so i kind of ran away...



  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    This thread is just weird, I don't even know where to begin.

    I have a few good female friends who kiss me on the cheek, not really a big deal.
    A kiss on the cheek causes someone to blackout and run away? Yikes.
    I wonder what you'd do if someone kissed you on your hoo-ha.
    If I kiss a date on a cheek it's probably because I went in for a kiss on the lips and she turned her head the other way. Or I'm hoping she turned to meet me half way but didn't.
    After three dates some sort of kiss would be expected, poor guy had to try something.
    Dirty dancing with someone is not the same thing as physical affection.
    You shouldn't go out on dates with guys you don't like that much to begin with.

    It was kind of hard to say no to him because we were friends. He started texting me and asking me to hang out alone. Because we're friends I had to assume that it was friendly, but then it became obvious it was more like dates once we went out once or twice. It wasn't like we just met off the street, so that aspect confused things.

    Like I said above, I don't kiss people on the cheek and people don't kiss me on the cheek! The kiss was so awkward and unexpected, that is why I dashed away. And I don't necessarily think that three dates mean that he has to try and kiss me - I personally would prefer to move more slowly in a relationship, but from what I see on here guys don't like that so I'm probably doomed to be alone forever haha. If a guy likes me, the physical stuff shouldn't matter. Yeah, after a while I get that there should be something, but if he can't wait a few months then that is his problem. If a person likes you, they should respect your boundaries. Just saying. Girls that want to wait don't have to be discounted by men because they won't kiss on the first few dates or whatever.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    This thread is just weird, I don't even know where to begin.

    I have a few good female friends who kiss me on the cheek, not really a big deal.
    A kiss on the cheek causes someone to blackout and run away? Yikes.
    I wonder what you'd do if someone kissed you on your hoo-ha.
    If I kiss a date on a cheek it's probably because I went in for a kiss on the lips and she turned her head the other way. Or I'm hoping she turned to meet me half way but didn't.
    After three dates some sort of kiss would be expected, poor guy had to try something.
    Dirty dancing with someone is not the same thing as physical affection.
    You shouldn't go out on dates with guys you don't like that much to begin with.

    It was kind of hard to say no to him because we were friends. He started texting me and asking me to hang out alone. Because we're friends I had to assume that it was friendly, but then it became obvious it was more like dates once we went out once or twice. It wasn't like we just met off the street, so that aspect confused things.

    Like I said above, I don't kiss people on the cheek and people don't kiss me on the cheek! The kiss was so awkward and unexpected, that is why I dashed away. And I don't necessarily think that three dates mean that he has to try and kiss me - I personally would prefer to move more slowly in a relationship, but from what I see on here guys don't like that so I'm probably doomed to be alone forever haha. If a guy likes me, the physical stuff shouldn't matter. Yeah, after a while I get that there should be something, but if he can't wait a few months then that is his problem. If a person likes you, they should respect your boundaries. Just saying. Girls that want to wait don't have to be discounted by men because they won't kiss on the first few dates or whatever.

    It is one thing to have boundaries and another altogether to deny any show of affection for possibly months.
    I would not expect nor do any ladies on here indicate they are interested in that if the situation was reversed.

    I`m sorry but if you do want to develop a mature relationship you are going to have to develop some to go along with it.
    Saying that he should only be what I want and not willing to even consider what is just reasonable for a guy to look for means you really aren`t ready to explore a partnership with someone.
    No one can fix that except you.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    And I don't necessarily think that three dates mean that he has to try and kiss me - I personally would prefer to move more slowly in a relationship, but from what I see on here guys don't like that so I'm probably doomed to be alone forever haha. If a guy likes me, the physical stuff shouldn't matter.

    The thing is, it does matter!! It matters in every single adult relationship. Its an expression of love and affection for someone. Its what separates a friendship from a relationship. It's what defines you as a couple. If the physical goes in a relationship, its not long before the whole relationship falls apart!! If I was with a guy that didnt want me physically I would be distraught! I would think there was something wrong with him. And something wrong with me. And something wrong with US!

    Yeah, after a while I get that there should be something, but if he can't wait a few months then that is his problem. If a person likes you, they should respect your boundaries. Just saying. Girls that want to wait don't have to be discounted by men because they won't kiss on the first few dates or whatever.

    I can understand you not wanting to lose your virginity until marriage. Or saving yourself for the ONE!! And I certainly saved mine for the ONE. I get all that. But what I dont really get is why you feel you need to wait to kiss someone.....on the cheek? Holding hands and cuddling?? Is that not allowed for months either? How will this guy know that you even like him as anything apart from a friend?

    I'm not trying to corrupt you, and I'm not saying you're wrong. I think you have to do what you feel comfy with. I'm just really interested in where/why you have these boundaries?? Are your friends all the same?? Are your parents influential in this?? I was kissing boys from the age of 11. Probably younger if I include 'kiss chase' in the playground. To me, its such a natural form of affection that doesnt even enter the realms of 'sex'.

    You dont have to explain if you dont want :flowerforyou:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    And I don't necessarily think that three dates mean that he has to try and kiss me - I personally would prefer to move more slowly in a relationship, but from what I see on here guys don't like that so I'm probably doomed to be alone forever haha. If a guy likes me, the physical stuff shouldn't matter.

    The thing is, it does matter!! It matters in every single adult relationship. Its an expression of love and affection for someone. Its what separates a friendship from a relationship. It's what defines you as a couple. If the physical goes in a relationship, its not long before the whole relationship falls apart!! If I was with a guy that didnt want me physically I would be distraught! I would think there was something wrong with him. And something wrong with me. And something wrong with US!

    Yeah, after a while I get that there should be something, but if he can't wait a few months then that is his problem. If a person likes you, they should respect your boundaries. Just saying. Girls that want to wait don't have to be discounted by men because they won't kiss on the first few dates or whatever.

    I can understand you not wanting to lose your virginity until marriage. Or saving yourself for the ONE!! And I certainly saved mine for the ONE. I get all that. But what I dont really get is why you feel you need to wait to kiss someone.....on the cheek? Holding hands and cuddling?? Is that not allowed for months either? How will this guy know that you even like him as anything apart from a friend?

    I'm not trying to corrupt you, and I'm not saying you're wrong. I think you have to do what you feel comfy with. I'm just really interested in where/why you have these boundaries?? Are your friends all the same?? Are your parents influential in this?? I was kissing boys from the age of 11. Probably younger if I include 'kiss chase' in the playground. To me, its such a natural form of affection that doesnt even enter the realms of 'sex'.

    You dont have to explain if you dont want :flowerforyou:

    For me, it's about feeling comfortable with someone. I'm definitely not a person who wants to wait until she gets married to have sex. If I met a guy tomorrow that I really liked, I would have sex with him outside of marriage. That doesn't matter to me at all. It's just about feeling comfortable and relaxed. And I guess I didn't feel comfortable yet with that guy.

    The majority of my friends have had boyfriends or kissed people at least so no they're not like me, and my parents have no influence whatsoever, as my sister had a boyfriend for almost four years so it's not like they had rules about in - in fact, they would probably love if I dated a guy! I'm not open with my parents regarding matters like that. I was talking with that guy for a month and half and I didn't tell my parents at all. We just don't talk about things like that. I'm the weird one out in general regarding this stuff and I do know this.

    I just don't get why everything has to be so physical right away - that is what scares me when I read on here that guys need physical affection from a girl to show she likes him. I want to feel comfortable with someone, and it might take a while before I do. It doesn't mean I don't like the guy.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    You need practice.. and I mean that in the best way possible.

    If you don't experience any of these things such as kissing you're going to be in shock every time something like this happens. Take it from someone who has been there.. I didn't have any girlfriends or date anyone in high school because I was awkward and had to grow up very quickly when I was in college.. let's just say that I was a bit behind the curve and it showed with my actions. My first kiss was at 16.. then very minimal experience until I was 20.

    The major downside to this is you're going through the junior high/high school emotional phase while almost everyone else has already been there and doesn't take things as heavily. When people are in their 20's they expect some sort of physical reciprocation, it doesn't have to be sex but I don't think I'd give a woman the time of day if she ran away from me after something as simple as a kiss on the cheek.

    Go make out with someone and don't put so much weight on things. Again, my opinion, but I know how hard it is to be behind the curve..
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member

    I just don't get why everything has to be so physical right away - that is what scares me when I read on here that guys need physical affection from a girl to show she likes him. I want to feel comfortable with someone, and it might take a while before I do. It doesn't mean I don't like the guy.

    Ok, when you like a guy and feel comfortable with him it should all fall into place. It seems that you haven't had that feeling yet. I hope it happens for you soon, cos its awesome!! :bigsmile: And YOU will want to get physical when you feel it!! It's not about sex, its more about touching someone you feel affection for. Its what we humans do best. That's where it starts.......just from a touch.... dont be scared of this, its the most natural thing in the world :flowerforyou:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    The major downside to this is you're going through the junior high/high school emotional phase while almost everyone else has already been there and doesn't take things as heavily

    yep this is definitely how I feel!
    Go make out with someone and don't put so much weight on things. Again, my opinion, but I know how hard it is to be behind the curve..

    Haha trust me I've wanted to be kissed since I was in middle school but no one has ever liked me like that to do it! All the guys I have liked enough to let them kiss me have not shown any interest in me whatsoever.

    I just don't get why everything has to be so physical right away - that is what scares me when I read on here that guys need physical affection from a girl to show she likes him. I want to feel comfortable with someone, and it might take a while before I do. It doesn't mean I don't like the guy.

    Ok, when you like a guy and feel comfortable with him it should all fall into place. It seems that you haven't had that feeling yet. I hope it happens for you soon, cos its awesome!! :bigsmile: And YOU will want to get physical when you feel it!! It's not about sex, its more about touching someone you feel affection for. Its what we humans do best. That's where it starts.......just from a touch.... dont be scared of this, its the most natural thing in the world :flowerforyou:

    Thank you I think that is true...hopefully!
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I didn't get any attention when I was younger. It was weird when I started to get attention. I was lost.

    If I could do it all over again? Find someone, a friend, that I was comfortable with to experience it with. That way, when it happens, and you'll be 100x more nervous then, at least it won't be new territory.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I didn't get any attention when I was younger. It was weird when I started to get attention. I was lost.

    If I could do it all over again? Find someone, a friend, that I was comfortable with to experience it with. That way, when it happens, and you'll be 100x more nervous then, at least it won't be new territory.

    I find this hard to believe, you look like such a dish @j4nash! :bigsmile:

    And that's not a bad idea @Christine, ask a friend to help out so you dont build up too much anxiety about it :flowerforyou:
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I didn't get any attention when I was younger. It was weird when I started to get attention. I was lost.

    If I could do it all over again? Find someone, a friend, that I was comfortable with to experience it with. That way, when it happens, and you'll be 100x more nervous then, at least it won't be new territory.

    I find this hard to believe, you look like such a dish @j4nash! :bigsmile:

    And that's not a bad idea @Christine, ask a friend to help out so you dont build up too much anxiety about it :flowerforyou:

    Thank you :) I am 6'11" and people from high school don't even recognize me.. and there are not many people in this world my height. I've changed significantly since then. It was a weird transition.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I don't have any friends to help me out like that so I'll just be awkward forever! Haha maybe it will happen soon maybe it won't. I just have to wait and hopefully find a guy who respects my boundaries until I'm ready.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I didn't get any attention when I was younger. It was weird when I started to get attention. I was lost.

    If I could do it all over again? Find someone, a friend, that I was comfortable with to experience it with. That way, when it happens, and you'll be 100x more nervous then, at least it won't be new territory.

    I find this hard to believe, you look like such a dish @j4nash! :bigsmile:

    And that's not a bad idea @Christine, ask a friend to help out so you dont build up too much anxiety about it :flowerforyou:

    Thank you :) I am 6'11" and people from high school don't even recognize me.. and there are not many people in this world my height. I've changed significantly since then. It was a weird transition.

    We are at opposite ends of the scale. I haven't grown since I was about 12...... :laugh:

    Did you shoot up after high school then?
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I didn't get any attention when I was younger. It was weird when I started to get attention. I was lost.

    If I could do it all over again? Find someone, a friend, that I was comfortable with to experience it with. That way, when it happens, and you'll be 100x more nervous then, at least it won't be new territory.

    I find this hard to believe, you look like such a dish @j4nash! :bigsmile:

    And that's not a bad idea @Christine, ask a friend to help out so you dont build up too much anxiety about it :flowerforyou:

    Thank you :) I am 6'11" and people from high school don't even recognize me.. and there are not many people in this world my height. I've changed significantly since then. It was a weird transition.

    We are at opposite ends of the scale. I haven't grown since I was about 12...... :laugh:

    Did you shoot up after high school then?

    no i was just extremely skinny in high school. didn't develop muscle frame until college.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    sorry, double post :huh:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I didn't get any attention when I was younger. It was weird when I started to get attention. I was lost.

    If I could do it all over again? Find someone, a friend, that I was comfortable with to experience it with. That way, when it happens, and you'll be 100x more nervous then, at least it won't be new territory.

    I find this hard to believe, you look like such a dish @j4nash! :bigsmile:

    And that's not a bad idea @Christine, ask a friend to help out so you dont build up too much anxiety about it :flowerforyou:

    Thank you :) I am 6'11" and people from high school don't even recognize me.. and there are not many people in this world my height. I've changed significantly since then. It was a weird transition.

    We are at opposite ends of the scale. I haven't grown since I was about 12...... :laugh:

    Did you shoot up after high school then?

    no i was just extremely skinny in high school. didn't develop muscle frame until college.

    yeah, some guys dont stop growing, up and out, until they reach 25! Hairyness too!! I think women are pretty much there in their mid teens? Mad how it works :flowerforyou: