How to complete the Shred...

nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
Just wanted your opinion on how to complete the shred. I've read people have completed the program differently in th past.

Would you guys like to do the shred monday-friday? This would take us 6 weeks to complete the program.
Would you like to do each level for 10 days and then take a 1 or 2 day break?
Plow right through for 30 days straight???

Let me know what you think and we can all follow the same guidelines!!!


  • ElijahsMom08
    ElijahsMom08 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there, I just joined myfitnesspal and just started doing the 30 day shred today. My personal goal for this is to go 30 days in a row. I've done it before, last october and saw amazing results and planned on doing ripped in 30 afterwards, got sick for a couple days, know how it goes. I'm really hoping using the tools on myfitnesspal, like these groups will increase my motivation! Thanks for posting this group up, I look forward to seeing how this all works :)
  • mialegg
    mialegg Posts: 23 Member

    I usually do it Mon-Fri because my weekends get kind of crazy. I just going to really try and make sure to do 30 days so that I can try and get the best results.
  • Looking forward to this! I'd like to do Monday - Friday, weekends are always so busy for me
  • taraf33
    taraf33 Posts: 14 Member
    I was looking for a little motivation to start the shred. I am leaving for Italy on June 2nd so I have exactly one month to get it done!! I also meet with a personnel trainer twice a week so I will be doing the shred on the days I dont meet with her. i plan on taking my meaurement tonight! Looking forward to see all of our results!
  • feexme
    feexme Posts: 12
    I just read about the Shred last week and ended up buying it the same day. Started this morning and think it's pretty good. I'd love to join this group for the motivation to keep going on the days I don't feel like it anymore. It's always hard to exercise on your own and I hate getting up earlier than I have to, but wth the help of this group I hope to keep it going. I am going to try to do it for 30 days because I am ready to see results. For those of you that have done it in the past, did the results last or did you have to keep up every day. I really would like to back off and maitain by exercising 3-4 days each week after I've gotten where I want to be. Is this possible?
  • I've worked out to the Shred several times but never stuck with it. Just used it on rainy days when I couldn't go out for a walk or jog. I really want to tone up though and see definition so I am commiting to 30 days starting today.
  • I vote M-F. With 3 kids (5,4, 3mths) our weekends are pretty busy! I know I can commit to working out from m-f -
    S/sun I will do the workout if I can-& it will be a bouns if I can get a work out during those days...but I rather would not commit to working out on those days
    So M-F is my vote! :)
  • I would love to do 30 days straight but my weekends can be pretty crazy especially with summer coming up. I've also read that you're supposed to give your body a break for recovery and rest. I am going to do the 30 DS Monday-Friday - on weekends I go for long walks at the beach with my hubby (Eaglesphan2719) and our puppy. :)
  • kalyy
    kalyy Posts: 59 Member
    I tried doing 30 days shred on weekends before and it didn't work, I stayed at my dad's house and there's no place there do to the workout.
    6 weeks sounds great, 2 weeks each level plus 2 rest days per week. :)
  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm so excited we are getting sooo many members!!! Thank you for joining! We can and will do this together.

    I say complete the 30 day shred according to how it fits your schedule but be sure to complete the full 30 days!!

    I think I am going to stick with the Monday-Friday idea. For a couple of reasons:

    1) Weekends DO get hectic.
    2) I do not want to get burnt out from it. We all tend to start with sooo much energy and then I lose motivation and don't complete the program because I dread doing it.
    3) Your body DOES need some recovery time!

    This week since I am starting on May 1st I will complete the shred Tuesday-Saturday and just take next Sunday off!

    Good luck! I will create a topic that focuses on how your shred is going =) You can check in whenever you like!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Has any one listened to Jillian's pod cast about the 30 DS? From what I understand, she didn't design it to be done every day (that was a marketing ploy).
    So with that in mind I'll be doing it every other day alternating it with the cardio I do (currently WATP, might change to C25K).
    Hope that's ok, let me know~
  • caroltz
    caroltz Posts: 16
    Hi all! I'm so glad I found this group. I just got my 30DS DVD in the mail on Friday and was planning to start it May 1st. My goal is to do the 30 days straight. If that's too much on my knees (some of the reviews I've read said it's hard on the knees), then I'll switch to every other day.

  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    Mon thru Friday is easiest for me. So that is what I am going to do. :)
  • tracyreeks
    tracyreeks Posts: 8 Member
    ust ordered my 30DS from lacking motivation so figure that maybe this will help....? I will be a few days behind everyone else but least im giving it a go.... :0)
  • AUFlo
    AUFlo Posts: 5 Member
    Hi!!! I just joined FitnessPal a few days ago. I've done the 30DS before, last year. I got great results! Then I got lazy :-( and gained some weight back but I'm on a mission to drop it! I'm going to either do M-F or do 10 days of each level in a row and rest 1 or 2 days between each level. The same workout does get kind of "blah" after a while but it's SO worth it! I've done the JM Ripped in 30 as well and I got better results from the 30DS. Good luck everybody!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!
  • I've got a bunch of Jillians Dvd's...but not the 30 day shred. Tomorrow when i go out to do my errands, i'm gonna pick it up at walmart. i'll be doing the 30 day shred on top of some other stuff with the tred and shed on tuesdays and hopefully cardio kickboxing on mon and weds or thursdays (if the kids will cooperate) and i'll also do zumba at home on the ps3. i might have a slight issue: my husband is a truck driver and i am going to be with him for about 2 weeks come the end of may beginning of june....yes, the 30 day shred should be complete.....but i am gonna be stuck in the truck for 2 weeks.....trying to figure out how i am gonna workout.
  • ltparker
    ltparker Posts: 32
    I vote for M-F ...weekends are really hectic. I am so exxcited to do the 30-day body hurts right now after level 1 - day 1...but I'm in! Let's go!!
  • missleelee_2007
    missleelee_2007 Posts: 18 Member
    Has any one listened to Jillian's pod cast about the 30 DS? From what I understand, she didn't design it to be done every day (that was a marketing ploy).
    So with that in mind I'll be doing it every other day alternating it with the cardio I do (currently WATP, might change to C25K).
    Hope that's ok, let me know~
    I've been doing the same thing with the other other day cardio (c25k) . Has this pattern been working good for you? Jillian kicked my butt last night and it was kinda tough running today but hopefully all of tthat will get better!
  • BethicaJ
    BethicaJ Posts: 13 Member
    It's only a 20 minutes workout so I'm gonna try for every day. I think I could squeeze 20 minutes out of my weekend to keep it up.
  • I'm so in on this! I just started the Day 1, Level 1 last night (since it was Monday). it was awesome and it went by really fast. After only doing it once, I can understand how, if you stick with this DVD, it can make you more toned and lose inches! I also ordered Jillian's 6 weeks to a 6 Pack. I'm not brave enough to try that yet!
  • countrygirlatheart0717
    countrygirlatheart0717 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm so in on this! I just started the Day 1, Level 1 last night (since it was Monday). it was awesome and it went by really fast. After only doing it once, I can understand how, if you stick with this DVD, it can make you more toned and lose inches! I also ordered Jillian's 6 weeks to a 6 Pack. I'm not brave enough to try that yet!


    I have almost all of her dvd's and recently ordered 6w6p (six week six pack) and killer buns and thighs. I have been doing 6w6p for about a week now and let me just tell you after each workout your abs hurt the next day! :) Instead of your entire body hurting like 30 DS it's just your abs! I'm not brave enough yet for killer buns and thighs because I was told it'll kick your butt ... haha :)

    Just like I tell myself ... just go ahead and do the dvd ... I mean after all what do you have to lose besides weight/inches right?!? ;-)
  • countrygirlatheart0717
    countrygirlatheart0717 Posts: 83 Member
    Just ordered my 30DS from lacking motivation so figure that maybe this will help....? I will be a few days behind everyone else but least im giving it a go.... :0)

    You can do this!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    @ missleelee_20 Yesterday was my 1st day, but not to sore this am (I was doing a kettlebell routine prior to this). She did make me sweat, and most of the cardio moves caused really bad pain in my knees (jumping). For some reason running doesn't bother me, so it was running in place for my cardio moves.
    I think the running (EOD) is a good idea, and it's great that you're doing the C25K. I've seen many people do a combo of these 2 programs and got max results!
    As I was typing this, I convinced myself to "just do it", so excuse me while I go download the program!
    Happy training!:wink:
  • Thanks for letting me now this! I'm glad someone else has tried some others. So I bet it even hurts when you sneeze after doing the abs one! hahaha
  • Lmdaniels
    Lmdaniels Posts: 91 Member
    Ok. I was going to try to do this 30 days straight. But maybe everyone is right about the body rest etc. I do have 6wk6pk still in the wrapper after 3 months. Maybe I'll do that with Zumba on the weekends to mix it up...I busy want to be sure I'm making the most of this. I sm wearing s bikini on my cruise 5/26, hot body or not!
  • Amor1516
    Amor1516 Posts: 19
    I will be doing the 30 DS everyday except on Tues & Thurs those days i do Zumba toning. I will also be doing reg. Zumba classes on Mon,Tues,Wed & Thurs along with some walking :) I am soooo excited to get started tomorrow, which will make my end date June 11th
  • pcgelenius
    pcgelenius Posts: 1 Member
    I was thinking about plowing straight threw, but as we know sometimes you just need a day off for the muscles to recoup. So, that is what Ill be doing.