Introduce Yourself :D



  • msue482
    msue482 Posts: 55
    Hi everyone! I've been training on and off for a little over 2 years with my now husband who used to compete a lot back in the Orlando area years ago. I'm hoping to do my first meet with him this June (push pull). Now that we have our home gym almost built up (squat rack coming this Thursday!) we can train even more intensely.

    Currently I weigh 128 and trying to get down to 123 by early May. My current 1 rep MAX for bench is 110, obviously my weakest lift and hoping to at least top out to 120 by June. I would love to someday have a double body weight bench. Squat is around 185 and deadlift is currently 255. Goal for deadlift is 360.
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    31 years old, started lifting 6 months ago to supplement my BJJ trainingg. Just finished losing 70lb of fat over a couple of years, now looking to slowly add muscle.

    All time max's (all since June '11)
    Squat 140kg/308lb
    Bench 87.5kg/192lb
    Deadlift 165kg/ 364lb
    Strict overhead press 55kgx2/ 121lb

    What A difference a couple of months make, Im now on
    squat 140kg/308lb
    Bench 90kg/198lb
    Deadlift 190kg/419lb
  • Hello everyone- I started powerlifting last summer (late May/early June) and have done two competitions thus far- a third one this weekend, actually. I don't have a "stand out" lift. . . They're all developing at different rates, and for different reasons (my pull was stuck due to poor technique, my bench was stuck because I wasn't training my weak muscle groups, my squat was stuck because I was always hesitant about making depth), but all in all pretty solid. I'm glad there's a group here for powerlifters- wasn't sure how much support there would be since the stigma is to usually just cut weight to get to the weight class you want to compete in.
  • jeterad1
    jeterad1 Posts: 3
    I'm Amber and I started powerlifting my sophomore year of college. I just competed at USAPL Collegiate nationals in Baton Rouge, LA last Friday in the 123lb weight class. Here were my best lifts from the meet (which are pretty much my current equipped maxes)

    Squat- 125kg (276lb)
    Bench- 60kg (132lb)
    Deadlift- 122.5kg (270lb)

    Got 5th place in my weight class which I'm really happy about. Now that I'm graduating I think I'm going to stick to raw meets because they're less work and more meaningful to me. Shows me how I really stack up against the competition, not their equipment.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Hi all

    I've been powerlifting for about 6 months now, started with CrossFit, which got me into Olympic Lifting plus deads and frontsquats and got me started powerlifting.

    I've done a couple of comps, I am in no way competative because my weight is too high for what I lift... but I am trying to recify that this year:)

    My current PBs are:
    Squat - 95 kgs (210lb)
    Bench - 60kg (132lb)
    Dead - 120kg (265lb)

    for this interested my oly PBs are:
    Clean & Jerk - 55kg (121lb)
    Snatch - 38.5kg (85lb)

    I currently weigh 180lb though... so you can see my problem :) I am aiming to get down a weight division for comps this year (under 72kg (160lb)), without losing my strength.
  • rabetts
    rabetts Posts: 31
    Hey there! I'm super new to powerlifting, I started deadlifting a couple months ago and fell in love. I want to do more, but worried that I'm past my prime...(29 seems a little late to embark on such a journey). Any tips, advice, encouragement?? Where do I start?
  • Rabetts-

    DEFINITELY not too old to start!! I started training the powerlifts last June (was 28 at the time) and I'm rockin' hard and kickin' butt like there's no tomorrow! :o)

    Is there anyone at your gym you can speak with about proper training/technique? I think that's definitely the best place to start as those are two BIG reasons why people get hurt, and have to pull out of the sport. Otherwise, when I first began powerlifting I purchased the Elite Fitness Training Manual (on the website) and it offered a LOT of information and guidance to make sure my programming was correct. That said, I'd still recommend having someone there to tell you if you're pulling with your back, or if you're not sitting back far enough in your squat, or whatever else, as I can't emphasize enough how important proper technique is to (1) keeping your body healthy and (2) seeing the strength gains you want. If speaking with someone at your gym isn't an option, by all means take videos of your training session and post them here. . . I'm sure there are plenty of people that'll be able to offer you tips and suggestions!!

  • rabetts
    rabetts Posts: 31
    Thanks for the reply! I did talk to a trainer at my gym. She told me that there's a powerlifting gym about 30 miles away, but I should stay where I'm at because I'm not fit enough to start something like that.(this seemed a little rude and greedy to me?) I looked into the powerlifting gym on the internet, and I can't afford it right now anyway. How did you get into powerlifting? Did you know someone?
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Thanks for the reply! I did talk to a trainer at my gym. She told me that there's a powerlifting gym about 30 miles away, but I should stay where I'm at because I'm not fit enough to start something like that.(this seemed a little rude and greedy to me?) I looked into the powerlifting gym on the internet, and I can't afford it right now anyway. How did you get into powerlifting? Did you know someone?

    They all had to start somewhere and they didn't have the strength when they started either. Power lifting people aren't rude, they welcome beginners, thats why I wonder if that trainer you talked to ever power lifted. There is a difference, body building,body sculpting, cross fit training, Olympic lifting and power lifting are similar that they use weights but thats it. Don't let the trainer scare you away. Plus you can do power lifting in any gym unless they specifically tell you not to. Oh yeah, I'm 45 and use to do it 11 years ago I quit and now I'm starting back. There are weight classes and age groups up to 60+ years old. So if you want it go for it. Don't let anybody stop you.
  • msue482
    msue482 Posts: 55
    Rabetts, I had to laugh when you said 29 was a little too late to start powerlifting! You are definitely not too old...I started maybe a few years ago and about to turn 30 this week.

    Where are you from? Look online for local powerlifters or gyms that specialize in it. If someone tells you that you are too unfit, run away from that establishment. I hate ignorant trainers that spout off things that they know nothing about.
  • rabetts
    rabetts Posts: 31
    I'm so glad I found some people to talk to about this. No one around here seems to know anything. So, I'm very thankful for all of you. My nearest powerlifting gym is in Des Moines, IA, which is still around 30-35 miles from me. Hopefully someday soon I can go check it out. Until then, I'll keep working out and getting stronger.

    Which lift is your favorite?
  • Hello everyone, im slightly new to powerlifting but i did body build for 3 months not compete that is and i packed on a good amount of muscle mass but im in to powerlifting now to ensure that i will gain strength as fast as possible so that i can bodybuild more effectively and end up at some contests in the near future. I dont know much but i have read as much as i can and learnt as much as i can my current weight lifting stats are-
    Flat Bench press- 235
    Back Squat- 335
    Deadlift- 305
    these are all lbs sadly i wish they were KG's though lol if anyone needs anything im here and i might have a few questions for the more seasoned Power Lifters.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Just joined today.

    Been powerlifting for about 6 months.
    Competed for the first time in April.
    310 squat, 210 bench, 425 deadlift.

    My best gym lifts are a 315 squat, 215 bench, and a 405 deadlift. (445 at the top with bands)
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hi, I'm Tim as of right now I'm back into lifting, just doing it right this time with low body fat and eating right. Here is what I use to do.
    Body weight of 275 lbs. 20 1/4" arms 11 years ago
    505 max
    405 sets of 5 reps
    315 set of 15 reps
    225 28 speed reps

    405 max
    315 set of 10 reps

    Militarys rear press
    275 max
    225 set of 5 reps
    185 set of 10 reps

    Straight bar curl sets of 10X185
    Squat max 550
    Deadlift max 605

    Lift Heavy or go home! lol I had no light days.

    Update as of 05/15/2012
    Bench Flat
    365 single
    305 sets of 5

    Incline Bench
    330 single rep
    280 sets of 5
    225 set of 15

    Squat and deadlift 405 lbs.
    Just started deads two weeks ago.
    Started squats about a month ago.

    Sets of 10 with 135
    Dumbells 60lb. set of 8-10

    Vertical press 205
    No bunny hop 185
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Looks like your lifts are coming along nicely man.

    What does your routine look like?
  • Justagirl1978
    Justagirl1978 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello everyone, wanna be powerlifter checking in!

    My name is Jo, I'm 34 and live in Wales in the UK. I've always been into exercise and started lifting weights a few years ago but only started taking it serious around September last year.

    My ultimate goal is to enter a competition but I'm a long way off at the moment.

    Current lifts are:

    Squat: 205lb
    Bench: 132lb
    Deadlift: 270lb

    As you can see, my bench is terribly lacking - I just loathe benching and it feels really awkward for me. Deadlift is my favourite exercise and I'm hoping to get a 300lb lift in the coming months!

    Look forward to posting more :)
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Hello everyone, wanna be powerlifter checking in!

    My name is Jo, I'm 34 and live in Wales in the UK. I've always been into exercise and started lifting weights a few years ago but only started taking it serious around September last year.

    My ultimate goal is to enter a competition but I'm a long way off at the moment.

    Current lifts are:

    Squat: 205lb
    Bench: 132lb
    Deadlift: 270lb

    As you can see, my bench is terribly lacking - I just loathe benching and it feels really awkward for me. Deadlift is my favourite exercise and I'm hoping to get a 300lb lift in the coming months!

    Look forward to posting more :)

    Welcome welcome... are you getting some proper PL coaching? That makes all the difference IMO, there is actually much more technique to it than many people think. You bench in particular will improve when you start using your whole body properly and not just your chest :) My bench is still my weakest lift though... :(

    ETA - we are very close in our numbers and age lol. I am 33 and my numbers are:
    Squat: 215lb
    Bench: 132lb
    Deadlift: 280lb

    ETA again - just realised you're the same girl who noticed out 'twin-ness' on the other thread... wow... I must need coffee :(
  • Justagirl1978
    Justagirl1978 Posts: 64 Member
    Haha I saw we are lifting twins :D

    I was actually saying to my boyfriend the other day that I seriously need to consider getting a coach now, have had a search in my area but I've not found one yet. I'm back in the gym tomorrow so I'll be asking around if anyone has a recommendation
    Hello everyone, wanna be powerlifter checking in!

    My name is Jo, I'm 34 and live in Wales in the UK. I've always been into exercise and started lifting weights a few years ago but only started taking it serious around September last year.

    My ultimate goal is to enter a competition but I'm a long way off at the moment.

    Current lifts are:

    Squat: 205lb
    Bench: 132lb
    Deadlift: 270lb

    As you can see, my bench is terribly lacking - I just loathe benching and it feels really awkward for me. Deadlift is my favourite exercise and I'm hoping to get a 300lb lift in the coming months!

    Look forward to posting more :)

    Welcome welcome... are you getting some proper PL coaching? That makes all the difference IMO, there is actually much more technique to it than many people think. You bench in particular will improve when you start using your whole body properly and not just your chest :) My bench is still my weakest lift though... :(

    ETA - we are very close in our numbers and age lol. I am 33 and my numbers are:
    Squat: 215lb
    Bench: 132lb
    Deadlift: 280lb

    ETA again - just realised you're the same girl who noticed out 'twin-ness' on the other thread... wow... I must need coffee :(
  • Hi everyone-

    Just wanted to share the video from my meet last month! Here's what I ended up with:

    Squat 330 lbs
    Bench 195 lbs
    Deadlift 400 lbs

    I pulled my hamstring during my second squat, and between the slow healing process and not managing my weight very well, I'm not sure if I'll be competing at my planned meet in August. I'm starting to feel a little discouraged. . . Getting hurt is always tough to bounce back from- physically and emotionally, but ESPECIALLY mentally. Could definitely use some support- I know that injury recovery takes time, but how do you all stay positive and focused when you can't train the way you want?
  • rabetts
    rabetts Posts: 31
    Hey everyone! I'm very new to powerlifting. I'm wondering what kind of numbers I need to aim for. It'll probably be a year or more before I actually compete, but I'd like to have an idea. I'm 307 lbs (obviously overweight, but I'm dropping some). As of today, my lifts are, Squat: 85lb, Bench:85lb, DL: 165lb. Lot of work ahead of me, but I'm really enjoying the challenge. I appreciate any input :) Thank you!