Weight gain....wtf????



  • tanyaleighcummings
    Awesome! I am more of an all-out kind of gal...I even brush my teeth with vigor. So coming down to that low heart rate is hard for me but taking more walks with my daughter helps. I get the higher heart rates on my own enough. Something is working though, I am getting a little definition in my belly even! Never had that before, even in my young skinny days!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Awesome! I am more of an all-out kind of gal...I even brush my teeth with vigor. So coming down to that low heart rate is hard for me but taking more walks with my daughter helps. I get the higher heart rates on my own enough. Something is working though, I am getting a little definition in my belly even! Never had that before, even in my young skinny days!
    I'm currently reading "South Beach Diet: Supercharged" which is basically a revamping of the south beach diet's "good carbs, good fats" stuff PLUS a whole new section on exercise. He says the whole "fat loss" heart rate is a myth. fwiw.
  • tanyaleighcummings
    Really? So is the point that any increase in activity and decrease in calories will burn fat? There is an actual difference in strength building/muscle building vs. cardio/endurance training. What do they say is the line there? What is the difference between the two? Please share! I am learning here, as we all are. :-)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,106 Member
    The fat-burning zone is a minimum, what you should strive to get up to, not a "stay in" range. The harder you work, the more calories you are burning. Biology 101.

    As far as the weight gains after strenuous exercise, your muscles retain water after heavy use - to repair and recover. Haven't you noticed a watch or socks becoming tight after a strenuous workout? Retention.
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 187 Member
    I have read in a few different posts where people say after a big burn they next day the scale goes up. Espically runners. You said you ate all your calories, were you able to eat back some of the 1,888 you burned? I know a lot of people say that is really important. Good luck and stay strong.
  • tanyaleighcummings
    I can't eat all those calories back...I did eat what I could though.

    Just today I tweeked my way of doing this though,used my heart monitor to figure out my actual BMR, cut the calories from there to meet my weekly weight loss goal and from there I will eat back as many exercise calories as possible.

    I am curious how I worked my body hard daily boxing and kept enough of my fat percentage to keep my 38DDs for over a year even as I gained fierce muscle, yet these more minor workouts have had me drop what seems (by my measurments) to be all fat (and water) weight.
  • hubkal
    hubkal Posts: 125 Member
    The first problem we all seem to have is the hell we put ourselves though for those 2 or 3....hell, even 7lbs we seem to play around with every month. We work so hard to hit a goal and then watch it disappear overnight. Myself and a good friend are doing this together and we have watched our weight go up and down like the moon cycle. In the end, it always goes back down.

    We know what we are doing is right, and we know that there is not a person in the world that can SEE those 2lbs on us, but we still put ourselves though hell thinking about them.

    Every time we do this our body is reacting to something, either we worked out harder and caused a fluid gain from muscle repair and reconstruction (which is fantastic!!) or we did not sleep enough or we went over on our sodium or its TOM. All those things are a natural cycle of our human bodies!

    When will we learn to embrace those things? They are all natural and wonderful because our bodies are working just like they should. I know I fall victim to this too. 4 days ago I was .5lbs from getting into the 160's again! something I have worked hard to do. Got on the scale two days ago and BAM I was back up to 172. Sad, made me frown. But I know that when I was trying to get into the 170's I did the same thing, I "toyed" with it for at least a week and then it came down.

    I started at 198, a weight I was at when I had my 3rd child 18 years ago! But this time I was not pregnant! How did I let myself get there? I just "let it go".

    This time NONE OF US is "letting it go" we are all here and supporting each other on this lifetime goal! You and I and all of us are doing great! We all are struggling to move past the numbers on the scale and realize that we are so much better than more than half the people we know! we are moving, we are thinking about what we put in our mouths and we are special for that!

    I have great confidence that you will not only lose those 2lbs when you figure out what your triggers are and you will look back at that weight and realize that you over thought it!

    Keep up the good work and the great calorie burns, you are AWESOME!! an inspiration to so many people for your struggles and triumphs! What works for others may not work for you but keep changing it up and you WILL figure out how YOUR body works!
  • Annec0911
    Annec0911 Posts: 48
    A very motivating post Hubkal! Thanks!!!!
  • tanyaleighcummings
    *clap, clap, claps!!!* Thank you! Such a wonderfully supportive post! And one I will come back to re-read when I need to hear it again.