My Rockstar level Paleo/Primal Blood work - more proof ;)

MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
As previously posted I recently lost 30 lbs of fat (no muscle) in 90 days on paleo.
(between 1/1 and 4/1)

The people around me told me I would kill my liver and kidneys, ruin my heart and clog my arteries. My rapid weight loss would also be all water or muscle because I would put my body into starvation mode and that > 1lb per week is "not healthy".

So I tested my bodyfat before and after (and did not lose any muscle!!) 27% to 10% bf.

I had my blood work done to prove I have not created any of the other above problems.

[note: I unfortunately did not do this test before and do not have a blood work baseline]

My blood pressure did go from 145/110 to 110/70 over the same period.

So here are the numbers. As you will see, basically every number is beyond "good" and some are excellent.

HDL 63 : <40 poor, 50 acceptable, >60 best/protective (ROCKSTAR)
LDL 118 : 100-120 Near Ideal (Good) (excellent depending on pattern A vs pattern B)
Trig 80 : <150 Desirable (ROCKSTAR)
Total 197 : <200 Desirable (Good)

One key he mentioned is my super good high HDL in combination with my super low Trig is an indicator that my free insulin is lower and that my LDL (currently in the acceptable range) is made up of more LDL pattern A than pattern B without having to test for it. So even though the LDL wasn't rockstar, the hdl and trig ratio says it is good LDL.

He was most interested in the ratios and was quite jealous of my numbers.

Trig/HDL 1.27 (super low): 2 or below is "desirable" with 4 being high. Indicator of pattern A vs pattern B! high ratio strongest predictor of heart attack.
TTL/HDL 3.12 (super low): Ideal <=5
LDL/HDL 1.87 (UNBELIEVABLY LOW): Ideal <=4.3 7-11 considered moderate

Fasting glucose A1c 5.3 : 3.9-5.5 normal

Inflammation C-Reactive Protein 1.23 : 1-3 average risk for cardiovascular (good sign of low inflammation)

Vitamin D 51: Considered quite good and he was impressed- shooting for 80 according to Dr. but loved that I am at 51.

My BUN Creatinine ratio is 23 which is considered just outside of range. Based on my high protein and high caffeine intake, he recommended I cut back from 5 cups of coffee a day to 2-3 and drink more water.

My cortisol was also into the high range. While this can be a sign of the body storing body fat - in my case it definitely is not. Dr. suspects I have been working the body hard in my recent weight loss, my exercise and work stress. he is ordering more hormone tests, but is not at all bothered by this number given my health.

I am transitioning from losing weight to gaining muscle. I have changed my eating pattern and asked the DR. to help me find a way to put on more muscle rather than maintain.

My "prescription" - KEEP EATING PALEO (his notes)
Up my omega 3 dosage to include mid day and late day doses
Cut coffee in half
Slight increase in my vitamin D3 dosage
Eat more protein (from 140g to 160g)
Measure and add fiber to 30g's
drink more water to help flush my kidneys and liver (since they are working well - but working hard).
post workout meal (immediate) should include some carbs along with my protein (he described that a bit of insulin with the protein HELPS with muscle production). [found this interesting]
He actually recommended I source more grass fed beef and look into mold free coffee ;)

Sorry for the length of this post but I submit this as a "study of 1". I did not compromise my health by eating Paleo/Primal.
Eating bacon and eggs did not clog my arteries. Eating massive red meat did not burn out my kidneys and liver.

Hurrah for bacon.


  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    Excellent results Mike...This should quieten the doubters..
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    1 question Mike, how much do you have to up your omega 3 intake to? I`m currently taking 1 x 1000mg tab a day.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 445 Member
    How many grams of carbs were you eating a day? Just would like to know your protein / carb / fat ratios.

    Your Tris will prob go even lower. That is actually the highest number I have seen from someone eating paleo. Of course, for someone eating a normal diet, it is VERY low! I have seen people's Tris drop to the teens when switching to paleo. Mine is in the low 60s.

    Sounds like you have a good doctor. It is not uncommon for MDs to look at us like we are crazy for not eating grains.

    All in all, good work! Look forward to seeing the next batch of numbers.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Mike- you are an awesome inspiration! Rockstar status indeed! :)
  • MrsAbles
    MrsAbles Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks for the update and congrats! I'm curious how you'll increase your fiber.
  • lys617
    lys617 Posts: 51 Member
    Congratulations!!! I love to see all the results of eating this way. Keep it up! Such an inspiration!
  • cathyL11
    cathyL11 Posts: 46 Member
    Fantastic --- thanks for posting this and all the explanations of the blood test results --- I envy you your doctor --- is he part of the Paleo Physician Network?
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    I was taking 3 omega pills for a total of 1500mg in the morning.
    I am now tripleing that in effect. He is a huge believer and thinks I can get my inflammation and triglicerides down even more given my results.

    I was pretty consistently 40-60g of carbs a day between 1/1 and 4/1. I have upped that to right around 80-100 but have taken a couple weeks off from logging.

    So for ratios I couldn't tell you quite exactly - but I targeted 50g carbs, 140g protein and ate up to 1400-1500 rest with fat.

    So am I, .... so am I :) I am trying real hard to up the veggies even more. I suppose I could supplement with flax - I do that occasionally in a shake.

    No he isn't. He is from Bastyr (a local and well known natural health university) so is a Naturopath. I didn't know he was so pro-paleo and was worried I was going to get a lecture, but i wanted my numbers. Turned out he spent an hour with me talking about food sources, energy levels. He seemed excited to have a test case willing to fine tune the machine.
  • mom2tek
    mom2tek Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for posting this MikeFlyMike! Very interesting to learn about the boodwork, your numbers and ratios.
  • scubagoil
    scubagoil Posts: 103 Member
    Wow, great numbers! How nice that you found a doctor that likes the fact that you are eating paleo.

    I am going in July and am anxious to see how much my numbers have improved!
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Funny I just had my blood work Chiro office was able to order blood work and my numbers came back very similar to yours...

    My total cholest was about 183
    HDL - 53
    LDL - 117
    TRI - 80

    my ratio was something like 1.7 (and they were all like how can that be since my LDL was high...ummm cause I rocked the HDL)

    I did ask if I should be at all worried about the LDL since my ratio was so low...and he said yes you should be watching the LDL - but in my case since my HDL was so high there wasn't significant worries about it. He did say he wanted to restest me in about 4 months and they can add a panel that will check on the type of LDL (big fluffy LDL = good, small tiny LDL = bad) - he is guessing that the majority of my LDL will be the big fluffy kind and if that is the case than he isn't going to bug me at all...

    I am going to up the amount of Omega 3 suppliments I have been taking

    My creatine levels were elevated too (23) - but he wasn't worried about it since that is indicative of muscle break down and since I lift 3x's a week that my body is going always be in some state of muscle breakdown and repair - now if I wasn't lifting and doing some sort of exercise 3-5 x's a week then it might be a concern.

    Everything else was good except for one Vitamin D levels...they were at 23 - when the range is I am on a regime of Vitamin D suppliments and have a whole handout of things with dietary vitamin D - but they are mainly things I dont' like to eat - like small fishes...and I am not a big dairy person at all...he told me I needed to get out in the sun without sunscreen from time to time (ummm I am a fair skinned red head with lots of freckles...) - Here's hoping the suppliments work...
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Funny I just had my blood work Chiro office was able to order blood work and my numbers came back very similar to yours...

    My total cholest was about 183
    HDL - 53
    LDL - 117
    TRI - 80

    my ratio was something like 1.7 (and they were all like how can that be since my LDL was high...ummm cause I rocked the HDL)

    I did ask if I should be at all worried about the LDL since my ratio was so low...and he said yes you should be watching the LDL - but in my case since my HDL was so high there wasn't significant worries about it. He did say he wanted to restest me in about 4 months and they can add a panel that will check on the type of LDL (big fluffy LDL = good, small tiny LDL = bad) - he is guessing that the majority of my LDL will be the big fluffy kind and if that is the case than he isn't going to bug me at all...

    I am going to up the amount of Omega 3 suppliments I have been taking

    My creatine levels were elevated too (23) - but he wasn't worried about it since that is indicative of muscle break down and since I lift 3x's a week that my body is going always be in some state of muscle breakdown and repair - now if I wasn't lifting and doing some sort of exercise 3-5 x's a week then it might be a concern.

    Everything else was good except for one Vitamin D levels...they were at 23 - when the range is I am on a regime of Vitamin D suppliments and have a whole handout of things with dietary vitamin D - but they are mainly things I dont' like to eat - like small fishes...and I am not a big dairy person at all...he told me I needed to get out in the sun without sunscreen from time to time (ummm I am a fair skinned red head with lots of freckles...) - Here's hoping the suppliments work...

    You might be surprised at how well you do with sun. I always burned easily. I'm pale and freckly (scottish/irish/swiss - I don't count the native american in me - it's overpowered by the rest). Since I went Primal I don't burn anymore. Last summer I was out in the sun the entire day in the garden and front yard doing landscaping. I got a little red on my shoulders and it was gone by morning. I've never had that happen before.

    Had I done that before I went Primal I would've had a nasty burn and it would lasted for days and then peeled. No peeling either.
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Thank you for the update..
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    Awesome!!! Keep up the good work!
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    What wonderful proof that you're doing the right thing! So happy for you, and all of us who are into this diet. Yet another reason to stick with it! Bravo!
  • cathyL11
    cathyL11 Posts: 46 Member
    >>>>No he isn't. He is from Bastyr (a local and well known natural health university) so is a Naturopath. I didn't know he was so pro-paleo and was worried I was going to get a lecture, but i wanted my numbers. Turned out he spent an hour with me talking about food sources, energy levels. He seemed excited to have a test case willing to fine tune the machine.<<<<

    Even so you might want to suggest he join the Paleo Physician Network --- I believe there are lots of Chiropractors and Naturopaths on it as well as regular MD's.

    In my opinion they should break out the listings into the different specialties to help make it easier to search for what you want but maybe as the list grows they will start doing that.
  • mom2tek
    mom2tek Posts: 75 Member
    Funny I just had my blood work Chiro office was able to order blood work and my numbers came back very similar to yours...

    My total cholest was about 183
    HDL - 53
    LDL - 117
    TRI - 80

    my ratio was something like 1.7 (and they were all like how can that be since my LDL was high...ummm cause I rocked the HDL)

    I did ask if I should be at all worried about the LDL since my ratio was so low...and he said yes you should be watching the LDL - but in my case since my HDL was so high there wasn't significant worries about it. He did say he wanted to restest me in about 4 months and they can add a panel that will check on the type of LDL (big fluffy LDL = good, small tiny LDL = bad) - he is guessing that the majority of my LDL will be the big fluffy kind and if that is the case than he isn't going to bug me at all...

    I am going to up the amount of Omega 3 suppliments I have been taking

    My creatine levels were elevated too (23) - but he wasn't worried about it since that is indicative of muscle break down and since I lift 3x's a week that my body is going always be in some state of muscle breakdown and repair - now if I wasn't lifting and doing some sort of exercise 3-5 x's a week then it might be a concern.

    Everything else was good except for one Vitamin D levels...they were at 23 - when the range is I am on a regime of Vitamin D suppliments and have a whole handout of things with dietary vitamin D - but they are mainly things I dont' like to eat - like small fishes...and I am not a big dairy person at all...he told me I needed to get out in the sun without sunscreen from time to time (ummm I am a fair skinned red head with lots of freckles...) - Here's hoping the suppliments work...

    You might be surprised at how well you do with sun. I always burned easily. I'm pale and freckly (scottish/irish/swiss - I don't count the native american in me - it's overpowered by the rest). Since I went Primal I don't burn anymore. Last summer I was out in the sun the entire day in the garden and front yard doing landscaping. I got a little red on my shoulders and it was gone by morning. I've never had that happen before.

    Had I done that before I went Primal I would've had a nasty burn and it would lasted for days and then peeled. No peeling either.

    Interesting! I have heard this before about not needing sunscreen. Eat the right foods and you won't need sunscreen. There is a website I check out at times and she talks about this as well. Since sunscreens have toxic ingredients in them she recommended eating differently and no sunscreen would be needed. I'm anxious to see how this summer will be for me because I'm also very fair skinned and blonde. I burn super easy. I am also anxiously waiting to get my blood work done to see if there is any differences after only close to months now on Paleo.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Hello all. I'm new - as in we haven't started Paleo yet... but I am a vegetarian (have been on and off for 10 years and haven't had meat in about 3 or 4). I just had some blood work done for Lab Week at work and thought I'd brag... *ehem* I mean share :)

    Total Cholesterol: 120s (dont remember exactly, I'm at work and my results are at home)
    HDL: 84 (know these for sure)
    LDL: 46

    HgA1C: 4.7ish (again, unsure but I know its low and good :) )

    I'll edit when I get home to the correct numbers. My BF is super jealous of my HDL and says its all my genes... which I'm sure is most of it.
  • AnDCorby09
    AnDCorby09 Posts: 24 Member
    What a great idea and congrats on the awesome weight loss!!! I too have had my blood pressure become even more normalized.... 117/64 or so.... when I was pregnant I had pregnancy induced hypertension and had high blood pressure right up until the day before I delivered. It's been almost two years since I have had him and my blood pressure has been about normal, but since starting paleo 4/20/12 I have felt beyond amazing!! I'm on a role and there is no turning back. :)
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    As previously posted I recently lost 30 lbs of fat (no muscle) in 90 days on paleo.
    (between 1/1 and 4/1)

    The people around me told me I would kill my liver and kidneys, ruin my heart and clog my arteries. My rapid weight loss would also be all water or muscle because I would put my body into starvation mode and that > 1lb per week is "not healthy".

    So I tested my bodyfat before and after (and did not lose any muscle!!) 27% to 10% bf.

    I had my blood work done to prove I have not created any of the other above problems.

    [note: I unfortunately did not do this test before and do not have a blood work baseline]

    My blood pressure did go from 145/110 to 110/70 over the same period.

    So here are the numbers. As you will see, basically every number is beyond "good" and some are excellent.

    HDL 63 : <40 poor, 50 acceptable, >60 best/protective (ROCKSTAR)
    LDL 118 : 100-120 Near Ideal (Good) (excellent depending on pattern A vs pattern B)
    Trig 80 : <150 Desirable (ROCKSTAR)
    Total 197 : <200 Desirable (Good)

    One key he mentioned is my super good high HDL in combination with my super low Trig is an indicator that my free insulin is lower and that my LDL (currently in the acceptable range) is made up of more LDL pattern A than pattern B without having to test for it. So even though the LDL wasn't rockstar, the hdl and trig ratio says it is good LDL.

    He was most interested in the ratios and was quite jealous of my numbers.

    Trig/HDL 1.27 (super low): 2 or below is "desirable" with 4 being high. Indicator of pattern A vs pattern B! high ratio strongest predictor of heart attack.
    TTL/HDL 3.12 (super low): Ideal <=5
    LDL/HDL 1.87 (UNBELIEVABLY LOW): Ideal <=4.3 7-11 considered moderate

    Fasting glucose A1c 5.3 : 3.9-5.5 normal

    Inflammation C-Reactive Protein 1.23 : 1-3 average risk for cardiovascular (good sign of low inflammation)

    Vitamin D 51: Considered quite good and he was impressed- shooting for 80 according to Dr. but loved that I am at 51.

    My BUN Creatinine ratio is 23 which is considered just outside of range. Based on my high protein and high caffeine intake, he recommended I cut back from 5 cups of coffee a day to 2-3 and drink more water.

    My cortisol was also into the high range. While this can be a sign of the body storing body fat - in my case it definitely is not. Dr. suspects I have been working the body hard in my recent weight loss, my exercise and work stress. he is ordering more hormone tests, but is not at all bothered by this number given my health.

    I am transitioning from losing weight to gaining muscle. I have changed my eating pattern and asked the DR. to help me find a way to put on more muscle rather than maintain.

    My "prescription" - KEEP EATING PALEO (his notes)
    Up my omega 3 dosage to include mid day and late day doses
    Cut coffee in half
    Slight increase in my vitamin D3 dosage
    Eat more protein (from 140g to 160g)
    Measure and add fiber to 30g's
    drink more water to help flush my kidneys and liver (since they are working well - but working hard).
    post workout meal (immediate) should include some carbs along with my protein (he described that a bit of insulin with the protein HELPS with muscle production). [found this interesting]
    He actually recommended I source more grass fed beef and look into mold free coffee ;)

    Sorry for the length of this post but I submit this as a "study of 1". I did not compromise my health by eating Paleo/Primal.
    Eating bacon and eggs did not clog my arteries. Eating massive red meat did not burn out my kidneys and liver.

    Hurrah for bacon.

    I found your post to be informative, supportive and quite helpful. I heard all of the same warnings when I began about 14 months ago. What keeps me on this path are my results both blood work and body composition. Also I have so much more energy!
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    No he isn't. He is from Bastyr (a local and well known natural health university) so is a Naturopath. I didn't know he was so pro-paleo and was worried I was going to get a lecture, but i wanted my numbers. Turned out he spent an hour with me talking about food sources, energy levels. He seemed excited to have a test case willing to fine tune the machine.

    Would you be willing to share him as a resource? I live near Bastyr. My clients in Seattle would likely consider him a great help.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Awesome results!!!!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Rockstar results! Way to go!

    Re sun exposure ... I'm blonde, English/Scottish descent, freckles etc, always used to burn. Now no sunscreen, wear a hat when gardening literally all day outside and have not burned. Only supplement I use is fermented cod liver oil. Been paleo over a year.
  • nil8r
    nil8r Posts: 45 Member
    Awesome results indeed! I keep ignoring the haters and low-fat diet addicts and listen to my doctor instead.

    I'm still new to paleo, but did have blood work done from my doctor before I started. I too am lucky that my primary care physician is also in Seattle and an ND (Dr. Rachel Erickson). I was struggling with constant swelling of the ankles, feet and fingers, and lack of weight loss despite calorie control. She was the one who figured out why and suggested moving to a more paleo diet.

    It's already made a difference! I don't start my day with cankles and end the day with elephant-sized ones anymore. I don't have constant digestion issues (when I stay on-plan). Oh, ya and I've dropped some weight in the process and have more energy.

    Keep up with that "not healty" lifestyle!!!!