Week of April 30th Challenge!

lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
Good morning! It's that time again! Our weekly challenge!

Last week challenge was a success and the following people met the goal of exercising 100minutes:

Tammy (fatpal1)
Melissa (lissa0040)

Congrats! :happy:

Where is everyone else? Let's beef this challenge up! We have over a 100lbs to lose and getting moving is key to our success. So if you are new and just starting out your goal can be 100 minutes of exercise for the week.

If you feel ready we are upping the ante! This week's challenge is 200minutes of exercise. And instead of telling us when you are finished-- how about giving us a total for the week so we can have a leader board!

Your 200 minutes can be in any form of exercise you can walk your dog around the block, attend a yoga class, walk on the treadmill, jog, zumba, whatever you can do! BUT your minutes have to be INTENTIONAL movement. You cannot count working a shift and being on your feet all day. Extra movement! The time you dedicate outside of your normal duties to move your body!

Let's get it done! :smile:


  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 142 Member
    200 minutes?! Holy cow, I thought I was doing well. Ok Mel, I'm in on the challenge. So far I have 85 minutes this week. Treadmill, walking the dog and strength training.

    Let's get moving everyone we can do this!
    We've got nothing to lose but inches!
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 142 Member
    Ok, how is everyone doing? I am cruising along this week. I am at 128 minutes of exercise.
  • dalis012
    dalis012 Posts: 14
    I just joined this group and noticed the challenge. I am happy to report that I have managed 120 minutes so far ; ) pheeeew!
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Skipped yesterday because it was a CRAZY day! I went for a nice looong walk tonight and got 60minutes out of the way! : ) Nice 128 you are almost there!
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    I just joined this group and noticed the challenge. I am happy to report that I have managed 120 minutes so far ; ) pheeeew!

    Nice!! Welcome to the group! : ) I read your other post and wanted to let you know you are welcome here and you can friend me if you'd like!
  • dalis012
    dalis012 Posts: 14
    Thanks Lisa! i will!
  • fatpal1
    fatpal1 Posts: 57
    Hello peeps,
    I have 120 Minutes in, not worried I will hit the 200!!! Determination can do wonders :) Planning on 60 min of rubberband bootcamp tonight. Wish me luck..lol
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 142 Member
    Did I mention that the trainer I have been working with kicks my a...! Of course my friend skipped out today so it was just the two of us. The good thing is that I am now up to 168 minutes...whoa!
  • Startraveller
    Hi all,
    I have not logged into this group yet but I am happy to report that I have over 300 minutes this week already - about 200 of those minutes are from actual sweat it up exercise and the rest is from running around my house doing my mom duties (cooking, cleaning, etc).
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Hello! Looks like everyone is trucking along swimmingly! Welcome startraveller to our little group nice to meet you! That is awesome that you have met the goal!

    I have 120minutes in! I am STRUGGLING this week with motivation. It has been so hot and uncomfortable here and it is just beginning the warm weather season. Maybe I should look at it like the gym is the place I go to get some air conditioning!

    Hope everyone is doing well glad to see the board coming alive!
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 142 Member
    As a New Englander my heart does not ache for those of you in warm weather country (lol). We were lucky to get out of the 50's this week. I went to the gym to keep warm! Fortunately it pays off. I hit 206 minutes at the gym so far this week. Keep up the good work everyone! We do get hot weather around here. It usually last for about three days in July.

    All kidding aside Melissa I understand how tough it is to get exercising when it is really hot outside. Hang in there and don't give up. Does your gym have a pool? Maybe you could switch up your routine.
  • fatpal1
    fatpal1 Posts: 57
    Hello peeps,

    60 min of zumba last night put me at 240...yay!!!!! Thought I would be soo exhausted I would drop after I showered and went to bed, but no luck!! It was sooo hot and our a/c is broke, made it a very long hot night (and not in a good way..hehehehhe) Oh well right :) TGIF, hoping to grab a nap before going out dancing with my hubby tonight, course I know that is just wishful thinking, naps never work, kids always need something..lol The price of being mommy :) Hope you all have a great weekend. Rememer to get your mind in the right place and then everything else seems to follow. Lots of luck!! Tammy
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I have in 140minutes and I am going to do another hour tonight so I will make the 200 goal later. I live in Ohio so it is weird for it to be this hot here already. Just hot and sticky. All of you are doing awesome! I hope you have a great Friday!
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 142 Member
    Ok I got in another 45 minutes in the gym today. My grand total 251 minutes. Now I just wish the scale could move that fast! Great job everyone!
  • tickleandslapp
    tickleandslapp Posts: 21 Member
    Aloha All.. Just clocking in my minutes so far... 320. ... :tongue:
  • LostinMotivation
    LostinMotivation Posts: 58 Member
    Hey that's pretty exciting that I accidentally hit a challenge! LOL.

    I'm at 150 at the moment in Cardio only.

    However that said - I do weight lifting and that takes the half hour of cardio up to an hour each time. Which means I'm at 240 at the moment.
  • tickleandslapp
    tickleandslapp Posts: 21 Member
    total 415 :smile: