Ladies who train



  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    What do you train in? Aikido
    When did you start? last year
    Who inspires you? Charlie's Angels film & also I used to train for taekwondo when I was in high school
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? so far I'm still a white belter but the training also helps me in weight loss aside from becoming more confident.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    What do you train in? Currently - Muay Thai
    Previously - Boxing, Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Haidong Gumdo, Kendo

    When did you start? on and off since high school. Just restarted a club membership last week.
    Who inspires you? My Cousin - Shes a Karate Black belt
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Just being able to last through the 2 hour brutal workouts!!
  • kravmom
    kravmom Posts: 23 Member
    I trained in Krav Maga for almost 10 years. I started right after 9/11, largely because I feared for my personal safety. Unfortunately, I had to stop because I got too heavy. I hope to return once i drop 30 more pounds.

    I train because I want to keep my kids and myself safe. I know how to break someone's arm about 10 different ways. And I'll give an assailant some free "dental work" in about 3 seconds if I have to.

    Proudest moment? Earning my blue belt in KM and being the highest ranked student at my school, even over all the guys.
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    What do you train in? Aikido

    When did you start? 1982

    Who inspires you? So many different people, but mostly those who just keep keeping on

    Biggest accomplishment? Probably getting back on the mat after tearing my ACLU in 1996 or so

    I have been out (just practicing off and on) for close to two years with a nagging hip injury which is a real problem in aikido. It is starting to get better with the help of chiropractic work and a lift in one shoe. Going to start again as soon as I can find a mat shoe that will take the lift and give some support.
  • erinsmith1983
    erinsmith1983 Posts: 11 Member
    What do you train in? Muay Thai, BJJ

    When did you start? 2009, 2010

    Who inspires you? my team

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? I've lost over 80lbs and I have my first fight this Saturday
  • mrsfisch330
    mrsfisch330 Posts: 5 Member
    I train in American Karate
    I started in August of 2010
    My boyfriend (who is my main instructor/trainer and has been im martial arts since he was 4)
    Biggest accomplishment definitely was testing for my black belt in March, it gets tied on in 2 weeks at our ceremony :happy:
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    I train in American Karate
    I started in August of 2010
    My boyfriend (who is my main instructor/trainer and has been im martial arts since he was 4)
    Biggest accomplishment definitely was testing for my black belt in March, it gets tied on in 2 weeks at our ceremony :happy:

    Congratulations! A Black Belt is a big accomplishment and not an easy one. Great Job!
  • VirtuallyAmy
    VirtuallyAmy Posts: 30 Member
    I train in Okinawan Karate, Shorin-Ryu Shorin-Kan along with my husband. I have been at it two years and have a green belt with brown stripe. I currently try to attend 4 nights per week. It is not that close to where I live. I also dabble in weapons, but I am currently not trying to get a belt in that. So far I have not been interested in competing at meets.
    I started in May, 2010.
    What inspires me varies. I have my ups and downs. But my husband and I are trying to stay at the same level as each other. So that keeps me going so I do not hold him back. (But at least I could fence his butt! Ah, paybacks...)
    Biggest accomplishment? Actually starting this while being over weight and doing alright at it - woohoo! I can finally get my top half and bottom half to cooperate! I used to fence when I was skinny. Now I am so self conscious of what I could physically do then and what I feel I can do now. I am also thrilled to be able to spar the guys without doing too bad. Fun! Just gotta get those kicks up!

    I now have a lot of muscle under my padding! I would love to "meet" others who are also challenging themselves to martial arts and dealing with weight loss, or lack of.

    Anyone else in karate hate how the gi our rears? ;)
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    What do you train in? Krav Maga!

    When did you start? January

    Who inspires you? My wonderful boyfriend who doesn't complain when I come home and yell "Guess what I learned to do today!" right before putting him in a headlock. :)

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? I was having real trouble with my form when punching. One day, after repeatedly punching the punching bag, I looked at the red marks on my knuckles. My teacher asked if I had red marks, to which I responded, "Yes, but they're in the correct place." He said, "Well, that's all that matters."
  • mariaj1979
    mariaj1979 Posts: 31
    If you are a lady who trains either for fitness, competition or pleasure, tell us a bit about yourself.

    What do you train in? Boxing
    When did you start? 16 months ago
    Who inspires you? Being told I couldn't do it because I'm female
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? The fact I have lost a lot of weight and I have real stamina and strength. Also I can look after myself if any one tried anything crazy
  • RedRelish
    RedRelish Posts: 12 Member
    What do you train in? Sun Hang Do (similar to Tae Kwon Do)
    When did you start? Way back in November 2000, when I was 8 years old!
    Who inspires you? The master instructors in our organization; they are just so dedicated and inspiring
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Most recently, winning a gold medal in stand-up grappling, an event that I always struggled with. And just knowing that I've stuck with it for so long and have never given up!
  • KateL1969
    KateL1969 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi all, I'm a newbee - great to see there is a martial arts group.

    What do you train in?
    ITF taekwondo - green belt

    When did you start?
    1.5 years ago when I turned 40. Probably a response to mid life crisis but a more affordable alternative to buying a red porche

    Who inspires you?
    My friend Sue who is about 5 years older than me, 2 grades higher and about 20 pounds lighter. Also little people who can spar people with longer arms and legs than them by having the nerve to get really close.

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far?
    Just sparring without running away at the moment - oh and being able to do 20 pressups without collapsing
  • raygunn_viola
    raygunn_viola Posts: 88 Member
    Tae Kwon Do
    7 years ago
    My instructor...we are always the only girls at seminars
    winning my first world title & getting my blackbelt...can't choose between them
  • erinsmith1983
    erinsmith1983 Posts: 11 Member
    my proudest moment changed, lol won my first fight round 1, 18 sec tko... I got another fight next weekend :) wish me luck and more importantly that i make weight :)
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 325 Member
    What do you train in? Tang Soo Do
    When did you start? October 2008
    Who inspires you? My husband (3rd degree) and my daughter (1st degree)
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Initiating and getting my 1st degree black belt in February 2012
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    - Aikido
    - October 2006
    - One of the ladies who's in her 70s and still trains several times a week
    - I can't really say a 'proudest moment/biggest accomplishment' as improvement's been pretty gradual -- but I look at me now and me then and it makes me very happy.
  • rainbowcarrie
    rainbowcarrie Posts: 19 Member
    What do you train in? Tae Kwon Do
    When did you start? When I was a teenager I got up to a blue belt and quit (regret). Started over about a year and a half ago and am back at a green belt.
    Who inspires you? My mother - 4th degree black belt
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? I'm proud after every belt that I earn. What's the best is that I'm doing it with my daughter since we both started back together. So, we now have three generations of Tae Kwon Do-ers taking class.
  • CriosDubh
    CriosDubh Posts: 60 Member
    What do you train in? taekwondo (but our association seems to be moving toward incorporating "best practices" from other styles)

    When did you start? A bit over three years ago

    Who inspires you? The instructors at my school! They are a husband-and-wife team and amazing people!

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Earning my (provisional) black belt and watching my kids' progress in the sport.
  • cjsmommy7
    cjsmommy7 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi, Great topic
    new to site and pleased to find a martial arts sight.
    Train in Kickboxing since early 2011 and have recently started training mma last couple of months,love the grappling. Only two girls where i train so nice to see so many ladies on here.
    Add me if you like
  • ClammyCupcake
    ClammyCupcake Posts: 49 Member
    What do you train in? Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, Tang Soo Do
    When did you start? 8/2011 BJJ two stripe white belt, TSD orange- testing for orange advanced Saturday
    Who inspires you? My female instructor, and the 6 wonderful females we have at the school. BJJ is a manly man sport that not many women do, but we are totally blessed to have any at all females to train with. Some come more than others, but I always have at least one solid training partner. We all push each other. And I have a silent competition going on with my friend who joined with me. I like beating her :wink:
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Proudest moment is when my fiancee's friends find out what I do, and they are just struck with awe. I also felt accomplished when running with two male friends one day: we were stretching before hand, and one was blown away by the fact that my head touches my knees when I stretch. He couldn't even touch his toes! I got to proudly tell him that it took months and months for me to get stretchy, but I worked hard at it!