Phase 2, Week 7 and 8



  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Any thoughts on Cardio 2 vs. Cardio 1?

    Cardio 2 is a step up, I think. Little longer too, but still doable. I like cardio 2 more than the first one.
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Am I he only one left?!!?! Lol. Last week in phase 2! Not as sore this week either!
  • Acaravello
    LOL!! Nope you're not the only one left! I'm still in phase 2, first week of workouts 7 & 8 and boy are they killer but a GOOD kind of killer! Luckily Jillian can not hear what I'm saying through my TV though because I called her many names today lol
  • Wouga
    Wouga Posts: 145 Member
    LOL!! Nope you're not the only one left! I'm still in phase 2, first week of workouts 7 & 8 and boy are they killer but a GOOD kind of killer! Luckily Jillian can not hear what I'm saying through my TV though because I called her many names today lol

    LOL! I call her many names and threaten her life frequently. My husband laughs at me now when I talk about her as none of it is ever nice. But at the same time I thank God for her and what she has managed to help me achieve with this program.
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Cardio tomorrow. Makes me kind of sad, I really love the strength training! But I know the cardio and the break from weights is needed.
  • vai45
    vai45 Posts: 29
    I went on vacation in New Orleans last week so I'm redoing the last week of phase 2. I was hurting today! I hope I didn't kill my momentum.
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Cardio day! 364 calories gone!
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Not sure why, but 7 was harder for me today. That first circuit is insane! Makes me wonder if I'm ready to stray phase 3 on Monday! I am happy that I learned phase 3 is 5 weeks. Cant believe I didn't figure that one out a long time ago!
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    Workouts 7 & 8 are awesome in a crazy painful way for me. I just finished my 2nd time through workout shoulders are ON FIRE from all of the planks and pushups. And my legs are still sore from all of the pendulum and crossover lunges from 8 (2 days ago). Ouch!

    So far I haven't noticed ANY weight loss through this program (inches yes, but weight not so much), but I haven't exactly been logging my food religiously. Trying to get back on that bandwagon, so hopefully that and these killer workouts will do some good :-)
  • mayday1969
    mayday1969 Posts: 123 Member
    I forgot how hard disc 7 is! I really struggle with anything arm related..plank ups, palnk walks, CROW push ups????? Crazy. The to do the cardio interval in plank position too!

    Still, I'm doing better this second time through the program, but still didn't quite do everything today.
  • trudemeanor
    trudemeanor Posts: 60 Member
    I did workout 7 for the 1st time today & I agree with everyone else the first circuit it killer. I already disliked floor work and this made me hate it even more. I attempted to do every move during this workout with exception for once particular move. Ive made it this far & I will attempt to push myself further to be successful on workout 7