
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lets make it a perfect Day One day at a time.

    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Good morning yall.
    Whew yesterday WAS a long day. Didn't get home till after 10 pm. I am still tired.

    Yesterday my gross carb count was 117 and my net carbs was 96. I am going to start working on getting my fiber count up.

    Oops forgot I ate popcorn so let me add that to the food journal and correct my numbers.
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    update carbs for Saturday: 133 gross, 109 net.

    Fireswan, you probably are STILL burning calories from your early morning run down the stairwells!!! Glad it was a false alarm.
    You definitely got your exercise in!

    Res, the Wicked Twister!!! Sounds like a roller coaster to me too. You are on a roll. Sounds like you had a busy day and reached your step goal... wooohoooo

    Calie, technology really has made some advancements in recent years. While visiting my brother yesterday, my hubby and kate watched a 3d movie. I would take a peek every once in a while but it makes me sick. Not sure why it messes with my head but I can't watch 3 D. I take kate to the movies and if there is a lot of action in the 3d movie, I have to close my eyes or I will be sick as horse when the movie is over...LOL
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hammbone - you are doing so well with your carb counts! WTG!

    Fireswan - Ummm, I think you would have burned more calories from the adrenaline rush alone. Ohmygoodness - I'm so glad it was just a false alarm!!!!

    I am a bit bummed on one hand and totally excited on the other. I forgot to put my fitbit on this morning, and I had already done like 4 trips up and down from the 2nd floor to the basement - so missed out on it counting those steps and floors.

    But this totally makes up for that bummer - my hubby has committed to lifting weights with my every morning before work. So I cleaned up the workout room and just have to sweep/mop - and pick up another weight bench at Walmart and we're good to go. I will still do my cardio at the gym over my lunch breaks, but strength training will be at home with my hubby. I'm so excited to get him motivated to working out with me again. We are both so much more dedicated when we do it together. On the days I don't wanna get outta bed, he kicks me out - and vice versa. So this is a WONDERFUL thing!

    Ok, I gotta get busy, got a ton of stuff to accomplish today. Y'all have a wonderful LOSING day!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Here is my breakfast this morning Bake spinach omelet. Was great i feel like I am topping a pizza every morning.

    100_0094 by rieriecat, on Flickr
  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    It looks yummy Callie!
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    YUM!!! Caliecat that look's delicious!!! I may have to try that for breakfast.

    Res, I think it is great you and your dh are going to work out together. My dh has NEVER had a weight issue so he doesn't understand my struggle at all.
    What a blessing for you and your dh to motivate each other!

    Girl even if you didn't have your fitbit on, You KNOW you climb those stairs and your body knows it too. Hear the fat sizzle???? hee hee
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Today I had a total of 109 carbs (gross) and 93 net. Monday I am back to the 60 or less. I think I like boosting the carbs for the weekend cause it worked well for eating with all my family.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    UGH, first day of working out with DH - EPIC FAIL. DH was off last week due to plant shutdown, and to be honest, most nights, he fell asleep on the couch and never came to bed. This was just fine with me and the dogs, cuz we got the bed to ourselves. The downside - when he actually slept in the bed last night, his snoring was so friggin loud I got MAYBE an hour and a half or two hours of sleep. I don't know if him sleeping downstairs meant that I lost some of my ability to tune out the snoring, but I am not kidding you, I seriously could have punched him in his eye multiple times.

    So needless to say when the alarm went off for us to get up at 4:30 a.m., I turned it off and tried to go back to sleep for another couple hours. We will do our UBWO this evening instead. DH goes back to work tomorrow, so our routine will be back to normal - maybe that will help....
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    that looks delicious, Calie! mmmmm
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Been to the store and pick up some of those wonderful red bell peppers for .98 each. English cucumbers for .98 each. vine ripen tomatoess for.99 cent a lb. Ready for a good healty salad for lunch. Will filled my menu out after lunch.
    have a blessed day you 'al
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Res, my dh used to snore like a freight train. I was constantly punching him for him to turn over or something so I could get rest. Not sure what happened as we got older cause he very seldom ever snores now.

    Hopefully when he goes back to work, things will return to normal.

    Do you have your fitbit on today???? LOL

    Calie, look forward to seeing your menu. Your breakfast looks delicious. I need to pick up some mozeralla! I have everything else... making me hungry.

    Fireswan, how ya doing?

    Today, I am drinking protein shakes and eating LOTS of veggies!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Res, my dh used to snore like a freight train. I was constantly punching him for him to turn over or something so I could get rest. Not sure what happened as we got older cause he very seldom ever snores now.

    Hopefully when he goes back to work, things will return to normal.

    Do you have your fitbit on today???? LOL

    Well, he has gained back a bunch of weight - not sure how much, but I'm thinking pretty much all of what he lost last year - and that extra weight makes him snore worse. I'm hoping as we lose weight (he'll drop it fast - he always does) - that will help....

    and of COURSE I have my fitbit on today! I went to the gym over lunch and did hill profile on the treadmill for 40 minutes and then did 150 crunches on the Ab Coaster. So yer darn tootin I got my fitbit on this time, want to make sure to get "credit" for my activity today! Less than 500 steps to go to get to my daily goal of 10,000, will likely go way over, I'm guessing, and that's good!

    I have been fighting mental hunger today. You know what I mean - that little voice that keeps urging you to eat something, even when you aren't really hungry. That little red devil is telling me "you worked out over lunch, you deserve a candy bar." I tried punching him in the eye, but he moves to darn fast. I'm gonna have to sneak up on him and blast him one!
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Today's numbers: Gross carbs: 95, Net Carbs: 67
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    You go Res! Good job poking out that evil hunger! Oh, earplugs work for the snoring, at least that is what my hubby does when I snore too much!

    I got 7900 steps, but "ran" stairs last night for a total of 20 floors. I should get my 10000+ steps in today, it's my Zumba day!
    120 carbs - 43 fiber = net of 77 carbs. A little higher than I want, but the carbs are from fruit, veg and low carb tortillas

    I just finished day 2 of 30 day shred...feelin great!
    Have a great day everyone!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hola, chicas!

    FIRESWAN: I haven't tried ear plugs before. Might have to have DH bring a pair home from the factory and try it.....

    My net carbs for yesterday was 109. I'm trying to keep it around 100, so I'm getting closer!

    Last night's sleep was much better. DH and I got up to do our workout, which went.............. okay. We are doing a routine that neither one of us has done before, something new - and when we went downstairs, DH had reorganized the weight room a bit, not sure why he put things where he put them? It was stressing me out because after every exercise, we have to cross paths to get to our weights and then cross paths again to get to our weight benches. After a while, I pointed this out to him, suggested that we move things around a bit - and my DH got a little........... snarky. "Just say it, I'm in your way....." He then repeated it over several times in the next 10 minutes until I admitted "Yes, you are in my way - and I am in your way, and this is costing us time." Needless to say, we were supposed to get 5 circuits done in 25 minutes - but we only got 3 circuits done in 35 minutes.

    Ok, my DH is Mr. Mountain Man Macho Factory Worker, but right then, he sounded like a whiny beeotch. ROFL. He was just being snarky cuz he was tired and he had realized how out of shape he is, I think. I made it up to him by making his lunch for him while he was in the shower and making a protein shake for him to drink on his commute. He left in a much better mood.

    Oh and after class tonight, I will be reorganizing the workout room. Tomorrow morning is LBWO, a lot of exercises I haven't done in a long time due to low back issues. I'm gonna take it really easy and probably wear a weight belt to protect my lower back. Can't afford another low back injury, specially being in massage school and so close to being done! I have 25 more clinic massages to do to graduate, and a low back injury would put that on hold - not a good thing!

    I have another workout planned over lunch - cardio at the gym, so will likely get in my 10,000 steps pretty easily today. Floors, not so much, but will do my very best! Y'all have a LOSER day!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I don't count my carbs. I just eat lean protein and low carbs vegies for breakfast and lunch
    Dinner is anything I want in reasonable portion size. Seens to be working for me. had a drop in the scales this morning and that made me happy. I don't do exercise at my age going to the pottie and messing aound in the house with househole chores is all i can handle. But you younger folks keep it up. We will all get there

  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Well, crapola - looks like my post didn't save from earlier.

    Happy Hump Day, Jump Starters!

    Where are y'all today? I'm living life, living the dream today - feeling great. Lunch cardio workouts going very well - early morning workouts have been switched to every other day as hubby is very sore from his UBWO yesterday. That's okay. He hasn't lifted weights in years and I don't want him to injure himself.

    I had two killer tests this week in school - one was last night and I passed with 88%. Would have liked to be 95 or above, but I'll take what I can get. The other test is tomorrow night, and this particular teacher loves those complicated trick questions, so my internal mantra during the test will be "read every question twice before answering." Not worried about the content - just worried about those darn complicated questions!

    I was talking to one of the school's owners last night about belly dancing - am thinking about taking some classes this summer, maybe after I get done with my clinic massages. No time for them right now. Anyone ever done belly dancing? Looks like fun to me!
  • LReneeWalker
    LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
    I am sitting at home (day off) with a headache, waiting for my lil egg muffins (or fritatta or quiche) to finish cooking. I predict another non productive day unless the headache goes away. Hoping today is as successful as yesterday.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    These weeks are flying bye. How many more weeks on this challenge