


  • emmyjo12
    emmyjo12 Posts: 5
    Currently, Im just doing the Turbo Fire program and I've been wondering if her sculpt classes were enough strength training or if I should add my own workouts in. Are you talking about her sculpt and core dvd's that come with the set. I am using 3lb weights now but think I need to go up to 5lbs.

    I just did the sculpt last night for the first time, I already had the band. I am pretty out of shape so I am sore just from doing the sculpt, but If I were you, I would probably just use the 5 lb weights for more of a challenge! Ive seen your workout diary... I think you can handle it! :-)

    Thanks!! Good to know. I need to get the band though. Do you think they sell them anywhere local, like Walmart? I'm sure their cheaper then getting them from beachbody.com. You're right, I am going to upgrade to the 5lbs, the 3lbs aren't as much of a challenge anymore. Thanks for the advice!!

    Anytime :-) I got my band at Target a few years back but I dont remember it being expensive, so I am sure walmart will have it too. Best of Luck... I think the band really helps!!
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member

    I am on week 4 of Turbo Fire. I decided as a 25th birthday present to myself to spend some money on the program. I read a couple of post of people who did TF and had AMAZING results. I have been the same weight for about a year and a half and I'm hoping that TF will help me to lose the last 15lbs I want to lose and to lose those inches for once and for all.

    After 3.5 weeks, I still haven't really lost any weight, but I feel a little bit thinner. I haven't taken my month long photos yet, so I don't know if there's any visible difference. I, too, went ahead and bought the advanced CDs when I bought the program. I plan on doing the 20 weeks as well. I was hoping that in 4 weeks I would have a noticeable weight and inches difference. My sister's wedding is at the end of April and I was hoping to look a little better in my bridesmaid dress. It already is a pretty slimming dress, but I wanted to be slim underneath of it.

    I'm a little frustrated with my weight, so I'm hoping this program works for me. I have even started incorporating a strict diet...I'm not doing the best with sticking to the diet and trying my best to learn to eat better, but I feel like the diet is so restrictive, I am finding myself cheating trying to get the other things in, but I was told I might need to do something drastic for a few weeks in order to "reset" my body some-what to get it back to losing weight.

    On top of following the TF program, I will be incorporating running 2-3x a week. I love running and love the things I've been able to accomplish with running (I completed my first Half-marathon March 18th running a total of 12 out of the 13 miles--running the first 9 miles without stopping) and I'm running AJC Peachtree Road Race in a few weeks.

    I've been on a weight-loss journey since Summer 2008, losing 50lbs, but I don't feel I look as strong as I am or look like the athletic person I've become and I've had students that I teach make comments about not thinking I can do something because I don't look that way--and it's kind of upsetting at times. So, I'm hoping that with TF and running and a strict diet, that maybe I can slim down and tone up and look bathing suit ready FOR GOOD this summer. It's ONLY 15lbs!!!! >_<
  • Marinewife1125
    Marinewife1125 Posts: 12 Member
    I am on Week 3 of Turbo Fire, and I love it. I have lost 4 pounds, and 7 inches in 17 days. I am very happy with the results :)
  • myblckizbeautiful03
    I am on Week 3 of Turbo Fire, and I love it. I have lost 4 pounds, and 7 inches in 17 days. I am very happy with the results :)

    WOW!!! Great Job! Did you follow the entire manual or you did your own thing as far as calories.
  • katsmith72
    katsmith72 Posts: 3
    I have just started my third week of cardio one this past weekend. I really noticed a difference in my endurance and ability to jump punch and kick with any force during the first round of Hiit's. I am actually looking forward to the second round of Hiits but I don't start Hiit-2 until the week after next. Loving the program on the whole though!
  • katsmith72
    katsmith72 Posts: 3
  • katsmith72
    katsmith72 Posts: 3
    I discovered Turbo Jam several years ago but lost my DVD. For mother's day last year, my husband gave me the whole Turbo Fire set. I love the work outs but they really bother my knee. I tore my miniscus 2 years ago playing basketball. Everyhting will feel fine. I do Turbo Fire and it begins aching. I am going to try it tonight with a kneww brace to see if that helps. ANyone else having any knee problems from this? What am I doing wrong!?!

    When she says pick up your feet and twist from there instead of your knees she really means it. It's a bit harder at first but it also makes all of her little fast feet moves easier because you build all of the little connector muscles in your legs and can do so much more. I had reconstructive surgery on my ACL a number of years ago and was concerned that this might re-aggrivate it but so far so good as long as I remember to pick up my feet.
  • clhandwerk
    clhandwerk Posts: 52 Member
    I am actually right now doing the Turbo Fire and ChaLean Extream hybrid! I love it! I looove weight lifting, its my favorite thing to do so i was happy to see they had a hybrid program of it! :) Will post after ive done it for a month. :)
  • chargers8709
    chargers8709 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Turbo Addicts:

    I am currently on wk 9 and love Turbo Fire!

    It is the first workout that I actually look forward
    to. I am starting to lose weight slowly but have
    lost much more inches than weight.

    on going the full 20 wks.