

  • Katacheese
    Katacheese Posts: 112 Member
    Week 3 Thursday

    Exercise challenge- done
    Water 13 cups
    Under calories- yes
    Walking challenge 3.5
  • gjrie
    gjrie Posts: 7
    Week 3 Friday
    Exercise Challenge - I've caught up 4 days
    Have been under calories - Tues, Wed & Thur so far.
    I've done 75 double crunches -- cumulative-- the term "so your spine forms a smile"... no, still working on that, mine is more like a smirk.

    Haven't had TIME for walking this week, though I feel like I've been "running around in circles"... I suppose that doesn't count.
  • LaundryGirl
    LaundryGirl Posts: 28 Member
    Day 5

    Under cals
    10 cups water
    exercises done
    walked 1 mile

    Day 6

    Under cals
    8 cups water
    exercises done
    walked 2 miles
  • TheGreatYaYa
    TheGreatYaYa Posts: 215 Member
    Week 3, Friday

    Total washout!!

    Exercises done: No
    Water: 2 cups
    Under Calories: No
    Walking Challenge: 0 miles

    Crunches: 0

    Bad day for me is my only excuse and that's not a good one~~!
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    Week 3
    Day 6 (Friday)
    Exercise Challenge - Yes
    Water today - 12
    Under Calories - yes
    I walked 5 miles towards the evening walk challenge.
  • Cazzy42
    Cazzy42 Posts: 30 Member
    Week 3 day 6

    Exercise challenge - no but going to the gym today so will do it there.
    Under cals - no
    Water - 8
    Walking towards challenge - 1 mile

    A better day today - slowly climbing back on the wagon :(
  • Katacheese
    Katacheese Posts: 112 Member
    Week 3 Friday

    Exercise challenge- yes
    Under calories- yes
    Water 16 cups and I am floating away
    Walking towards challenge 3.5 miles

    Did 60 crunchies and am trying like heck to stay away from the maple blondies in the fridge.
  • misty2ann
    misty2ann Posts: 127
    Week 3 Day 5 Friday

    Exercise challenge- Yes
    Under calorie goal-Yes
    Walking challenge-4.2

    Week 3 Day 6 Saturday

    Exercise challenge- Yes
    Under calorie goal-Yes
    Walking challenge-2.98

    OH! AND I weighed in at 187.5 this morning....YaY!!
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    Week 3
    Day 7 (Saturday)
    Exercise Challenge - Yes
    Water today - 12
    Under Calories - yes
    I walked 5 miles towards the evening walk challenge.
  • Cazzy42
    Cazzy42 Posts: 30 Member
    Week 3 day 7 - Saturday

    Exercises - yes fri and sat
    Under cals - oh yes
    Water - 8 cups and drank diet coke instead of wine with dinner!!! (this is a big achievement for me)
    Walk - 1 mile towards walking challenge!

    Sunday. Have already walked two miles and have bike ride planned for later. I may officially be back on it!!!

    Have a great week all. X
  • LaundryGirl
    LaundryGirl Posts: 28 Member
    Day 6
    calories good
    exercises good
    8 cups of water
    walked .5 mile
  • gklangdon
    gklangdon Posts: 80 Member
    So you've probably noticed that I haven't written anything on the board this week. Well, that is because this silly girl was posting on the Challengers board. I don't know how I did it, but I posted a few times then I started looking around and didn't see you all. So I didn't post for a day then I looked and it said Week 3 - Challengers. Oh, good grief! Then I was without computer for a few days and can't post, because I don't know how to cut and paste a link on my cell phone. I'm technically challenged. I did log in everyday on my MFP app on my cell, so I kept up with my diary. Though I can't seem to find where I can add my water. I drink 9 glasses everyday, unless I'm working outside and then I may up that to 12.

    I'm super excited that I saw a 1.3 pound loss this week. I also found a new workout routine that I made up for myself, which apparently worked! I just hope I keep this pace up, so I can show a marked improvement by our June 30th date.

    Well, anyways. I hope you all have had success this week. If not...brush it off!!! This is a whole new week. We can do this ladies & gents!!!

    High five to all!
  • Katacheese
    Katacheese Posts: 112 Member
    Week 3 Saturday

    Exercise- yes
    Under calories- yes
    Water- 13 cups
    Walking challenge 3.5 miles.

    And stayed away from those darn maple blondies....at least for today.