Independent Women



  • takingnameskickingbutt
    I can't speak for all men, but I would say that I am not at all intimidated by independent women. A woman with a good income impresses me.

    However, the thing that I think many men would be guarded about with an independent woman is wondering whether she's really wanting a relationship. There are independent women out there who say that they want a man in their lives, but many of their actions send a different message, a message contrary to this. Many men realize this, particular older men who've seen more.

    It seems like the OP is making dating a priority, which is good. Independence may not be the source of frustration.

    This is great advice! Thanks for your help!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Agree with all of the above other then in 2012 I would say that texting/email has become an accepted norm for life,business,friendship and relationship so best not to be overly judgmental on that issue...we are not going back to 1980.

    Having said that it has been my experience that when it comes to online meeting people a lady regards a phone call as being some sort of a "next step" to a relationship rather then casual communication.
    In other words they are cool with texts and emails but actual personal,vocal communication is more then casual getting to know a person.
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Agree with all of the above other then in 2012 I would say that texting/email has become an accepted norm for life,business,friendship and relationship so best not to be overly judgmental on that issue...we are not going back to 1980.

    Having said that it has been my experience that when it comes to online meeting people a lady regards a phone call as being some sort of a "next step" to a relationship rather then casual communication.
    In other words they are cool with texts and emails but actual personal,vocal communication is more then casual getting to know a person.

    LOL I have had a few bad experiences with texting, especially because of auto correct and not reading back what I have written. So when I want to get my point across I would much rather talk on the phone. With texting you can't read their mood, or tone and that is very important when you are builing a relationship.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Agree with all of the above other then in 2012 I would say that texting/email has become an accepted norm for life,business,friendship and relationship so best not to be overly judgmental on that issue...we are not going back to 1980.

    Having said that it has been my experience that when it comes to online meeting people a lady regards a phone call as being some sort of a "next step" to a relationship rather then casual communication.
    In other words they are cool with texts and emails but actual personal,vocal communication is more then casual getting to know a person.

    LOL I have had a few bad experiences with texting, especially because of auto correct and not reading back what I have written. So when I want to get my point across I would much rather talk on the phone. With texting you can't read their mood, or tone and that is very important when you are builing a relationship.

    No doubt and real communication at some point is a must.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    If there's no magic, there's no magic.

    Its not like just trying to find someone you get along with well enough to be able to spend time together. Its about being caught by surprise. Your chances of finding that cant-keep-your-hands-off-each-other, completely-mesmerized, no-dont-leave!!!!!! person are HIGHER if you date more, but just please dont settle.

    WHen you find one that takes your breath away, it'll be mutual and you wont worry if you're too independent cause there wont be a doubt in your mind that he adores you.
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 985 Member
    I don't think guys are turned off my financial independence unless you make enough more money that you expect activities and a lifestyle the guy cannot afford to maintain. No one wants to go broke in the course of building a relationship. Some of your post has me wondering how emotionally independent you are though. Are you really that frustrated that it takes 2-4 hours to return a text? Part of the advantage of a text over an actual call is that you can respond at your convenience while continuing with other activities. Additionally, why are you waiting for him to make a decision about going on a 4th date? Ask him on a date. You've gone out 3 times already and stated that you don't go beyond a first date if you don't see something coming out of it. If you keep waiting on others to do things to make you happy, you're going to be waiting a long time and are very likely to be miserable for most of the wait.

    Well, it is frustrating since he doesn't like to call (I call him since I can't stand his texting) and when we are verifying plans it is very frustrating since it is just a short conversation. No, I don't think dinner and drinks is very expensive (I offer to pay too and he won't let me).

    Never believe a guy when he says he doesn't like to call. That's code for "I'm not that into you, so if you want to talk to me, you have to call me, and I'll either answer or I won't, depending on my mood and whether or not I'm banging some other chick at that moment."

    Granted, most men don't like to talk on the phone for an hour at a time, but if he really likes you, he WANTS to talk to you. Texting is for 12-year-olds and guys who are trying to manage multiple women at once.

    If I were you, I would stop calling AND texting these guys who won't call you. You're only prolonging the inevitable. I'm not saying you can never call a guy you're seeing. What I'm saying is that if HE never calls YOU, there's a reason for it, and it's not simply that he doesn't like to call.

    OH when I saw this I was like (ALL CAPS IN MY HEAD) YOU'RE NUTS, I hate talking on the phone, with a passion. The kind of passion that makes you despise a certain smell or feeling that lingers on painfully. Like a really bad perfume that seems to absorb itself into your nasal passages so deep you cut your nose hairs and when that doesnt work you wonder if they make a nasal scraper like those gag-able tongue scrappers the halitosis people need.

    Wait, where was I. Oh yeah. She's right.

    As someone that cringes when I hear certain ring tones, I still want to talk to a girl I like. And even though I'm like 4 - 12 yr olds in age, I'm a texting fiend, but not necessarily for the reasons she mentioned.

    Also, I had a woman once tell me I was "too accessible" and she never had a chance to "miss me". This confounded me since I've been in the collaboration technology business for many years. It just goes against my nature not to reach out or respond even when I feel that acid reflux volcano bubble up to the top of my stomach as my finger moves to hit send in slow motion.

    Now that I think about it, I don't think I'm an especially good dater actually. I move too fast, expect too much too quickly, and burn through things like a pile of phosphorus. Just a really bright and violent flash that dissipates rapidly.

    what the hell am I doing trying to help.

    I'm outta here.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I refuse to have a conversation with a man I'm dating via text message, and I don't care what year it is. Texts and e-mails are not the same thing as realtime, unedited conversation with an actual human being. I realize this limits my dating pool, but I'd rather be single than date a guy who thinks he's going to manage me with his BlackBerry like I'm any other random chick on his contacts list.

    It's not about having "rules" that a man needs to live by. I'm the last woman in the world who is going to tell a grown man to do X, Y, or Z. But I do take my cues about how a man feels about me from his actions. And if he never wants to pick up the phone and hear my voice because it's "easier" to text ... he can't be all that interested in me.
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 985 Member
    I refuse to have a conversation with a man I'm dating via text message, and I don't care what year it is. Texts and e-mails are not the same thing as realtime, unedited conversation with an actual human being. I realize this limits my dating pool, but I'd rather be single than date a guy who thinks he's going to manage me with his BlackBerry like I'm any other random chick on his contacts list.

    It's not about having "rules" that a man needs to live by. I'm the last woman in the world who is going to tell a grown man to do X, Y, or Z. But I do take my cues about how a man feels about me from his actions. And if he never wants to pick up the phone and hear my voice because it's "easier" to text ... he can't be all that interested in me.

    So many restrictions.

    First off, who uses blackberry outside Canada these days?

    B) actions do speak louder ESP when the tv is on mute. I'm personally the type that waits, nay, pushes a woman to go first in front of me at all times. I open most doors and carry all the heavy stuff too. And I always pay the tab Don't believe me? Ask Becky 3) I'd be happy to send you a voice memo if you want to hear my voice. I usually lay it down with some background music to accentuate the mood or just the sound of the shower. Isn't that the same?

    Kidding. People have their own thing. For instance, a billion points of contact is not welcome if things aren't going well. Each message just becomes a "ugh" then a " Ooof" then a "wtf. Seriously!"

    So ms jq2121222111221212. What if you wanted to send a quick HI?! Do you call and when he doesn't answer you get peeved because "I know you have caller I'd and even if you don't I know my number is saved in your phone because I put it there and I even put my pic in there with the green shirt that I know you love so betta answer. I'll just call back " two snaps in the air.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Depends on why I'm calling him. I always leave a message. If I'm calling about something specific, I'll mention it so that he knows whether or not he needs to get back to me right away (for instance, if I'm trying to get tickets to a show and I want to know if he'd like to go). If I'm just calling to say hi, I'd probably say "Just calling to see how you're doing. Sorry I missed you, but maybe I'll catch you next time." He can call me or not call me at his discretion.

    I am not the psycho chick who calls a guy 5 times a day to check in, nor do I get mad at him for not returning my call immediately. If it's a guy I'm just dating and not actually in a relationship with, I don't even expect him to return my call within 24 hours unless, as I said before, it was about something specific that needed a timely response.

    I'm a busy person, and I know other people are busy. But I'm not too busy to talk to someone I like. That's my point.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I refuse to have a conversation with a man I'm dating via text message, and I don't care what year it is. Texts and e-mails are not the same thing as realtime, unedited conversation with an actual human being. I realize this limits my dating pool, but I'd rather be single than date a guy who thinks he's going to manage me with his BlackBerry like I'm any other random chick on his contacts list.

    I like your point of view. I feel the same way about texting now. I'm a little bit more lenient in my point of view on emails and Facebook messages, simply because those forms allow for more long form writing.

    If someone is only accessible by text based communication, that's a bad sign. I can manage some of my friendships with my guy friends on text msg and Facebook, but that's not appropriate in a dating relationship.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I refuse to have a conversation with a man I'm dating via text message, and I don't care what year it is. Texts and e-mails are not the same thing as realtime, unedited conversation with an actual human being. I realize this limits my dating pool, but I'd rather be single than date a guy who thinks he's going to manage me with his BlackBerry like I'm any other random chick on his contacts list.

    I like your point of view. I feel the same way about texting now. I'm a little bit more lenient in my point of view on emails and Facebook messages, simply because those forms allow for more long form writing.

    If someone is only accessible by text based communication, that's a bad sign. I can manage some of my friendships with my guy friends on text msg and Facebook, but that's not appropriate in a dating relationship.

    I suppose sex text (or sext) is out then!! :laugh:

    tbh I've never met a man that only communicates through text. Men usually phone. But I do love a man that can express himself in text. Something about the written word, the spontaneity, the thought............Mmmmm :bigsmile:

    Hey DM, love the new pic! Nice and smiley :flowerforyou:
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I refuse to have a conversation with a man I'm dating via text message, and I don't care what year it is. Texts and e-mails are not the same thing as realtime, unedited conversation with an actual human being. I realize this limits my dating pool, but I'd rather be single than date a guy who thinks he's going to manage me with his BlackBerry like I'm any other random chick on his contacts list.

    I like your point of view. I feel the same way about texting now. I'm a little bit more lenient in my point of view on emails and Facebook messages, simply because those forms allow for more long form writing.

    If someone is only accessible by text based communication, that's a bad sign. I can manage some of my friendships with my guy friends on text msg and Facebook, but that's not appropriate in a dating relationship.

    I suppose sex text (or sext) is out then!! :laugh:

    tbh I've never met a man that only communicates through text. Men usually phone. But I do love a man that can express himself in text. Something about the written word, the spontaneity, the thought............Mmmmm :bigsmile:

    Hey DM, love the new pic! Nice and smiley :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Anna.

    Texting has a purpose, but it is a rather limited purpose. I think it is better used in terms of relational maintenance rather than relational development, and also can work well for simple exchanges, and in crowded, noisy environments.

    The written word is a good thing. But I like longer form written word formats than the text message.

    But this is really all tangential to the OP and the subject of whether independent women are off putting.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Depends on why I'm calling him. I always leave a message. If I'm calling about something specific, I'll mention it so that he knows whether or not he needs to get back to me right away (for instance, if I'm trying to get tickets to a show and I want to know if he'd like to go). If I'm just calling to say hi, I'd probably say "Just calling to see how you're doing. Sorry I missed you, but maybe I'll catch you next time." He can call me or not call me at his discretion.

    I am not the psycho chick who calls a guy 5 times a day to check in, nor do I get mad at him for not returning my call immediately. If it's a guy I'm just dating and not actually in a relationship with, I don't even expect him to return my call within 24 hours unless, as I said before, it was about something specific that needed a timely response.

    I'm a busy person, and I know other people are busy. But I'm not too busy to talk to someone I like. That's my point.
    That's the main problem I have with calling people, nobody ever answers their phone! People are busy these days, I know I am. I end up playing phone tag with people for days, it's annoying. And I don't really like voicemails either. Everybody has caller ID these days, I don't feel like I need to leave a voicemail just to let someone know that I called, they already know I called. And if somebody actually has something quick to say it's just easier to read over text.

    At least with texting I can flirt with someone I like most of the day while I'm at work. I work in close proximity to other people, I don't like taking personal calls at work unless they're important. Most days I work for like 10 hours, walk the dog, work out, cook dinner, maybe go out, and at the end of the day I don't feel much like talking to anyone, I just want to chill.

    Oh yeah, I'm also a little hard of hearing, I have a difficult time understanding people over the phone most of the time. Even if I turn the volume up it just sounds distorted. Other people have this problem too, because we spend half the conversation saying "what...what...what..."

    If I haven't seen someone in a while it's nice to talk to them though. The girl I'm seeing did call me yesterday and we chatted for a while. We even set up a date for tonight that would have been much more difficult to do over text, so I guess it's good sometimes.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    OH when I saw this I was like (ALL CAPS IN MY HEAD) YOU'RE NUTS, I hate talking on the phone, with a passion. The kind of passion that makes you despise a certain smell or feeling that lingers on painfully. Like a really bad perfume that seems to absorb itself into your nasal passages so deep you cut your nose hairs and when that doesnt work you wonder if they make a nasal scraper like those gag-able tongue scrappers the halitosis people need.

    Wait, where was I. Oh yeah. She's right.

    I absolutely despise the phone as well. Primarily due to if there is any sort of background noise, like music or other conversations or the TV I can have a hard time making out what the person is saying and I hate saying "What?" or "Repeat that please" every 30 seconds in a phone conversation.

    And I think the phone is just as impersonal as text or email.

    That said, if I do like a girl I'll call provided I have something to discuss.
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm new to this group but I will say this has hit a nerve. I am a very independent person and I don't feel like I should make a guy feel needed simply because I would much rather have someone want me instead of need me. Does that make sense?

    Anyway, this last part about texting and talking on the phone has made me think. This guy I dated briefly years ago called me a couple weeks ago. I HATE talking on the phone but it struck me as so odd simply because I'm so used to texting. When I saw his name on my caller I.D. I even thought, "why in the heck is he calling instead of texting me?". Anyway, I spoke to him for about 15 minutes and we briefly caught up. Then he asked me on a date. I haven't been able to get this guy off my mind since then. The point is I honestly think if we would have started the conversation via text, I would have forgotten he existed 5 minutes after the conversation ended. Just MO. :heart:
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    One reason I hate text conversations (not texting itself, but trying to have an actual conversation) is that you are pretty much at the mercy of the other person. I have a friend who hates talking on the phone, so whenever he wants to talk to me, he texts me ... and keeps texting me for an hour at a time. It drives me freaking nuts. If he would just pick up the phone, the whole conversation could be over and done in 5 to 10 minutes, but instead I have to keep checking my messages and keep responding until he's done talking, or else he'll think I'm ignoring him and get all pissy about it.

    Also, I don't understand not having anything to say. I completely agree that it's annoying to get a phone call from someone who doesn't have anything at all to talk about. I am no more a fan of spending an hour on the phone just shooting the breeze than any of the rest of you. But if you don't have something to say to a person you are interested in, that's not a good sign. I have never had trouble holding an interesting, meaningful conversation with a man I liked.

    I understand if you're in a relationship with someone, maybe you live together or otherwise see each other every day, then perhaps you really don't have a reason to talk on the phone much. But in the early stages of dating when you don't live together and you don't see each other every day, I think a phone call shows more interest than a text message.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    One reason I hate text conversations (not texting itself, but trying to have an actual conversation) is that you are pretty much at the mercy of the other person. I have a friend who hates talking on the phone, so whenever he wants to talk to me, he texts me ... and keeps texting me for an hour at a time. It drives me freaking nuts. If he would just pick up the phone, the whole conversation could be over and done in 5 to 10 minutes, but instead I have to keep checking my messages and keep responding until he's done talking, or else he'll think I'm ignoring him and get all pissy about it.

    Also, I don't understand not having anything to say. I completely agree that it's annoying to get a phone call from someone who doesn't have anything at all to talk about. I am no more a fan of spending an hour on the phone just shooting the breeze than any of the rest of you. But if you don't have something to say to a person you are interested in, that's not a good sign. I have never had trouble holding an interesting, meaningful conversation with a man I liked.

    I understand if you're in a relationship with someone, maybe you live together or otherwise see each other every day, then perhaps you really don't have a reason to talk on the phone much. But in the early stages of dating when you don't live together and you don't see each other every day, I think a phone call shows more interest than a text message.

    ^This. Could not have made the points better myself!
  • arrow460
    arrow460 Posts: 28 Member

    "I agree with this!!! I just want to add that I think independent women give off this impression that the don't NEED a man. I think every man wants to feel like they are needed. If it isn't financially, then it could be to open the pickle jar. I just know that if you want to EVER have a working relationship with a man, they need to feel important and needed in your life. If you don't do that, and don't make them a big priority, then I would have to say that independence is a turn off. I am independent, but I always make sure to let the guy I'm with know that I want him and need him in my life."

    I think we all need to feel important to the person we love...Not so much that you need a man there, but make him know you WANT him to be in your life!
  • solman66
    solman66 Posts: 175 Member
    Are guys in their 20s/30s threatened by independent women? I'm 26, have an awesome job, make a decent income and own a house.

    As a guy in his late 20's with his own good job, decent income, and own house, there is something slightly threatening about that. Granted I've never had the opportunity to date someone as independent as yourself, but the thought has crossed my mind of how I would react if I did.

    Some of it is subconscious outdated bs like wanting to be the bread winner or wondering what would happen if we ever decided to start a family. I don't think that I care about that stuff, yet somehow my mind still goes there.

    Some of it is more tangible in my mind, such as the fact that I love my house and even though it's not perfect, I plan on living there for a while. I'm sure the girl would feel the same about hers, so if things get serious, who has to move/sell? Sure it's easy to "cross that bridge when we come to it", but I just don't think that way.

    On the other hand, you could just be meeting *kitten* and getting lucky none of them are interested. You have too much to offer to even consider settling for someone who doesn't want you the way you are.
  • Liking_me_now
    It is too dangerous to create these huge generalities....sorry.
    If the guys you meet are intimidated by you, then do you really want to go out with them anyhow? There are lots of guys who are very comfortable with who they are and who you are. The challenge is finding the right match!

    Oh, and on texting....I am a little older but for the life of me I can't understand how a series of texts equates to a conversation. At least in an email some feelings can be conveyed but texting???

    Sheesh I sound like a b....! lol!