Challenge Day 4



  • lvondy
    lvondy Posts: 76 Member
    I'm doing my own rotation of the DVD's I own. Back to my favorite today--BFBM!! It kicks my butt but I love how accomplished I feel afterwards! Friday is my day off then NMTZ on Saturday. We can do this, girls!
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 276 Member
    Did day 4 last night about 2 hours after an hour of Zumba. My question is, shouldn't I be super sore today? I had to push HARD to get through last night and thought for sure I wouldn't be able to get up from my desk today but that isn't the case. I am afraid I might be doing something wrong. Any opinions?
  • violetfleuri
    violetfleuri Posts: 11 Member
    Day 4 of 30DS coming up this afternoon. I'm looking forward to it. Especially because I saw the first change on the tape measure today!!! This is starting to work! :D
  • bangersnmash90
    I missed yesterday, sorry everyone, I did run 5k on the treadmill though so I feel that is a valid excuse. I'm going to make up for missing yesterday by doing 30DS level 2 AND level 1 6W6P when I get back from work and food shopping!
  • Fathima0712
    Fathima0712 Posts: 177 Member
    I am going to do day 4 Level 2 of 30DS today..actually day 4 was supposed to be yesterday,but i felt very lethargic and couldn't do it,so i am gonna try and do x2 today..but i actually tried to do it earlier today and i quit like 7 minutes into the video because i just didn't feel all that INTO it earlier..But i am going to try and push through it with all my will..!
  • Ms_Cindyrella
    Ms_Cindyrella Posts: 61 Member
    Done, and did a lil more than before, still on level 1.
  • SallyGal4
    SallyGal4 Posts: 93 Member
    I have a question and just need some opinions please.
    Does anyone see an issue with doing the 30DS once in the morning and then again in the evening?
    I am asking because I might miss a day and was wondering if anyone has done this or find that it would be to much on the muscles. I am not talking about doing this as a regular thing but just on occasion. What do you all think? Thanks

    I was wondering the same thing. I do it in the morning 3 days a week and hit the gym in the evening.

    So long as you are eating enough, hydrating, and aren't injuring yourself, there shouldn't be an issue with working out more than once a day. Definitely listen to your body though. If your knees are killing you, don't do another 30ds, instead, go swimming, or use the eliptical. Or take a day off. It's important to work out but it's more important to be smart and healthy about your fitness goals. :)

    Three to four times a week I tack on a strength training routine to my 30ds. When 30ds is over, I'll find another cardio and weight training routine. I also do extended stretching or yoga nearly everyday. I've neglected my body for too long and really want to be in shape besides just losing weight.

    Good luck everyone!! Don't give up and don't stop!! 30 days is nothing. ;)
  • Jjsugar2001
    Jjsugar2001 Posts: 75 Member
    Day four 30DS Level one: my bum hurts.
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    Day 4, Level 2......

    I am OK with most of the strength stuff, but some of the jumping up and down in the cardio is really making my calves ache and my arms and shoulders are really ahcing with all the plank based work too. Did I mention the plan obliques and those ghastly V raises too :sad:

    Ah well, despite all that I am still up for it again tomorrow. I will have to do a morning session though instead of my usual evening one as we are off for the weekend after 10am and I won't be near a DVD until Sunday evening (we will be in a tent!).

    We can do this ladies :smile:
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    D4L1 much better today and was able to do Zumba right after Jillian :heart:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Just finished day #4 of week 1 of Ripped in 30...didn't think I'd be able to today since I've been sick with a migraine...had to leave work to come home and take meds kinda bad...but I started to feel a bit better and I came on here and read about all you awesome ladies completing today...and decided it would probably make me feel better. SO glad I did it. Thanks for being awesome ladies!!! :flowerforyou:
  • lvondy
    lvondy Posts: 76 Member
    Day 4--BFBM done! Rest day tomorrow! YAY!
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    I just finished day 13 of level one. Don't want to start level 2 unitl the weekend so if I can't move a day or two to recover before work on Monday. haha! I also walk at least 2 miles after the dvd.
  • radscorpion
    Day 4 of Level 1 Ripped in 30: I'm aching a lot less than yesterday which is surprising - hopefully that's my body sucking it up and getting on with it! I also went for a short run and biked at an easy pace for half hour. So far so good! Keep it up everyone :)
  • jenelizmin
    jenelizmin Posts: 47 Member
    Did Day 4 Level1 today and feel a lot better than I have been. I even got through my C25K comfortably. Definately thinking about getting another video so I can mix it up a little.
  • amara0118
    amara0118 Posts: 44 Member
    30 Day Shred Level 3 Day 3 for today. Just 7 more days for me to finish the whole program!
    However, I did go out to eat with my friends today and did horribly on my diet so I'm thinking of sneaking in another round before I go to bed tonight or working out twice tomorrow.
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    I did a round of Shred It with Weights this morning, but I am just now getting around to checking in :)

    I thought I would share with everyone:
    Jillians Yoga Meltdown Level 1 and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism Level 1 are both available on YouTube in their entirity :) Oh, and 30DS Level 1 is there too :)
  • Monica1217
    level 1 day 3 completed. missed a day thought i was gonna do it 3x a week but decided to kick it up a notch and do it everyday
    thighs a little sore other than that no major complaints Happy Shredding!!
  • sarammorgan
    I have a question and just need some opinions please.
    Does anyone see an issue with doing the 30DS once in the morning and then again in the evening?
    I am asking because I might miss a day and was wondering if anyone has done this or find that it would be to much on the muscles. I am not talking about doing this as a regular thing but just on occasion. What do you all think? Thanks

    I was wondering the same thing. I do it in the morning 3 days a week and hit the gym in the evening.

    So long as you are eating enough, hydrating, and aren't injuring yourself, there shouldn't be an issue with working out more than once a day. Definitely listen to your body though. If your knees are killing you, don't do another 30ds, instead, go swimming, or use the eliptical. Or take a day off. It's important to work out but it's more important to be smart and healthy about your fitness goals. :)

    Three to four times a week I tack on a strength training routine to my 30ds. When 30ds is over, I'll find another cardio and weight training routine. I also do extended stretching or yoga nearly everyday. I've neglected my body for too long and really want to be in shape besides just losing weight.

    Good luck everyone!! Don't give up and don't stop!! 30 days is nothing. ;)

    ^^^This. On the days I do a JM workout that is around 30 minutes or less, I usually try to find another DVD (either of hers or something else) or I run on the treadmill. I really like to get 60 mins in a day. I don't think I would do the same workout both times just so I can use different muscles, but I don't think there is anything wrong with working out twice. Today I did 6W6P for 36 minutes and JM Fitness Ultimate 2009 for the Wii for 34 minutes. After doing some kind of workout by JM every day this week, my shoulders and shoulder muscles are killing me! I guess I know where my weak spots are now!
  • Jonnelle06
    HI everyone

    I have been doing Jillian Micheals no trouble zones Im a day behind yall but today was day three keep up the good work..This group keeps me motivated to do it everyday:happy: