Workout 3

Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
I just did workout 3 for the first time. Oh la la, that was tough! I'm not going to lie, I'm a little intimidated to go on. I will but I'm scared, but also proud of myself as I finished it!


  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 156 Member
    Workout 3 really kicked my butt the first few times I did it as well!! I enjoyed workout 4 much better!! They were both hard for me - especially any type of exercise that starts in plank - so I ended up doing workouts 3 & 4 for an extra week. It'll get better! Good luck!!!
  • danyeld619
    danyeld619 Posts: 39 Member
    Workout 3 was rough for me too the first time. The second time around it was better. Definitely burning more calories this week than for last week.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    OK good to hear! I'm glad I'm not the only one. Whats that saying "misery loves company!"
  • pashalia
    pashalia Posts: 66 Member
    On Saturday I ll start workout 3.... I hope not to be so hard
  • Amanda_Runs
    Amanda_Runs Posts: 169 Member
    I start workout 3 next tuesday.,..can't wait for a higher burn than 1/2 have been giving.
  • Wouga
    Wouga Posts: 145 Member
    Workout 3 kicked my butt the first the time I did it for the last time (yesterday) I was thinking, hmmm, I remember this being a lot more difficult. It'll get easier, and then about the time it does the workout will change to something even harder. :)
  • Ceceamanda
    Ceceamanda Posts: 91 Member
    I just finished Week 3 today. When I did workout 3 on Monday for the first time, it was harder than day 1 with workout 1. I felt nauseous and so winded. But even by Thurs it had gotten easier. I just went and bought heavier weights today so we'll see what I think Monday when I do it again!!
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    OK I just did workout 3 for the 2nd time, it was much easier! I don't know if it was the day or I doing it once made that big of difference but I feel better about being able to do the rest of the program1
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    I did workout 3 Monday and only burned 280 calories with my polar f6. Today I did it again, but this time I burned 346 calories!! not sure why the big difference, The only thing I did differently was workout in my basement as oppose to my living room lol and I used 8lb weights for one exercise instead of my 5s that were upstairs and my 15s instead of 10's in another. would that have me burning that many more calories?
  • MrsRBS
    MrsRBS Posts: 28 Member
    i did W3 Mon and W4 Tues. and I was sweating bad. Those workout kicked my butt. I've been using 5lbs, but in the process of getting 8s or 10s, kind of nervous about upsizing lol