Hello, I am new to this group as well.

walker001 Posts: 116 Member
Hi, I started MFP on March 20th and down 4 lbs. I will be 62 on May 7. I am married and we live in Cape Breton Nova Scotia. We have 1 son who lives in NYC. We are going there on May 4th for 10 days. Can't wait.

I have lost 80+ lbs with Weight Watchers and was getting bored with the plan. Got to goal in 2007 and since then have put back on 25. Since Jan this year I have lost 10 lbs. I really like MFP and find it easy to track.

I workout 5-6 days a week by biking, walking, hiking and if the weather is not good I have a TM and a mini home gym. So no excuses.

I am on 1200-1300 calories a day and I eat back some or most of my exercise calories which are around the 200-500 depending what I do.

I am hoping to get back to goal by the summer.

Hope we can become friends.


  • Renee2743
    Renee2743 Posts: 17 Member
    Happy early birthday! 62 isn't so bad and 63 isn't bad either. I completed 3 of my bucket list items last year. Went to Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) and ziplined, parasailed and scuba dived. Most of my bucket list is traveling experiences.
    Glad you were so successful with WW. I have tried it off and on for 30 years but I get bored with it. I'd hate to say how much money I've spent on weight loss programs. Sounds though that you are strong minded and will meet your goal wait. MFP should help.
  • LilySpencer
    I am new to the group, but not to dieting, seems I have done it my whole life. Well at least since puberty. I have learned I need to exercise as well as eat less. I think I will start a bucket list.
  • fabulara
    fabulara Posts: 94 Member
    I'm new too! Seventy, New Yorker, happily married, currently weigh 225. It's going to be quite a long journey, and I welcome the friendship of those on a similar journey.