Phase 1 too easy, anyone else?

ecsoboth Posts: 3 Member
Hi, I tried out the first phase workouts and cardio. I only have have five lbs weights right now and it's not in the budget to get heavier ones at the moment. If I had 20s maybe it would be challenging. I've been doing Shred, killer, etc for awhile now and feel like I'll lose progress if I stick to the schedule and phase one
for a month. Anyone else?


  • Mira710
    Mira710 Posts: 194 Member
    I had just finished killer buns and thighs when I started the program. I used heavier weights and did the harder modifications during phase 1. I saw amazing results in my first month even though I worked out before. I would stick with it, get heavier weights (when you can), and do all of the harder modifications. You can also add more time to each workout if you don't feel like you are burning enough. I add a workout or two from Jillian's kickboxing video to the JMBR program 3 days a week. So maybe you could add a circuit or a full workout (if you have the time) of 30DS or killer buns? Hope this helps!
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Phase 1 was fairly easy. On one of jillians messages she said some people who are very fit can start with phase 2. I highly suggest you do the entire program though. Phase 2 definitely eels it up a couple notches. Use your phase 1 time to perfect your form and lay a solid foundation for the rest of the program.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I don't think it's too easy (coming from three rounds of P90X right before this). It's also a great "get ready" phase... now that I'm in Phase 2 and she's throwing a lot of the moves together, so that upper and lower body are working together, or cardio + strength are happening at the same time, I'm glad I went through all of Phase 1 so I could be aware of what all the moves are and how to have proper form, particularly when combining them.

    I would say, though, I really pushed myself in Phase 1 to go harder and faster - I definitely pumped it harder than a lot of the people in the videos did (they seem to take it a bit easy at times). Just push yourself - you can always make it tougher by upping the intensity, if you want/need to.
  • ecsoboth
    ecsoboth Posts: 3 Member
    I did al the advanced moves and did the workout and cardio back to back and still found it not very challenging, but with heavier weights it would be great I think. Thanks for the advice everyone. Think I'll try doing the cardio before the workout.
  • ecsoboth
    ecsoboth Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, I'm going to be adding from her other programs I think. The issue will be time with two small children running around. Thanks for the rePly.