how's everyone doing?

How's everyone been doing the past week? I've been to the gym a few times and got a few good workouts in. I finally discovered a tiny tiny space between my legs for the first time in years which is a huge NSV for me! That has me very motivated to keep going because I can tell I was getting a little lazy. I've lost about a pound. And even though today is Easter and I had a little bit of candy I probably burned it off chasing my baby cousins all around Getting back on the high horse tomorrow!


  • Bpowell76
    Bpowell76 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm doing good. I lost 1lb also last week. I think I'm not consuming enough daily calories. This weekend was busy and I found myself eating some terrible things on Sunday even after I promise myself I wouldnt. I've tried to stay consist with my workouts. I'm little disappointed because I was looking to have loss more weight. I have to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
  • wackicatt
    wackicatt Posts: 23
    Glad you are both doing well. I am down a bit, I have been playing with three pounds. 3 lbs up& 3lbs down for about a month now. It is very frustrating. I have been pretty good about sticking to drinking more water and green tea & eating 5 + fruits and veggies, but I have not been exercising so much. =0(. Maybe that will get better once kids go back to school, which is tomorrow. My best to all of you....
  • Alana231
    Alana231 Posts: 8
    I weight myself at the gymn today and I was up from my scale. I like to think I am down more then what the scale said at the gymn.
    But I did do two days of excerise and my fat burning in calories was up. I did go over to a friends house and eat there and my calories for the day were up from yesterday. That is disappointing. There is going to be a big feast tommorrow so I will really have to watch it. This time of year we do have a lot of pie around because of brandings in the community. Pie is my downfall even through we can eat some. I glad everyone has their story on this forum. It makes me feel that I connect with you folks.:blushing:
  • Alana231
    Alana231 Posts: 8
    I weight myself at the gymn today and I was up from my scale. I like to think I am down more then what the scale said at the gymn.
    But I did do two days of excerise and my fat burning in calories was up. I did go over to a friends house and eat there and my calories for the day were up from yesterday. That is disappointing. There is going to be a big feast tommorrow so I will really have to watch it. This time of year we do have a lot of pie around because of brandings in the community. Pie is my downfall even through we can eat some. I glad everyone has their story on this forum. It makes me feel that I connect with you folks.:blushing:
  • Alana231
    Alana231 Posts: 8
    I repost my repley. Whosp,
  • trinoc
    trinoc Posts: 73
    I'm only weighing once a month so I have no idea what the scales are doing this week. I do know that my clothes fit better....almost loose.

    I have been doing great with keeping up w/ exercise. I've been eating well but having a hard time eating enough calories, oddly enough. I did have a pretty big splurge on Sunday but I logged everything and when I saw what weight they projected me at if I continued having days like that...well, let's just say that was motivation enough to get back to the right path on Monday! :-)

    I'm feeling good. :-)
  • Glad you are both doing well. I am down a bit, I have been playing with three pounds. 3 lbs up& 3lbs down for about a month now. It is very frustrating. I have been pretty good about sticking to drinking more water and green tea & eating 5 + fruits and veggies, but I have not been exercising so much. =0(. Maybe that will get better once kids go back to school, which is tomorrow. My best to all of you....

    I know how that is. I've been fluctuating the same 5 lbs. for the past month or a little over and it drives me crazy. Probably best to change things up a bit. Most of it is food/diet but exercising does play a part in weight loss. Hopefully you'll be able to find some time to fit a workout in here and there. Good luck!
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    I lost 2.1 lbs last week!Happy with that!!!!I've only lost almost 16 lbs but,my clothes fit!and i joined Planet Fitness and have gone everyday!I'm addicted to MFP and to getting healthy!!!!!!!!!!I've been on here 1 month!
  • drmattski
    drmattski Posts: 124 Member
    Making progress, but I am gettign burnt out at the gym. Hope it warms up soon so I can go biking an dhiking to break up the routine. :smile:
  • wackicatt
    wackicatt Posts: 23
    Thanks so much...... =o)
  • lost a pound!
  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 87 Member
    lost a pound after three weeks of weight plateu
  • Araucaria29
    Araucaria29 Posts: 157 Member
    SW: 203
    CW: 199

    Lost 4 pounds AND made it back under 200 finally after 3 years!!!! Extremely happy!!!
  • trinoc
    trinoc Posts: 73
    Congrats on all the success. Especially breaking through plateaus and breaking the 200 lb mark. :-)
  • SW: 203
    CW: 199

    Lost 4 pounds AND made it back under 200 finally after 3 years!!!! Extremely happy!!!

    That's awesome! Great job!!
  • spudlovie
    spudlovie Posts: 56 Member
    I've decided I am only weighing myself once a month. I am doing ripped in 30 now. I have one more day of week 1 then I start week two tomorrow. I am nervous !! Jillian is crazy
  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 87 Member
    I've decided I am only weighing myself once a month. I am doing ripped in 30 now. I have one more day of week 1 then I start week two tomorrow. I am nervous !! Jillian is crazy

    lol i feel the same :). dont worry i am on my last week. going good can follow through... honestly will get easier tiny winy bit as u go along :)
  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 87 Member
    i have lost 5 pounds in last 25 days. lost 4 in first week and only 1 in rest two weeks.... was very depressed but am finally my scale started to respond. still have got few 5 days left... am keeping my fingers crossed for another pound this month...
  • drmattski
    drmattski Posts: 124 Member
    kinda stuck...i have been eating more, but also exercising....feeling better, but weight loss has definitley slowed...hopefully just another plateau :happy:
  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 87 Member
    lost another 2 pounds in last week or so total weight loss this past month 7 pounds... me so hap:smile: py