Are we falling apart!?

tashajo414 Posts: 21 Member
Hey Everyone just wondering what the deal is more postings or being upbeat?!?! Anyways I wanted to share with everyone a sight that I stumbled across that give the avg calories burned for almost any workout video....its called It seems almost the same as mfp, but more resources!!! Today I was to be on day 7 of the 30DS level 1 and I am going to dinner tonight for a friends bday at a not so healthy place!! Dinosaur bbq out of syracuse, ny So this morning I got up extra early and did Jillian Michaels banish fat boost metabolism video and HOLY HELL!!!!! It states that it is for 40 mins...yea more like 50 mins with a 6-7 min stretch. It was crazy, but Im so glad I did it!!! According to fit click it states that a 150lb person will burn 898 calories with this video...I burned 1057
So I hope that everyone is still burning and sticking to their work out routine and why dont we all go ahead and post some results that we have??? Good luck everyone


  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks for posting! I figured nobody cared, so I stopped posting. I am on level 2. Haven't exactly been doing it every day, but I am down 2 pounds, so thats good.
  • tashajo414
    tashajo414 Posts: 21 Member
    Thats GREAT!!! doing every day or not, just the loss of weight is a vistory!!! wish i could say the same!! I have been pretty consistent with doing the shred and on saturday i switched it up and did the banish fat boost metabolism video (that was killer) I did not work out on sunday or monday, but got right back to it today and moved to level 2...holy hannah!!! that is quite a difference!!! but I have been eating right and working out and I am just not getting the scale to change...very frustrating!!!
  • Kbackinshape
    Hello Ladies!

    Congratulations on keeping up with the videos and for achieving some weight loss! Ive ben doing JM Circuit training fitness plan from her website. Very similar to the videos. I do it for about 45 min a day and take 2 days off. One Day I switch the circuit training for cardio. So far so good Ive lost 5 lbs. If I want to see some change this week I need to work on my calorie intake. Im trying to pre-plan my meals and see how it goes!

  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    Are you journaling your calories everyday? For me I find that if I only do the workouts and think I am eating right, nothing happens, maybe even gains, but if I keep a net of 1200 calories including exercise, thats when the weight comes off.
    Thats GREAT!!! doing every day or not, just the loss of weight is a vistory!!! wish i could say the same!! I have been pretty consistent with doing the shred and on saturday i switched it up and did the banish fat boost metabolism video (that was killer) I did not work out on sunday or monday, but got right back to it today and moved to level 2...holy hannah!!! that is quite a difference!!! but I have been eating right and working out and I am just not getting the scale to change...very frustrating!!!
  • cam_l20
    cam_l20 Posts: 95 Member
    I've not been as consistent with the 30DS as I had hoped - I've had a couple of weekends away, nights out for people's birthdays etc. etc. Unfortunately my running has to come first, so I've been struggling to fit the 30DS in on top of that. I'm thinking of starting again at a time when I will hopefully be less busy!