Introduce Yourself!

MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
Let us know a little about you!

Here's my intro:
I'm Chandra, 32 year old wife and mommy to two boys, an 8-year-old and a 2-month-old. I'm currently a work-at-home mom and I'm loving it! I stay super busy but I make it a point to find time to take care of my body. I started off in July 2010 at 199lbs. I lost 50lbs, then got pregnant. I gained 32lbs, and I'm currently about 15lbs away from where I was pre-pregnancy. I'm currently finishing up a round of 30 Day Shred, and I plan to start Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution on June 1, after finishing Ripped in 30 in May.


  • julieh1973
    julieh1973 Posts: 121 Member
    I purchased the Ripped (instead of the Shred) by error yesterday. Should I do the Shred first?
  • Allibird8682
    Allibird8682 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! My name is Allison. I have a wonderful husband and two boys. In 6 days I will be graduating from college! I am not on level 4 of Ripped in 30, and I love it! I plan on starting over again with this group on May 1. Good luck everybody!
  • Allibird8682
    Allibird8682 Posts: 7 Member
    I bought Ripped in 30 first and did it. I don't see why you have to do the Shred first.
  • bb_1982
    bb_1982 Posts: 66 Member
    :happy: Hello **waves**

    Im Beccy, 29 live in the uk with my husband and our 2 children - Millie 6, Josh 5

    Ripped in 30 dropped through my door yesterday (along with killer buns) and im looking forward to getting started!!

    Im a massive JM fan and love her dvds. I lost a lot of inches with the shred but after my youngest started school in September I went back to work during the day and have found it harder to fit it in. I have restarted the shred numerous times this year but to be honest I think im bored of it and never get past day 5 before getting distracted. I feel a new challenge is needed!

    I look forward to getting to know you all and getting ripped!!
  • KdEmBee
    KdEmBee Posts: 1
    I bought the Ripped in 30 DVD almost one year ago and have yet to commit fully. I hope this group helps keep me focused and on target. Now I'm thinking about buying the 30 Day Shred DVD as well.
  • I am new to MyFitnessPal but have owned Ripped in 30 for almost a year without fully committing to it. I am hoping this group will help me stay motivated!
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 784 Member

    I am 48 years of age, 3 children and 3 grandchildren. I weigh 127 lbs, I am 5' 3.5". I got Ripped in 30 and 30 Day Shred and do not know which one to start with. My weight lost is at a stand still and that can be due to my just now starting to incorporate weights into my fitness routine. I want to be at least 120 - 125. I try to eat as clean as I can, but can do better.
  • FindingAnn
    FindingAnn Posts: 13 Member
    Hi All, I am starting level 4 today. It's a love hate relationship I have with JM. While doing the workouts I hate it and yes sometimes curse her (like she says you should be doing in level 3) but afterwards I love the fact that I did it For those of you just starting - be sure to take your measurements. I have only lost 4lbs since starting but 2 inches off waist and 5 inches overall. And the best part is everyone is asking "what are you doing? you look great"

    I did 30 Day Shred last November. Some of the moves are the same but Ripped has less redundancy. I recommend when you finish one do the other. Muscle confusion will help prevent plateaus.
  • susanna060408
    susanna060408 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm Susanna, 31, married and mother of a little girl. I started getting serious about getting fit and losing weight in late March of this year. I am currently working on the 30 Day Shred (L3D4 today) and have had wonderful results so far. 9 lbs of weight loss and 7.75 inches lost. Hoping to keep my progress going on the Ripped in 30 when I start on May 1st! Feel free to add me - it's nice to have friends doing similar workouts for the extra support! Good luck everyone!
  • sldwells
    sldwells Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Im stacy and I am 30 years old with a wonderful husband and 2 wonderful boys 10 and 20 months! I started mfp in jan and i never thought losing weight could be so easy! I guess cause i never really tried! After having babies I have been carrying a extra 25 lbs. I have lost 15 since starting MFP and today was my last day of 30 day shred and it was great!! I love my results!! I am going to buy Ripped in today but I think I am gonna go ahead and start in the morning!! Good luck to you all!!!
  • Hello,

    My name is Rhonda, I'm a 41 yr. old mother of 2 teens, work fulltime, and attending taking courses at my local college,I'm currently at 225.4lbs and 5' 2.5" tall. I need to put more effort into my workouts, i do aerobics 3 times a week, and hopefully by joining your group i can accomplish alot more. By the way, i foolishly bought a size 12 dress that i can't get into, with the help of my son, who told me "Mom, you can lose weight to get into this dress", if he can believe in me, then i can :)
  • Oilfanchick
    Oilfanchick Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! My name is Sandra, I'm the proud Mom of four boys! Down about 36pds, lots more to go. But most of all just want to be fit. I work full time, so doing this work out will definetly be a challange (just having to do it with those 4 boys around!), but a challange I'm ready for. I'm going to brave before pictures! Excited there is a group so we can go this road together! I will start May 1 as well!
  • Oilfanchick
    Oilfanchick Posts: 32 Member
    You can! In fact soon it'll be to big! Just wait!
  • kimharrison22
    kimharrison22 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi my name is Kim and I have twin boys age 7. I am currently in a group on our last week of the 30 day shred. Although I love the workout, I haven't seen any dramatic results yet, so I'm excited to start a new routine and hopefully get "ripped" before summer! I've never been able to stick with a workout plan until I joined the group for the shred. I love how motivating it is when you're doing it together as a group. The discussion boards are an awesome way to share our challenges, our success, and keep each other motivated!
  • Thank-you for the words of encouragement :)
  • FindingAnn
    FindingAnn Posts: 13 Member
    How do you track your Ripped In 30 workouts? 30 mins I am sure that's a 200-300 calorie burn but I don't see how to log it.
  • ang2803
    ang2803 Posts: 39
    Hi Im Angela! I have been on a weight loss journey for almost 3 years. I lost 90 lbs before I got pregnant and back to my weight loss journey again. I am finishing the 30 DS and now I am going to do Ripped in 30. Chandra (the maker of this group) and I have been doing this together and it seems to be helping me alot! I haven't done Ripped in 30 so I am excited for a change of pace.
  • ang2803
    ang2803 Posts: 39
    Use Circuit Training General. This is circuit training that she is doing by varying between cardio, strength, and ab circuits.
  • Hi everyone!
    I'm so glad I've found this group! I'm currently on level 3 and haven't had the courage to attempt level 4 yet. I just love all of JM's DVDs and her podcasts. Right now I'm only doing the video 2-3 times a week along with lifting weights at the gym twice a week. Overall I've lost 42 lbs. from using MFP and the 30 day shred and now...Ripped in 30!
  • anr1228
    anr1228 Posts: 11
    Hey!! My name is Ashley! I am a mother to a 4 year old dirt with noise (boy-haha). I am on L3D4 of 30 day shred and have lost 11 inches so far. No actual pounds though unfortunately! I ordered Ripped in 30 off Amazon and am excited to start and see more results!! I like this whole support group, I'm making friends that encourage me not to give up! Can't wait to start y'all!!