My apologies

Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member

I have not been a very good group leader, and I am sorry .
I have been in a huge funk, I didnt think this would happen, last week I got a sub for all 3 of my classes, I have been in no mood to be cheery and inspire anyone, let alone fake it for a group of people 3 times this past week. I forced myself to go to a friends cycle class on Thursday , I had a very nice hike on Saturday 2 hours long, with my husband and 9 year old . I always stayed good with my calories, but OMG, it took everything in me to even log my food. I have never been in such a fitness funk...

The good news, I feel like I have come through the other side. I had a great run this am ( great 9 min mile, ) and I did put in for a sub for tomorrows class, but that is only cause I am slowly dropping my classes down here cause we are moving in 9 weeks. ( I am sure that has me in the funk too )

So Again, I am sorry.... I hope you all have done well :)


  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Don't be sorry! I feel like I'm in a funk as well. A huge one. I've been exercising and I've learned a lot from this challenge, but I'm far from excelling at it. It's been an eye opener, and I'm hoping it is a good tool for me from here on out to just pay attention to the sugar going into my body. If nothing else was learned, I hope that it's just that I'm more conscientious. Thanks for putting this together! And again, don't be sorry.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    thanks Mandi!
    I am glad it helped you :) never knew I would be in such a funk...
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Sorry you are having a hard time, but don't feel like you've let us down. Seeing you log on everyday is inspiring. Hearing you are having challenges but are still still taking care of you is inspiring also. I was in your April challenge, was losing weight, but still making poor choices. I would have sugar here or there. The past week I've been sick with two sick kids. Today I go to my son's neurologist. Although we've seen doctors for the last year and have had early intervention, and I know this is coming, today is the day he will confirm his label of autism. I've come a long way since our first appointment so why I am so upset about this is beyond me. Anyway, because of this I've been a terrible cheerleader. But I'm still here and i still care. Keep taking care of you! You are an amazing cheerleader, and it's ok to take a few days off every now and then :)
  • KeepGoingRhonda
    KeepGoingRhonda Posts: 527 Member
    Sorry to hear your not feeling like yourself....hope it gets better soon! I did so well the first 2 weeks , got through Easter really well...and then fell off the wagon...trying to jump back on now. Just got in from an hour walk.
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    No need to apologize ! I find you so inspiring regardless- plus I think its so cool we're in the same area, you're my MFP friend and I see your progress every day when I log in !
    As you can see I haven't been loggin into the group but I've lost 3 lbs since the beginning of April and am feeling pretty good. I am a little frustrated because i took a fall a week or so ago and all of a sudden my knee is all wonky. Frustrating because I get my exercise (mostly ) by walking because of my trick ankle and it being in a brace and all.
    My goal for April was to break out of my 3 month plateau (which I have !) and ( i know this is nothing compared with what you have done) breakthrough to 40 lbs lost
    so just wanted you to know that I appreciate you !
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    Thank you guys for understanding! and congrats to all of you who have done well, and Big congrats for learning something! :) that is the biggie!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Tami-you're human!! I hope to be back more focused soon, I'm maintaining but not where I want or should be. I started radiation 3 done, 30 more to go. Have had a blood clot in my arm, needless to say, I've been at doc office everyday for week and a half and two docs a couple days. BUT I'm hanging in there, took a nice walk last night with a friend. We CAN all do this, and we will!!