Stage 3



  • sarah2002
    sarah2002 Posts: 77 Member
    Just did my second workout A yesterday...I think I love it, except for the planks! I never made it past 70 seconds on those. Any advice on the dumbbell single-arm overhead squat? I can't find any videos on it (as described in the book), and I just don't think I'm doing it right. I feel like I'm leaning over really weird when I'm doing them, and I don't feel like I'm working any muscles at all.

    Excited to do workout B tomorrow!!!
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hi ladies! I will be starting Stage 3 next week Tuesday. I have been able to do an hour of Zumba about 30-60 mins after finish my workouts. Have any of you been able to do much cardio after lifting in stage 3?
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Hi ladies! I will be starting Stage 3 next week Tuesday. I have been able to do an hour of Zumba about 30-60 mins after finish my workouts. Have any of you been able to do much cardio after lifting in stage 3?

    MM- Both stage 3 workouts ARE followed by a little bit of cardio anyway, one has the body weight matrix, the other has the HIIT (approx 15 mins). That'll probably tire you out a bit, but the main thing is it's so time consuming. I would recommend easing off with the extra cardio on this stage, or do it on days off. I'm finding myself in bed by 9pm every night, it's exhausting! But that might be some other stuff i have going on this week, and TOM.

    Sarah, i did find one vid for the overhead squat, on you tube i think, but i'm at work so can't find the link. It's pretty much as it is in the book, but the movement is deceptively harder than it looks. I too find myself leaning slightly, also my upper arm bends as i squat down, it's odd. I think the challenge is not to lean, and to get thighs parallel at the bottom.

    Maggie, most people don't even get one pull up/chin up until about stage 6! I'm no where close, i have my feet on the floor, so it's hard to gauge how much support i'm getting, but i think i'll be one of the slow ones, i've always had crap upper body strength. Good idea using the squat stands. Have you tried a reverse pullup, where you start at the top and drop down?
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    Hmm. Not too impressed by Workout B. Didn't feel I'd worked very hard really - I like to lift things up and put them down a bit more I think. But oh dear, I couldn't manage one pull-up; not one! (as an alternative to the wide-grip lat pulldown). Yes, I did the pullover in stage 1 too, so had a quick look online and saw other people recommending rows so did them instead. But I feel ashamed of my dreadful pull-up attempt; this is going to become a serious ambition now. Looking forward to Workout A again in a couple of days.

    This post and Jenlwb's reminded me of INVERTED ROWS! Which are work-ups to full on chin-ups/pull-ups! I read about them on this awesome website: Nerd Fitness... here is a link to them...

    The best part is that you can do them ANYWHERE.... on a table, on a chin up bar, wherever!! The more horizontal your body is, the closer they are to a real chin-up (and the harder they are)... you could try those in the place of your lat pull downs.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Thx Jenlwb...I was doing HIIT before stage 2 on my non lifting days. I may just change the days I lift weights b/c I can't change my Zumba class lol
  • lizlee8
    lizlee8 Posts: 92 Member
    This post and Jenlwb's reminded me of INVERTED ROWS! Which are work-ups to full on chin-ups/pull-ups! I read about them on this awesome website: Nerd Fitness... here is a link to them...

    The best part is that you can do them ANYWHERE.... on a table, on a chin up bar, wherever!! The more horizontal your body is, the closer they are to a real chin-up (and the harder they are)... you could try those in the place of your lat pull downs.

    Ooo I like this! Might try it next time :drinker:

    My upper arm bends too on the overhead squat - think it may be due to flexibility. I remember reading in the book about how your tendons or something are all connected. Think it's just a natural thing for me.

    sarah2002 - The way I think about the one arm snatch is to slowly lift your elbow and slowly rise onto your toes then accelerate and jump pushing the weight overhead and straightening your arm. remember when you land to bend into a slight squat while steadying yourself and come up to standing. Hope that makes some sense :tongue:

    Happy lifting
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    This post and Jenlwb's reminded me of INVERTED ROWS! Which are work-ups to full on chin-ups/pull-ups! I read about them on this awesome website: Nerd Fitness... here is a link to them...

    The best part is that you can do them ANYWHERE.... on a table, on a chin up bar, wherever!! The more horizontal your body is, the closer they are to a real chin-up (and the harder they are)... you could try those in the place of your lat pull downs.

    Thanks ec! Usually it's me linking to Nerdfitness, love that guy. Not sure if this'll work with my pull up bar, cos it's mounted at about eye height, but i could maybe figure something out lying on my weight bench, pulling up on the barbell. It's similar to my current move except i'm more upright under the pull up bar.

    I can't imagine ever doing a pull up, but then i think of Yoda ("I don't believe it!" "And THAT is why you failed...")
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    LOL - Do, or do not... there is no try! (Yup... love Nerd Fitness!)

    He mentions that you can jury-rig something if you have two chairs and a pipe/broom handle, etc... anything that can hold your weight... I realized after I put in chin up bar that most people would have them up too high... LOL! DUH!! :blushing:

    SO STIFF after that BWM!!! I am wondering if a hot yoga session would be good or bad for my stiffness... I LOVE hot yoga... but it can be a real workout too... Maybe just the foam roller would be a good idea? Thoughts ladies??
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member

    Steph - Workout A is definitley longer about 70-80min for me but I don't always take the full rest, except between the BWM. Workout B is slightly shorter but not much. Maybe you could do the BWM and intervals the day after lifting?

    Thats whay Im gonna have to do. Ill do the BWM when I get home that night after my son goes to bed and do intervals on the days I dont lift and hopefully that gives me enough time. Im just wondering if Ill get the same benefit by splitting up the workouts? Like last night it took 58 minutes to do workout A from start to finish and the BWM was killer b/c I did it right after the lifting session so I was totally drained. If I wait to do the BWM until I get home later that night, my body will have had time to rest and Im not sure if the purpose is to tire your body.

    Sorry, maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but I thought the intention of the authors was to always split the A & B workouts?

    Is is the intention, but b/c of lack of time Im splitting workout A into two sessions and workout B into two sessions but I am wondering if Im missing out on the purpose by doing that.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Steph, I remember from stage 2 that the book approves of doing the HIIT the following day if you don't have time, i presume the same principle applies. I occasionally did that on stage 2, but with this stage i've managed to find the time to do it all, but then i'm not restricted to a lunch hour.

    I like to do the BWM with the session, it just feels part of it, and you really do need to be warmed up already to safely do all that leaping around! I presume the workouts are all designed to fit together in this sequence for a reason. Hope you get the time.

    EC i would go for the foam roller, but then I hate working out with stiff muscles, it never seems to alleviate the pain. Loosens them up tho! Surprise yourself :tongue:
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    Ok... so I went for the Hot Yoga (cause I love it SOO much!) ... but OMG I am WAY more stiff today.... UGH! Having to skip my workout today. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to do 3B1. Sigh... should have taken your advice Jen! :) LOL
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Hope you had a hot bath EC!

    Well I'm done with 3A, so here is my progress:

    One armed dumbell snatch 7kg to 10kg

    Dumbell single leg romanian DL 7kg to 10kg each side (kept it down as it says light dumbells??)

    Barbell bent over row 22kg to 30kg (probably should have started at 24)

    DB single arm overhead squat 3/6kg to 4/7kg- weird one that.

    DB incline bench press 6kg each side to 8kg.

    90 sec planks got NO easier...

    Reverse wood chop (with dumbell) 7kg to 10kg

    BW matrix got better, from 2:40 down to about 2:04

    I was disappointed with the bench press, but as the hubby pointed out, an increase of 2kg a side is 4kg over all!
    Not looking forward to 120 sec planks when they return :noway:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Well done Jen! Only a 'B' to go then you're off again - will I ever catch you up?

    Well, I'm cream crackered (it's a UK expression if anyone is wondering, meaning jolly tired!). I've just done A myself, and went up on most weights. And I really pushed myself on the BWM - I got my time down to 1m 55s on the second circuit. It's strange - after the first I think there's no way I can do it again, but I'm finding the second time is actually easier.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    me too Maggie, all my best times have been the 2nd BWM! Despite expecting to die after the first one...
  • lizlee8
    lizlee8 Posts: 92 Member
    Jen - well done! amazing progress! 30kg on the rows!!! wow! Need to up my game :tongue: there are 120s planks!!!??? OMG! :noway: am gonna die
    Maggie - 1m55s way to go! 2:43 is my PB :grumble:
    I find it "easier" in the second round too! must loosen up your muscles or something.
    Finished 3A today - was a tough one like Maggie i'm cream crackered :tongue:
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    OMG you ladies are amazing!!!

    I did the BWM in 3:40!!! OUCH! (here's where my ego puts in the disclaimer... I was off for a month due to injuries between Phase 2 & 3... yah, that's totally gotta be the reason!!! LOL!)

    Seriously! I am in awe!!!

    Yes - Hot Bath!! Feeling SOO much better today... off to do my first 3B! Say what Planks for 120?!?!?! That sounds excessive... ugh.

    I'm going to miss you guys when you move up to 4!!!!
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    So.... I just got back from doing my first 3B... I wasn't terribly impressed with it. The YTWLs are tough... but other then that I wasn't too excited.

    That - and for the first time there were some seriously rude men in the weight room/cardio room... In the weight room: "this is a man's room!" In the cardio room (on an elliptical): "Hey, I'm on a woman's machine."

    I was all: WTF?!?!?!?!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Yeah EC, 3B is weirdly easy. Having said that I've been stuck on 2kg barbie weights for the YTWL, i just can't do my 3kg weights on that!

    Sonds like you've got some a-holes there, i hope you're not the only woman in the weight room showing em how it's done. That's sucks. Perhaps a little complaint to the management is in order, after all, you pay to workout there too!

    I've got the aches, but not as bad as i did at first the day after 3A. I've started shaking out my legs more especially after the BWM to get the blood moving, it seems to help! I'm busy with night shifts today and tomorrow, then i'll do 3B and mooove on up. Not looking forward to stage 4, it looks just like stage 2, which i didn't like. Really missing the big moves, back squats and DLs, looks like they don't come back at all??? I might try an individual session doing just those and the shoulder presses to see if i can go heavier now.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Workout B done. It's a strange one; because I workout at home I do prone cobras instead of the back extension, so end up doing 6 prone cobras @ 90 seconds each! Have learnt to have the radio on to prevent major boredom :D Pleased to say though that - as you might expect - I'm getting better at them!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Workout B done. It's a strange one; because I workout at home I do prone cobras instead of the back extension, so end up doing 6 prone cobras @ 90 seconds each! Have learnt to have the radio on to prevent major boredom :D Pleased to say though that - as you might expect - I'm getting better at them!

    They are quite boring no?! I make sure i have a good song on my ipod. Did you try the back extension with the swiss ball? I did it for the first time on workout 3, it was pretty good. Face down, wedged my feet under the bed, put my ball under upper thigh, hands behind my neck, and lowered towards the floor 6 times, back to horizontal!

    Last night shift at the mo, I'll polish off 3B Sunday pm when i get up. I'm not feeling the urge for a week off yet, so might push on thru to stage 4. I'll know when it's time...