meal plan question.

I just ordered JMBR and I want to make a grocery list for the jumpstart and the meal plan. Also does anybody know how many calories a day the meal plan is based on? I am a semi picky eater and I don't have that much cooking experience. Any advice?



  • formerpyt
    formerpyt Posts: 56
    The meal plan is based on about 1200 calories per day (250 for breakfast, 400 for lunch, 150 for snack, 400 for dinner). Low carb, lots of lean protein and vegetables.

    While you wait for your books, I'd plan on buying: fat free plain greek yogurt, eggs, canadian bacon, leafy greans for salad, red onion, tomatoes, baby spinach, celery, almond butter, hummous, red bell peppers, boneless skinless chicken breasts, lean beef, fish, low sodium vegetable soups, (she has a recipe, but some store brands are comparable), almonds, pecans. Keep it low-carb, high veggie, lean protein and you'll be in the ballpark until you get your materials.

    One of the books that came with the DVDs has a grocery list in the front, so that will help you plan. I'd say the meals are quite similar to the SouthBeach plan. The SouthBeach differs somewhat in that artificial sweeteners are allowed, and some of the foods described in Jillian Michaels' plan as causing thyroid problems (strawberries, peanuts, soy) are not really restricted so much by SB.

    Good luck. I think you're going to like it.!
  • ambernicholewms
    Thank you so much!