Introduce yourselves.... go on .... don't be shy!



  • magsue
    magsue Posts: 90 Member
    Hi i am 46,just started this plan just trying to lose about a stone.Finding i need a lot of motivation.Hopefully joining this group will help.
  • MizAngie
    MizAngie Posts: 113 Member
    Hi all, Im Angie, 43, been with my husband since I was 17, we have 2 sons, 24 and 19. Im 5'6 weighed 132lbs when I first met hubby. Im more then double that. 295 lbs. Bleh How does one get that big? I was under weight before 8 yrs old. had surgery then I was a good weight,,then I got a pudge going. I would loose and gain depending what season it was. (sports)
    Then in my teens I had alot of crazy stuff happen in a short period of time,,,living on coffee and smokes, I was down to 130 lb.
    During my first pregnancy I didn't eat just for 2, I ate for a small villiage and by the time I went to deliver i was 230 lbs. Dropped 50 lbs with in the first 30 months but hung onto that 50,,then it was 70, then 90. Pregnant with our second son I had morning sickness so bad I lost 10 lbs, so when I left the hospital I was back to 70 lbs overweight.
    OVer the years I have twice lost alot of weight, felt great. First time, we soon moved to a new place. I was so homesick and lonely I ate myself back to my biggest plus another 20 lbs.
    And 3 years ago I lost it most of it again and again with everything in my life Ive gained it all back plus another 20...making me at about 300 lbs.
    Does being perimenapausal really make a difference? I had a hysterecomy a few years back and in doing so Im now no longer anemic. I just don't have the energy,,,I have no will power.

  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    Hi I'm Cindy

    I'm not quite 40 yet ... my birthday is in July which is my main motivation for losing the weight. I saw the pictures after my 39th birthday in July 2011 and was shocked at how awful I looked. I swore I would not look like that by my 40th!

    I've struggled with weight my whole life. It started the day my parents brought me home from the hospital when dad put a chocolate dipped cookie in my mouth (he was a professional baker)! I've always been able to lose the weight when I really want to because I have a lot of discipline but then once I hit my goals, I allow all the bad habits to return. I know that this time I have to change my mindset and truly make some permanent adjustments to my life. That's why I love MFP.

    Feel free to say hi and add me as a friend. I can use all the support and motivation I can get. :flowerforyou:
  • deez2015
    deez2015 Posts: 54 Member
    I am 42 and i have a 22 year old and a 15 year old. My world is all about them but finding out it's almost time for mom to "leave the nest" :sad: lol because they don't need me as much. i've always had to struggle with my weight but finding the older i get the harder it becomes to take it off. I love this website and find it very helpful and the tracker is a real eye opener. Knowing is one thing but seeing seems to be the kick in the pants i needed lol :happy: ! I'm on my first week, hopefully my first weigh in will be a positive one.
  • jayzie_62
    jayzie_62 Posts: 6 Member
    OMG I'm 49 so I better take advantage of this topic while I still can lol. Greetings everyone! I'm Jayzie, a mother of a 23 yr old son, wife for 29 years and one seriously overweight girl. Major hip problems since the age of 12 kept me from being active. Lymphoma cancer survivor and now double hip replacement recipient. Started off at the top weight of 306, down 28 lbs (5 before joining MFP) so far. A long way to go. Just starting to get into the groove and am pleased with the progress so far.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Basia_and4345
    Basia_and4345 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Ladies .... You can call me Basia, much nicer than and4345 :laugh:
    I am 43 and have four beautiful daughters 18, 17, 12, & 10 ... somewhere along the line I lost my size 6 and am stuck in a 10.!!
    I figured since my kids are pretty well self sufficient It was time to work on being a better(and healthier) me. I refuse to just say "Well, I am getting older so I should expect things to go south"; so I am fighting it all the way.

    My oldest daughter is getting married next month and I also want to look good for that. Not to mention all the other mile markers all my kids will be experiencing sooner rather than later. I want to be healthy and full of energy to enjoy all their life experiences. But, I need support from other women who understand how difficult this weight challenge can be and who also understand the havoc our bodies begin to reap on us somewhere about now.

    I look forward to forging plenty of friendships and sharing the ups and downs of all of our journies.:wink:
  • Bonjour my name is Ellie-I started Weight Watchers a few months ago and seemed to be going at a very slow pace along with donating my money each month with the food I bought. A friend had told me about this site and I have lost 2lbs since i started just over a week ago. I have a 18 year old daughter that will be graduating this June and have 3 cats and a hubby :smile: I am looking forward to sticking with MFP from here on out. Any weight I lose will be great :flowerforyou:
  • shesofat
    shesofat Posts: 1
    Hi there my name is Andi and I am 48 biological years old but still think I am 19 - which is why I can't recognise the person I see in the mirror each day! Just getting started (again) and really need to lose about 60lb!
    3 kids all grown up now and even though I am far too young to be a G-parent (still struggle with THAT word!!) my eldest daughter has just had baby #2. Just because I am a G-ma doesn't mean I want to look or dress like one!
    I live in Invercargill, New Zealand which is pretty much the bottom of the world. I have a few friends who also want to lose weight but they are much youner than I so I am looking forward to hearing from others my own age.
  • Hi fabulous ladies
    i am Jan , soon to be 48 married with 1 son and 2 of the cutest little grandsons .... My husband and i started this fitness plan together 8 weeks ago i had about 15 lbs to loose and he had 20 lbs its not fair but he has lost 15lbs and i have lost only 4 its very frusterating, he looses so fast and me so slow i have such a hard time eating healthy on weekends and we travel alot so i know i need to work harder sticking to low calorie weekends well i will keep trying ....
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    Hey 40's! I am 49 and started using mfp in March. 2012. I love this site and would love to connect with people more my age, as our bodies are changing and react differently than in our 20's and 30' is nice to compare and share with others going through the same things, seems my metabolism is much slower than it used to be, which I am sure is "age appropriate". I am married, have 2 adult daughters (30 and 24) and 2 granddaughters and a grandson! I want to be healthy and fit! I am determined to get there! Need the PUSH!!! feel free to friend request me!
  • stebben
    stebben Posts: 35 Member
    Hello, I am 45, have two children, one grandson and have been married for 28 yrs to a wonderful husband. I am from Tacoma Washington, we are retired military and now live in Alabama. I have always been small until I had 5 knee replacements in a 7 yr time frame. Now for the first time I feel fat, unhealthy and unhappy with how I look. I have about 50 pounds to lose. I have started with water aerobics three times a week and water zumba one day a week. I try to also fit in a day of weight training as well. I need a lot of encouragement as its hard sometimes to beat the pain. Looking forward to this group.

  • watermank
    watermank Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm Karen. I live in lower sackville, Nova Scotia. would love to see that scale move. would like to loose 50 lbs
  • stebben
    stebben Posts: 35 Member
    I know what you mean. I live in Hartselle AL
  • Hello there, I am Jeanine from Perth Australia. I have a few friends on MFP (previously did it without friends & slowly got distracted & dropped off) I rejoined recently but this time added some friends & it really does help keep you motivated!!! I have been a bit busy lately so havent looked back on this forum for a week or so . It helps keep you motivated when you know there are more people your age looking to gain the same results. Not 20 something year olds & size 6!!What a great idea to do a forum of over 40's!!!

    Jeanien Giorgi (:
  • Hi I am Jeanine from Perth Australia. Keep up the good work!! I had quite a few setbacks as well (over the last 4 years) but I am back on board!! Everytime you feel like giving up just get back on the forum. It helps when you see people your age with similar ideals. Just restarts your enthusiasm all over. Having said that I still havent lost any weight. BUT on the plus side I havent gained any either

  • motzy9866
    motzy9866 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    - My name is Nancy and I am 46 years old also. I have been married for almost 23 years now and have 2 children. My son is 19 and finishing his first year in college and my daughter is 16 finishing up her sophomore year in HS. My family and I have been living in Parker, Colo for the past 13 years, we moved here from Minnesota and has been the best move of our lives. We absolutely love Colo.

    I just recently joined MFP (so I am looking for friends) and so far I am finding it to be very helpful. I have dropped 7 lbs in the last 3 weeks but part of the fringe benefits from MFP has been in helping me to determine how to handle the weekends. I can do real well during the week but was in a rut of blowing it on weekends. I am hoping that I have a handle on that problem now. The weekends were a big problem and MFP helped me to understand just how big the problem really was. I too came over here from WW and find that I am more informed about my diet and workout regimen. I have to admit I really was not grooving on the point system that WW employs. I like knowing my calories/protiens/carbs/fiber and etc.... If anyone is looking for support I would love to join your team.
  • kunigunde
    kunigunde Posts: 2
    Hi Everybody,

    I'm 45, a WW refugee also. MFP gives me a clearer picture of what I am eating vs what I am burning in exercise. my max weight used to be 150lbs, over the last 10 years that has crept up to 160. I've been able to lose 5 so far, but it is much slower going at 45 than it was when I was younger. My realistic goal is 145 and back to my former fitness level ( running 13-15 km every weekend). lupus sometimes gets in my way, or I let work overwhelm me. Weekends are my challenge too. I'm looking for friends for support and to keep me honest.
  • campychick
    campychick Posts: 19 Member
    Hi all...
    I'm 47 years old and weighed around 125 up till I turned 40! There's a lot more truth to turning 40 and the body changes than I thought! I guess you really don't know until you experience it! I have been married again for 4 years now (met my husband the same year as turning 40) which has also contributed to gain since it was much easier to eat and cook healthy for one versus a group... I did lose the weight just before our wedding, but 2 years later, I had some health issues and the meds along with a sedentary lifestyle for a year got me over 50 extra pounds (oh yeah...and all the crap I was shoving in my mouth during that time didn't help either, haha)!

    I'm determined that I will have changed my eating back to a healthier way of life and not just a diet... I have further motivation since my high school reunion is next year and I definitely want to be back to myself by then and also I want to make sure that the second part of my life has quality both physically and mentally...

    I'm doing the 17 day diet, and I'm on cycle 2 day 2, and even though you really don't track calories, I find it very helpful to log my foods and exercise and get support from people on here. My sister introduced me to this site and since we are so competitive, it helps me stay on track and be accountable... we have about the same amount to lose, so it's become a race! :smile:

    I'm happy to find this group of people in my age group going through the same mental and physical changes with being in our 40's.... It's hard in groups where there are a lot of younger people and cannot even relate...!
  • kazza2cats
    kazza2cats Posts: 87 Member
    In my last year of being a 40 something. Finally got to my target weight through using MFP Been a large lady most of my life but started loosing weight from when I was 40 and managed to stay around the 11-12 stone mark but started on here and got to 147 pounds, I could never get below 11 stone before. Hoping to keep it there.

    Veggie and chocoholic.

    Took up running about 4 years ago and just love it and use it to manage my weight and eating.

    I live in Kent UK Feel free to add me!
  • LifeinDC
    LifeinDC Posts: 34
    I'm 47, single, and live in the States. MFP has been a big help in keeping me going when I faced two realities (beside the tight jeans, etc): I had to buy a size 16 US size for the first time in Fall 2011 and I weighed 198 at my doctor's visit in January 2012 (I am 5' 10" but still). I joined the gym but until I got on here and about the same time dramatically cut back drinking, I didn't really lose anything. Still I have not "made any friends" on here and only have a few friends in the city I live in. My gym is mostly filled with 20 somethings so I'm not likely to make friends there but I am enjoying spin, abs, and trying to weight lift more. Please add me as a friend and maybe I can benefit from that part of the site. I'm probably about 1/2 way to goal but I think the next part is going to be much harder.