Stage 4



  • kneubee7
    kneubee7 Posts: 47 Member
    Great job Beeps!! I did my 3rd "A" workout today and was able to up the step ups to 35lbs but had to decrease the weight for my split squats to 25lbs which I agree the balancing part is extremely hard. I also find it extremely hard to do planks after all of the other arm exercises on "A' days!

    I hate the squat press, although I upped it from 45lbs to 50lbs, but once I get to the 3rd rep I can't do all 8 :(

    Thanks for the bulgarian squat tips! :)
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
  • chawntamarie
    Thanks Beeps for posting about splitting off the abs and intervals. I'm halfway through stage 4 now and I'm splitting it up like this now too. The workouts were taking so long that I was starting to dread doing them and would skip it on days I was too tired to work out. Now, not only is the workout more manageable with my schedule but I have more energy to do the Abs and intervals. I'm halfway through stage 4 now.
    I think the Bulgarian split squats are harder than the static lunges. Since it is called a squat, I actually try to squat - it takes more work to stay upright and not lean forward with my back leg up that high. Also, I don't hold a weight plate in front of my chest, but I hold a kettlebell in the hand opposite the leg that this working, arm extended at my side and when I squat I try to lower the kettlebell as close to the foot of the leg that's working. That's how my PT taught them to me. I think it helps me get the form right on the squat.
  • kneubee7
    kneubee7 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for the post chawntwmarie! It's so hard for me to rest the top of my foot on a step. I try to get it as high as possible so it's not so weird but it makes my foot cramp :/ The kettlebell idea is a great idea! I wish I had kettlebells. :/ I have 1 more of each of the workouts and then I'm done with 4 and onto 5. I'm considering doing a different ab routine - what do you do for the abs? Do you use a ball and any weights?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    I'm really going to try and bang out my last 4B work-out today - just not sure if my shoulder injury is gonna let that happen - we'll see!

    kneubee, I have changed up my abs, every stage. So, for Stage 4 A's, I moved my planks to the bosu ball(s) - which also means that I reduced my time. So, I wasn't doing them for 120s, but rather for 60 s. And, I kept the woodchops in the "A" work-out.

    For the "B" work-out, I do 3 sets of 8 x prone jack-knifes, 8 x windshield wipers (each side) and 8 x scorpions (each side). Windshield wipers you just lie on your back and put your feet in the air and then use your legs (keeping them together) as if they were windshield wipers. If you cannot keep your back on the mat, try bending your knees a little while doing them. And, scorpions, you are in a push-up position (the top position, with arms extended). Take one leg and bend it and then tap thatt bent leg onto the floor (so you are twisting your obliques) - overtop of the straight leg that is still on the floor. Then, take that same bent leg and straighten it underneath the leg that is still on the floor so you are tapping in the same spot, but with an "under" movement, rather than an "over" movement.

    I really like the scorpions, because I can *feel* my obliques working....but, it's also working shoulders because you have to hold your body in that push-up position for so long.

    I'm not sure if I've explained the scoripions very well...if you could see them, you could repeat them and be like, "okay, I get it now..." - I learned them from my trainer.

    I only take the 90 s rest once I've done one set of each of those 3 x ab moves - I don't take a rest in between the 3 moves.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member

    I am sooooooooo excited.

    I should have gotten 100 lbs on the deadlifts, but I was too lazy (and time-constrained!) to go running around the gym looking for the 2.5 lb., I pounded out 3 sets of 95 lbs! I know it's not THE BOMB, but it's a PR for me.

    The 35lb plate for bulgarian split squats is just *too* uncomfy - so I went back to the 25 lb. plate....I'm okay with this, but will have to figure out what to do if I meet the BSS in future stages!

    I went up in the weights for my underhand grip lat pulldown and my reverse lunges form box, but I stayed with 12 lbs. for the DB prone cuban snatch.

    I'm supposed to take a 'rest weeK" next week - see you in Stage 5!!
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Finished Stage 4!

    Don't think I'll take a week off before Stage 5, so I'll be visiting that thread next. :)

    Final Numbers given per dumbbell (cause that's what I've all I've got to work with):

    WO A
    30lb Front squat/push press
    30lb Step up (to a chair)
    25lb Dumbbell one point row
    30lb Static lunge
    Floor pushups
    Plank - 120sec from the floor, or 90 from a swiss ball
    Sub mason twists for the wood chops 3x25

    WO B
    50lb deadlift
    40lb bulgarian split squat
    I sub assisted pull ups for the lat pull down
    30lb reverse lunge
    10lb cuban snatch
    Then the ab stuff
    HIIT is rotated between 6mph and 8.5mph on the treadmill.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Awesome job, Birdy!!

    I *am* taking a rest week this week, so I'll be behind you in Stage 5, but will join you over there soon!
  • kneubee7
    kneubee7 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm doing my final stage 4 b workout today over lunch! I'll try to post afterwards. Thanks for the Abs tips, Beeps! I'm going to google them to make sure I do them right :) Sounds way better than what they have on there :) I don't think I'm going to take a rest week, maybe I will take one after Stage 5. I am ready to be done with stage 4, it's getting so tiring :) But then again that means back to body weight matrix! ugh! :)
  • kneubee7
    kneubee7 Posts: 47 Member
    I ended Stage 4 today with:

    Front squat / push press: 50 lbs
    Step-up: 35lbs (had to go down to 30 on the last set because my leg was a little sore)
    Dumbbell one-point row: 25lbs
    Static lunge, rear foot elevated: 35lbs
    Push Up: Able to do 8 real push ups! YAY
    Plank: Only made 120 seconds once, the others sets I made 90 sec
    Cable horizontal wood chop: 50lbs

    Wide-grip deadlift from box: 130lbs today! Woo!
    Bulgarian split squat: 35lbs
    Underhand-grip lat pulldown: 96lbs
    Reverse lunge from box with forward reach: 20lbs (went up to 25 for a little bit but bc of achy leg went go back down)
    Dumbbell prone Cuban snatch: 12lbs (could probably have upped it to 15, as these weren't as bad as usual!) :)
    Prone Cobra: 120sec

    I tried the Scorpion and think I got it, def need more practice but it's a heck of a workout!! See you guys in Stage 5!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello all!!! I have been away from this thread and MFP all together since beginning of April, well, when I left on my cruise. I have been extremely busy at work, my Zumba classes and my personal life that I havent had time to get on here and read and post. After coming back I started stage 4. I am doing the best I can with all that is going on. I have 3 more workouts. I did A today. I dont think I am putting that much effort into it but I am happy I am still in the game. I should finish by next week Friday and then I am off home to Puerto Rico to spend a week with my parents. My mother is having knee replacement therapy this Monday. Please say a little prayer for her. All of you are doing an amazing job!!!! Congrats!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    wb, alf!!
  • lizlee8
    lizlee8 Posts: 92 Member
    Is anyone still doing stage 4??? I'll be starting on thursday next week.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    emc, I'm here now, just started today. Looks like we choose 2 or 3 sets? I started with 2, will increase later. I was glad to increase my weights from the same exercises in stage 2, and consequently finished in under an hour!

    Now. 120 second planks. SERIOUSLY????? First set i just made it, but dropped my knees for a second partway thru. Second set i only made it to 90 secs.

    4b looks like it'll be another 90 minute job. I'll save that for my days off!

    So is it just me and Alf, or any others here?
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Is anyone still doing stage 4??? I'll be starting on thursday next week.

    I am starting stage 4 tomorrow, Sunday, May 13!
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I will be having surgery in mid June which will cause me to stop with NROL4W for awhile. If I can stick w/ my current workout schedule, I will be one workout shy of completing Stage 4 of NROL4W before my surgery. Do you think I should do one day wherein do both the A & B workouts? Pros & Cons would greatly be appreciated.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I will be having surgery in mid June which will cause me to stop with NROL4W for awhile. If I can stick w/ my current workout schedule, I will be one workout shy of completing Stage 4 of NROL4W before my surgery. Do you think I should do one day wherein do both the A & B workouts? Pros & Cons would greatly be appreciated.
    i dont think you could do this and still be lifting a challenging weight. if you can do front squat push presses, then step ups, then a static lunge then deadlifts, then split squats, you need to increase your weights :laugh:
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    I will be starting Stage 4 this week. I hate the fs/pp! :grumble:

    I probably should take a week off but can't....addicted :smile:
  • BetterWithAge
    BetterWithAge Posts: 693
    I did A3 today and will be done with Stage 4 next Monday. I am up to 80 seconds on the planks (I still weigh 200 pounds). HA!