
    Tuesday: Belly dance
    Wednesday: Body Combat (aka MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!)
    Thursday: Body Pump
    Friday: 3 mile walk
    Sat or Sun: bellydance practice
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I'm going to aim for just over 10 lbs this round, but haven't decided how many yet. Maybe 15? We'll see if I can keep it up; admittedly I'm getting senior-itis at college and just want to sit around and sleep now. :laugh:

    I'm replacing my packed lunches with Juice It Up twice a week for the potassium and the protein vs. my mini cereal boxes, and am going to start bringing more fruit with me to snack on throughout the day. I'm starting to get a little carefree with dinners here and there and am going to start watching that as closely as I did in the first few weeks. I'm also going to try to stick to my set workouts; I've been breaking those short a few times a week lately, usually from being tired or having homework distractions.

    My ultimate goal is to reduce my body fat by at least another 7% in this round. I want to be summer-ready!!
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    I thought I had better post or else I won't have anything to hold me to it ...

    I want to lose 10lbs this round.

    Here's how i will do it -

    *Work out 5x a week for at least 30 mins each time alternating circuit training and cardio.
    *2 well earn rest days
    *Log my food ever day.

    Still finding myself having the odd snack from my sons stash ... but i have found some good recipes that i would be proud for him to eat too ... may as well clean up his processed diet as well ... good bye generic muesli bars ... i'm gonna make my own.

    Thanks for this thread ... your a legend to keep people accountable to someone. Helps so much. :)
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    Glad I posted. I almost talked myself out of the 30ds today... But then I said I was gonna do it... So I did. Yay me! Haha
  • This will be the first round for me and I'm excited to be part of the group.
    My weight loss goal is to aim for 1.5 lbs a week, so 15 lbs for the 10 weeks would be awesome to see.
    Before I joined this group I had already decided that I was going to make changes weekly to hopefully succeed in my weight loss journey, which includes removing my morning trip the local coffee shop, removing my diet soda, writing down what I eat so I'm accountable. Exercise wise, was to get back on the treadmill, which I have, walk to dogs daily and incorporate weight training.

    To a successful 10 weeks!
  • I just wanna get healthy, I only lost 1lb last round which is pretty shoddy. But I'm on my last 10 days of the 30 day shred and see how my measurements change, I'm eating much more healthier and less processed food. My main goal is keeping up with the water, I even have an app and Its not helping.
  • JoJoDoerr
    JoJoDoerr Posts: 173 Member
    10 pounds this round! Was super busy the first round with producing hubby's cd...now that they are done....I am getting focused again! More exercise and more veggies!
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    No specific "Loss" goals this round.
    Just started an 8 week Women on Weights course yesterday and got my full measurements (glad I wasn't the only one that cried about the numbers) and I would love to have BOTH the BMI & Body Fat % in the "Healthy range" by the time it's done. Since the class comes with a set schedule and I have ZERO holidays planned, my next 8 weeks will hopefully look just like they do in the book.

    M-W-F- Hard Cardio (Meaning, I have to train my lopsided legs to RUN at HIIT's)
    T-Th-Sat- Weights (Full body weight workout- max weight to failure)
    Sundays- REST

    I lugged my info into Fat2Fit and found my new calorie range, so hopefully the jump in calories doesn't screw me up TOO bad. Though I'm sure it will at first I am hoping it pays off in the long run to "Eat like the thin" me. :huh:

    Water intake has been and will remain consistent and high.

    Here's to hoping I get more Yellows in the new charts!!:drinker:
  • ipeloquin400
    ipeloquin400 Posts: 90 Member
    Hmm not sure about my goals this round seems when ever I set them and dont meet them I get upset with myself and throw my hands up. I guess good goals for me would be to keep increasing my water intake and be consistant with it and to not be so obsessed with the scale, this has always been a problem. I see the changes in my body but get bummed out when the scale doesnt drop. Other than that to just stay on the track I have been on for the past 6 days.

    Looking forward to round 2 with everyone, Lets do this!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    No specific "Loss" goals this round.
    Just started an 8 week Women on Weights course yesterday and got my full measurements (glad I wasn't the only one that cried about the numbers) and I would love to have BOTH the BMI & Body Fat % in the "Healthy range" by the time it's done. Since the class comes with a set schedule and I have ZERO holidays planned, my next 8 weeks will hopefully look just like they do in the book.

    M-W-F- Hard Cardio (Meaning, I have to train my lopsided legs to RUN at HIIT's)
    T-Th-Sat- Weights (Full body weight workout- max weight to failure)
    Sundays- REST

    I lugged my info into Fat2Fit and found my new calorie range, so hopefully the jump in calories doesn't screw me up TOO bad. Though I'm sure it will at first I am hoping it pays off in the long run to "Eat like the thin" me. :huh:

    Water intake has been and will remain consistent and high.

    Here's to hoping I get more Yellows in the new charts!!:drinker:

    Sounds like an AWESOME plan!!!!
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    Well...I quit smoking during Round 1, hence the weight GAIN. I am still working on the sugar cravings. I am just about finished with Level 2 of 30DS. I've taken a break from it for a few days. I am going to start incorporating running and 30DS.

    My goal - exercise 5 days a week. Start eating better food. Hope to lose what I gained in Round 1.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...I quit smoking during Round 1, hence the weight GAIN. I am still working on the sugar cravings. I am just about finished with Level 2 of 30DS. I've taken a break from it for a few days. I am going to start incorporating running and 30DS.

    My goal - exercise 5 days a week. Start eating better food. Hope to lose what I gained in Round 1.

    You're so awesome!!!! :glasses:
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Well...I quit smoking during Round 1, hence the weight GAIN. I am still working on the sugar cravings. I am just about finished with Level 2 of 30DS. I've taken a break from it for a few days. I am going to start incorporating running and 30DS.

    My goal - exercise 5 days a week. Start eating better food. Hope to lose what I gained in Round 1.

    It bears repeating that you are, indeed, awesome!!! Congrats on quitting!!
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    Things I learned at the gym this morning:

    1) My son is the daycare bully and is on "Probation"- meaning one more write up and he has to take a 30 day vacation. Which means I'll have to have one too :sad:
    2) My name is NOT "Grace"- Meaning, I HAVE to learn to pick up that stupid left foot when I run or jog or I risk falling on my face. Again.:grumble:
    3) I run like a sprinter? Whatever THAT means. Guess I have to teach the feet how to "Heel-Toe"? How the heck do you even "Teach" your feet???:huh:

    This is going to be harder than I thought.... :ohwell: