April photo

n_unocero Posts: 445 Member
I guess i'll keep doing these just to keep myself honest...because this group is pretty dead. =(



  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    it is dead...i posted mine just to post as well.

    bummer i cant see pictures at work, but ill look at yours again when i get home!
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Great work...and yea, fairly dead, I'll admit I've been horrid about posting pictures. I just don't do so well getting around to taking pictures of myself.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I just saw this group - hope I can join in :)

    I already posted in another thread - I really need something to keep me accountable since my Crossfit membership is on hold until they can sort out a schedule that I can maybe get to a class. I'm fortunate that I have a nice home gym - so I will try it on my own for a while.

    I'm up 5-8 pounds since the holidays... the Christmas holidays. Basically we start drinking non-stop from mid-December through end Feb. Since I backed off drinking, my sugar cravings are out of control :explode:

    So here I am at 180 ish pounds - need to whittle it down in time for pool season.
  • Mikaylarae27
    Mikaylarae27 Posts: 175 Member
    I fail at a being a group member! I should post pictures too, for accountability. I have been taking them...it's just that I haven't seen any progress so I'm kinda ashamed...in fact, due to a sedentary desk job, I've gained fat since the December photo I took end of November...BUT I guess that's just more of a reason to do it!
  • Angelcakes2010
    Angelcakes2010 Posts: 11 Member
    Im sorry too I just dont know how to get pictures up! If anyone can tell me please message me and I will get my pictures up!
  • Angelcakes2010
    Angelcakes2010 Posts: 11 Member
    youre doing a great job you can totally see a difference within a months time, what kind of workouts are you doing, what kind of cals are you sticking too?