Get to Know You

BeFitwithT1 Posts: 41 Member
Thought it might be nice to get to know a little something about everyone here :)

At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1?
What is your best A1c to date?
What's your lowest recorded blood sugar?
Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis?
Do you know any other diabetics in real life?
MDI or pump?
What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight?

And a few just for fun:
Cat or dog person?
Do you play any sports?
What do you do for a living?

Thanks for participating!


  • wannabthin65
    wannabthin65 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Marella,

    I was 27yrs old in 1973 when I was diagnosed with diabetes. No one ever said T1 or T2.. I had numerous hospitalizations in the beginning years because of ketoacidosis. My brother was a T1 but passed away when he was 42. My husband & oldest daughter are T2's diagnosed a few years ago. When originally diagnosed I lost 86 lbs & had gone down to 104lbs. I thought I looked like Miss America but my neighbor said he went to a funeral & the corpse looked better than I did. At that time I was on pills (diabinese) & apparently wewen't working. After my neighbors remark I immediately went to my GP. I was hospitalized & started on insulin. I was in the hospital 9 days & forced to eat & gained 9lbs. I've had many trips to the hospital ER or 911 EMT's at home because of unconsciousness I kept my weight down for years & really only started gaining alot after Katrina. I got totally disgusted with my body, the way my clothes didn't fit (the ones I had left-all I had was the clothes I packed to evacuate for Katrina. Everything I left home was lost. I just got to the point I couldn't stand myself I am! I take multiple injections daily. Over the years I've had about 3 different endos & none of them ever suggested a pump.

    As the other questions, I don't have any pets anymore but I am a dog person.I am a retired RN. I worked mother/baby/anything female & really miss it. The hospital I worked in was destryed in Katrina & has never opened since.

    If you have any other questions, just ask,
  • dsharpie
    dsharpie Posts: 55
    I was 29 in 2004
    No, only 3 days at diagnosis.
    Yes, my best friends daughter was diagnosed a year after me she was 5, my best friends new boyfriend was diagnosed at 18, my boss's daughter was diagnosed at 16 he was my boss at the time too. I never knew anyone before I was diagnosed.

    I have been on an Animas pump for the last 7.5 years and just started a continuous glucose monitor. I love the freedom to eat when I want with the pump. I am a big grazer and on shots I would obsess about when the next time was that I could eat.

    I have never really had a weight issue, I was blessed with great family genes and a good metabolism, I always struggle with the 10 pounds that I get off and gain back. It is a constant yoyo up 10 down 10 up 10 down 10. I just love food too much so I eat, eat, eat, then I stop for a few months and exercise pretty hard and then I go back to eating. Funny what Diane said about thinking she looked like a super model. I thought the same thing. I was diagnosed during one of the exercise my butt off phases. I had only been doing some aerobics for about a month maybe 2 times a week and I dropped 14 pounds. I was like hey cool, so I started eating cookies again and was still losing weight. That was when I knew something was wrong.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? no pets right now, but up until 6 months ago I have always had a dog
    Do you play any sports? no, I run, training for a marathon right now
    What do you do for a living? sit at a computer
  • JMM_623_
    JMM_623_ Posts: 68 Member
    Thought it might be nice to get to know a little something about everyone here :)

    Diagnosis: I was diagnosed at 5yo. I don't remember much outside of practicing injections on an orange! That was in 1987.

    A1C: My best A1C to date...I really don't remember. I wish I had a great one to share. I'm still working on a steady and better A1C. My high and low swings (due to preparing for vigorous exercise and dropping after vigorous exercise) keep me from having a "perfect A1C". My endo watches my numbers and counsels me endlessly on better here's to the next test!

    Lowest Level: My lowest recorded sugar level was 32 or 26 (one of the two) and I'm sure that was this year. I exercise a lot and sometimes have weird lows at night.

    Hospitalizations: I was not hospitalized at my diagnosis, but I have been hospitalized twice with ketoacidosis. Once in 6th grade after a really bad cold and a second time my freshman year of college with the same symptoms after a cold. i was in ICU for a week the first time and 3 days the second time. I was released early the second time on Christmas Eve. I wanted to spend it with my family. It's a horrible experience and I am trying everything I can to avoid the hospital, an insulin drip and the ICU.

    T1 Pals: I do not know of any other T1 diabetics in real life. I went to school with a woman whose son is T1 and I think that's the closest. Next to that was the diabetic camp I went to in 4th grade. I'm almost 30 so that was SOOO long ago.

    Why I gained control: I realized I was two times my moms size when she was my age. Honestly, that made me start evaluating my health and my weight. At the rate I was going, I would be triple or quadruple her size by the time I reached her age. She's not super fit, but she's a nice size for her age. Also, I'd like to have kids some day and if I stayed the weight I was when I started MFP, i would have been obese by the time I had a kid.

    Fun Facts:
    I love dogs...HATE cats. They scare me bc they are sneaky.
    I don't play any sports because I am not the most coordinated individual. If I could, I would play basketball, maybe.
    I don't do what I'd like to do for a living, but I'm working on changing that :)
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member

    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1?
    I was just about 10 years old, 1990 - I started off with a One Touch "brick" and Humulin R/N insulins.

    What is your best A1c to date?
    If memory serves, 6.1. My latest was 6.5 and it's usually mid to low 6s no matter what happens. I'd love to be in the 5 club though!

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar?
    It was in the upper 20s - I think it was impossible, though, because I didn't feel like I was having that dramatic of a low (I've felt much "lower" at higher numbers). On the lower and higher end of the testing spectrum I think results get less reliable, though, and it has also made me think about the possibility of different kinds of "low" experiences..

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis?
    Nope, but once when I was younger coworkers called paramedics - I was low and being a little incoherent and it scared them (a liability, I suppose). I told them all I needed was to get a soda out of the machine, which they got for me. Of course the paramedics made me drink the entire 20 ounces with some sort of sugary gel put in it which I asked them *not* to do and later that day my blood sugar was like 400 :grumble:

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life?
    Just type 2

    MDI or pump?
    MDI since the beginning - I just can't make the change!

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight?
    Something clicked and I grabbed the reigns and took control (with the help of MFP, of course!)

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person?
    Both! Have a dog, have had cats

    Do you play any sports?
    No team sports - just biking, running, swimming, and stuff like that

    What do you do for a living?
    Day job - archivist
  • tracyjh01
    tracyjh01 Posts: 16 Member
    I was diagnosed 33 years ago at the age of ten. I was the only one diagnosed in my family with it up until about three years ago my nephew at the age of 22 was diagnosed with type 1.
    I can't remember my lowest alc but do remember my lowest blood sugar which was during my pregnancy, it was 36.
    I am currently on the minimed pump. I love the pump although at times I dislike being connected to something but its better than the alternative.
    I have never been hospitalized besides when I was diagnosed.
    What made me decide to gain control of my weight? I am tired of "feeling" fat and unfit, so its time I make some changes.
    I'm a cat person. In fact we had Sara for nine years and just recently she disappeared after I let her out in the middle of the night. :(
    No team sports for me but I do enjoy Zumba and getting ready to try JM 30day shred.
    I am the receptionist for an electrical supply company.
  • BeFitwithT1
    BeFitwithT1 Posts: 41 Member
    My turn :)
    Thought it might be nice to get to know a little something about everyone here :)

    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? 10 years old in 1996
    What is your best A1c to date? My latest which was 6.3
    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 16! I was camping and felt sick, took my BS and needless to say, I got a good scare!
    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? Nope.
    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? Both my mom's brothers are T1, one of them actually took my BS when I was showing symptoms which led to my diagnosis.
    MDI or pump? Pump all the way.
    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight?
    My husband and I have been discussing starting a family at some point and with all the complications diabetes brings, I figured I'd better get the rest of my health in line!
    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? Dog! We have a 100lb American Bulldog named Bruno.
    Do you play any sports? Softball and volleyball.
    What do you do for a living? I run an art gallery (c'mon economy!)

    Thanks for participating!
  • At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1?
    Age 10, 1992

    What is your best A1c to date?
    7.0, I just want to get in the 6's club! As a teenager, A1C were often in the 9's.

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar?

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis?
    Twice -- once in high school (had mono, got dehydrated, got diagnosed with mono) and once my freshman year of college (after a flu shot, my last one EVER, felt under the weather and stopped taking my insulin -- hello? DKA).

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life?
    Yes, a lot! I started going to diabetes camp at age 10, participated in bike trips during high school/college, and now I volunteer for a non profit called Insulindependence (promotes active living for those with diabetes) and serve as a camp counselor at a diabetes camp for teens. So I know a lot of people with diabetes, mostly type 1! My great-grandmother had T1D and my grandparents had T2. My dad had T2.

    MDI or pump?
    Just went back to MDI after four years on a Medtronic Paradigm pump with CGM. Using a Dexcom now with MDI. LOVE not being attached and not dealing with absorption issues.

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight?
    It's a constant struggle, but I first lost weight before getting married. In 2003 I lost 30 pounds and now I'm about 15 down from my highest weight (15 more than I weighed when I got married). The last time I remember being happy with my weight was before or after diagnosis. I remember being so proud of my flat tummy in 4th grade...then BAM -- diabetes. Since 5th grade, I've always been a size 10-12-14 (currently a 10-12).

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person?
    Dog! But since we've started teaching our cat to use the toilet... I might like him a little more.

    Do you play any sports?
    No ball sports. I swim, bike, run, and take aerobics classes.

    What do you do for a living?
    I'm an immigration advisor at a university (similar to a paralegal/attorney). I advise international employees on immigration law and file paperwork with US Citizenship and Immigration Services on behalf of the university and its international employees.
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? 6 years old - 1974
    What is your best A1c to date? 6.0
    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 13
    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? During puberty and when I learned to use my pump
    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? Yes my boss's son was diagnosed at 3
    MDI or pump? PUMP - love it
    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? Did not like how I looked

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? Dogs (boxers - breed them)
    Do you play any sports? no HA HA
    What do you do for a living? Admin Asst at Douglas County School System - graduated here, ex-husband graduated here, daughter did in 2009 and son is in High school here.
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1?
    12 days before my 13th Birthday. 4-17-96

    What is your best A1c to date?
    5.7 when 1st started pumping
    6.5 Begining of April, no real lows(<75) or highs (>180/200) just constant numbers
    6.5 and under is where I mostly am MDI and pump (My endo says I'm her fav patient.)

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar?
    33 as of last month. I woke up and felt find then when I saw 33 I freaked out a little bit.

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis?
    No *knock on wood*

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life?
    Mom is type 1
    Gma is type 2
    Uncle is tye 2

    I have great diabetic friends on MFP and Facebook

    MDI or pump?
    pump since 2005
    prior was R and NPH (old skool or poor man's pump)

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight?
    My gf and I did the Diabetes walk in 2010 and looked fat.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person?
    Dog for the most part but at my mom's we sort of had cats show up. The property her house is on there were 2 kittens and later 1 died. My moms then 1st bf brought a kitten from FL. Then we found 1 at her business. Then her friend gave us 1 kitten until mom got a puppy and the cat attacked it so we gave the cat back (after 2-3 years.)

    Do you play any sports?
    I played soccer from 3rd grade to 6th. (Moved to another state and didn't want a new team cause we were awesome.)
    I played softball from 3rd grade to 8-9th. ( Our team mom made sure to get me my diet soda at the end of each game.)

    What do you do for a living?
    I'm going to start working for Pet Smart by the end of this month.
  • At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? -
    I was 7 years old (the summer after first grade). That was 38 years ago!

    What is your best A1c to date? -
    5.8 and my Endo HATED this. I run too low and don't have awareness of my lows so she wants me to be closer to 7. Lately I've been running in the 6.5 zone and she's a little happier about that.

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? -
    20-something (a couple of weeks ago). My hubby helped me take it and I'm not sure why. He told me later that I was obviously in bad shape but he was curious to what it was. I had already begun drinking juice so it may have been lower to start with. I have a problem with lows.

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? -
    Once in college. I had taken a nap and never woke up. My roomate tried to get me to get up and called 911 when I wouldn't wake up. Off to the hospital in an ambulance. They never did tell me what my BS was when I arrive but an IV helped get it "normal" and I went home a few hours later.

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? -
    My next door neighbor is a T2 and his daughter is T1. My Dad is also a T2.

    MDI or pump? -
    PUMP!! I strated on my pump 3 or 4 years ago to try to stop the lows. It's helped a ton but I still have some problems. I have to say though, even with still having lows, I LOVE my pump. It's the best thing I've ever done in my life diabetes related. The best.

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? -
    I have a hard time doing anything that resembles "exercise" like walking up a flight of stairs. I'm tired of that. And, I have a lot more things I want to do in my life and I want to spend more time with my wonderful husband. I don't want to jerpordize that by being unhealthy!

    And a few just for fun:

    Cat or dog person? - I love both but have owned cats for the last 20 years since dogs don't fit into my lifestyle.

    Do you play any sports? - No. I STINK at organized sports. HA!

    What do you do for a living? - I work for an investment management firm and trade stocks and mutual funds.
  • timbittes
    timbittes Posts: 12 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1?

    -22 years old 3rd year university. (not a day I care to remember too fondly I actually had to think a while to get the year right).
    Partied hard after Xmas University exams and hangover did not go away so I knew something was messed up.

    What is your best A1c to date?

    -I am not sure but I have always been in the 6's. Mostly below 6.5.

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar?

    -Lowest number would be 1.1 (hope my wife doesn't read this:wink: ) Sorry Canadian 1.1 mm/L = 19.8 mg/dL

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis?

    -No, although did have one hypo that required paramedic intervention. Refused to go the hospital after they pumped me with glucose as I knew I was fine, was embarrassed at my first intervention and didn't want to pay for the ambulance. I now believe I screwed up my insulin that evening as it was not long after dinner (perhaps double dipped)

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life?

    -Yes several including my Bro who is also Type 1

    MDI or pump?

    -MDI-Pumps do not seem as prominent in Canada. My endo has never encouraged them much as I have had good control without complications with MDI.

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight?

    -not trying to lose weight but am trying to eat healthier (lower sat fat, sodium) and exercise more.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person?

    -have neither would probably prefer a dog.

    Do you play any sports?

    -Used to play team sports but with kids busy in different activities and work spend most of my available fitness time on solo activities.

    What do you do for a living?

    -Information Technology Architect- Currently help set strategic direction and conduct IT planning for large Canadian company.
  • letswalk
    letswalk Posts: 32 Member
    Just joined today! Glad to see some other T1s out there! :)

    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? 14 months, 1982
    What is your best A1c to date? 7.1
    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 18
    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? Yes, 1 time in 4th grade for a week to learn more about living with it. It didn't really stick until I was in my 20s.
    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? A few, butnone my age. :/
    MDI or pump? Pump
    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? I'm at the age where I can start having children and I am not healthy enough to do that. I need to lose weight, get my A1c under 7, and lower my cholesterol.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? Cats
    Do you play any sports? Nope
    What do you do for a living? Currently I am a student, but I work part time also as a CNA at a children's hospital on the cancer unit. I will graduate in May with a degree in nursing.
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I've tried 2x's to respond to this thread but MFP/the Internet (?) keeps kicking me out at the same question (very weird)... so I'm going to try and post in a couple of different parts and see if I can get through it that way...

    ** PART I:

    re: At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1?
    - Age 10. June 30, 1988 (I'm 35 now)

    re: What is your best A1c to date?
    - 6.0

    re: What's your lowest recorded blood sugar?
    - Meter wouldn`t read that low, just said LO. I think that put me around 1.5 mmol/L or lower.
    - SIDE NOTE: Handy blood sugar converter since we don`t all measure in the same units:

    re: Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis?
    - Yes, multiple times between the ages of 11-17. I think 2x`s for purely Diabetes-related. The rest were due to some other illnesses/reasons that I had first... which then impacted the Diabetes and therefore decided to throw my body into pure choas (and ultimately led to hospitalizations). Once I hit adulthood my body seemed to decide it didn`t always to need to react to things in such an extreme way. Thank goodness!! :)

    re: Do you know any other diabetics in real life?
    - Yes! In my mid-20`s I joined a new local T1 group and met a number of people through that (most within 10 years of my age).
    - SIDE NOTE: One friend has a blog, `Me With D`which I would like to share with this group because she covers a number of topics brought up in this thread (including, amongst many things, some of the T1 struggles and successes she`s had in giving birth... twice!):
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    ** PART 2:

    re: MDI or pump?
    - Pump for 16 or 17 years... cannot remember exactly how long. It was a year or more before Humalog hit the market in Canada (I was part of a 9 month study and was given the option of keeping the pump at the end of the study if I wanted it).
    - SIDE NOTE for timbittes: Hello fellow Winnipegger :) I don`t think that it is that the pump isn`t promoted much in Canada... it is more that it isn`t promoted much in Manitoba. I`ve lived in a few Provinces and was shocked when I moved to Winnipeg from Ontario 9 years ago to discover: 1) How few people were on the pump in MB, 2) How few doctors discussed the pump as an option, and 3) How many pharmasists didn`t want to order pump supplies for me because I would have been their first pump client! In the last 5 years things have changed a lot in MB... just a couple of weeks ago the Province announced how pumps will now be covered for those under 18 - yay! (I then wrote the Health Minister and my MLA about how that really needs to extend to adults - and I did receive a response from both, so I`d even encourage you to possibly do the same). The pump isn`t for everyone, and it sounds like you`ve got great control, but if you do have an interest in it you really should bring it up with your Endo... there are now a copule of really good Winnipeg Endos who are strong pump-advocates (if that`s an option you might want to ever explore).

    re: What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight?
    - I admire the athlete lifestyle. I have no desire to compete in anything to win... but I`d like to be as strong and healthy as many athletes. I`m not naturally athletic *at all*, so this is a bit challenge for me... add in the T1 Diabetes with exercise component and it is a long, slow learning process :) Reducing my weight and body fat % would go a long way to help achieve my goal!

    re: Cat or dog person?
    - We have a cat, but in general I`m not a pet person :)

    re: Do you play any sports?
    - No. I played basketball and softball in school. Now I do a number of individual activities: Run, cycle, lift weights, walk, roller blade, etc.

    re: What do you do for a living?
    - Marketing.
  • KLK1986
    KLK1986 Posts: 89
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? I was 6 years old, it was 1992.
    What is your best A1c to date? 5.6%
    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 19 mg/dL
    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? yes
    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? yes
    MDI or pump? Pump
    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? I realized my fiance weighs less than I do. Also, I wasn't happy with how I looked naked anymore.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? Both, but like dogs more.
    Do you play any sports? Nope
    What do you do for a living?

    Thanks for participating!
  • timbittes
    timbittes Posts: 12 Member
    Hi KristaTeller,

    Thanks for your comments on Pumps in Manitoba. I am curious which endos are pump advocates. Could you message me with their names?

  • ambertilton
    ambertilton Posts: 4 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? Initially diagnosed at age 10 in 1984, went into "remission" for a year then consistent since 1985, age 11

    What is your best A1c to date? 5.2 during pregnancy

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? besides "Low", 18 (determined by EMTs)

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? No

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? yes, the only type 1 I know well is my younger cousin

    MDI or pump? Minimed paradigm since 2004

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? I have been thinking about it for years. My weight has fluctuated over the past 20 years between125-160 usually on the higher end. I have been very fortunate to avoid any long term complications to this point after 28 years. I am getting older and pushing my luck:)

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? Dog (like cats and all other animals too, but if I have to choose)
    Do you play any sports? No, trying to get back into running.
    What do you do for a living? I work at a hospital in a psych ER, run a commercial cleaning business, part-time student, and mom:)
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1?

    What is your best A1c to date?
    5.0. This was a long time ago. I'm in the 7's now and trying to get into the 6s.

    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar?
    12 according to EMTs. Apparently I also stopped breathing.

    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis?
    No, except for quick stints in the ER.

    Do you know any other diabetics in real life?
    I know people who are, but none are people I consider to be close friends.

    MDI or pump?
    Paradigm pump. I've been using a pump since 1996.

    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight?
    I've been trying to get control of it since high school.

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person?

    Do you play any sports?
    Used to play soccer. Now I hike.

    What do you do for a living?
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? 10
    What is your best A1c to date? 6.2
    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 32
    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? Yes - twice in highschool and it was on purpose to get out of going to school. I was an angry idiot back then.
    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? Yep, my mom :)
    MDI or pump? Pump!
    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? My clothes didn't fit and I hated myself

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? CAT
    Do you play any sports? Heck no... I'm awful at sports! Unless, you count shooting hoops with my husband...
    What do you do for a living? I work with contracts for a large insurance coproration.
  • Crumleygirl
    Crumleygirl Posts: 86 Member
    At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? 16
    What is your best A1c to date? I think it was around 6.5 or something. That was once and I could never get it back into the range they want
    What's your lowest recorded blood sugar? 49, it was recently and I had an uncovered cookie so I can only imagine how low it was before I checked.
    Have you ever been hospitalized due to diabetes besides your diagnosis? For abusing my pump which I will never do again
    Do you know any other diabetics in real life? My aunt and I've met a few of my best friend's friends who are diabetic.
    MDI or pump? Omnipod wireless pump :)
    What made you decide to start trying to gain control of your weight? tired of having a tummy and being over-weight

    And a few just for fun:
    Cat or dog person? Cats!!! I love my baby boy derek
    Do you play any sports? No. I am just getting into shape where I can run for maybe a minute. I tried soccer in elementary school
    What do you do for a living? I'm currently in between things. I'm waiting to get into school and attempting to get a job.