

  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    RAPTURE - Are you feeling any better today? Headaches are the pits!

    CALIE - I think we are coming to the end of our first week - so that means we have 4 left after this one....

    I am right on track with food intake so far this week - and am doing well with exercise. I think I could still do some work with portion control, so that is my goal for the next week.....
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    So far so good. I've been on track with my exercise and food this week. Now I'm going to start bumping up the exercise to 1.5 hrs per day. I was able to do that yesterday and I felt great. I had a rough 30 min work out (30 day shred) this morning, but got through it and felt great after. I've got to get to bed by 10:15 or so if I'm going to get up at 5am. So, now I just have 1 hour of working out to go today.

    Got on the scale and I about threw it out the window. :noway: I keep gaining and losing the same 3 lbs over and over again...so frustrating. Hopefully, by the end of the 6 weeks I'll have lost something! I took my measurements and my before pictures on tuesday, so if the scale doesn't budge, my body shape should change!!!! If not, I'm going to call Biggest Loser!!!! ha!

    mantra: Be Consistant; No Excuses; Get Results

    Have a great day everyone and stay motivated!
  • suzzee2000
    suzzee2000 Posts: 85 Member
    I've been fighting these 4 lbs way to long! You know what though??? Today I tried on a pair of pants I didn't think would even zip up and they did so Somethings going right! lol hang in here it WILL COME OFF!
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Hey,hey, hey sorry I have been MIA but this has been a crazy week. I am always busy the first week of the month at work.
    Our A/C went out sooo it is sooo warm and humid and sultry.

    I will try to catch up tomorrow as a storm is rolling in....
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hola, Chicas!

    Just a quick note - I have been doing pretty well with eating, and also logging my food. Spent an hour vigorously scrubbing our 30-ft camper - twice mind you - but it is sparkly clean on the outside now. Tomorrow, just have to touch up the inside and it's all ready to take pics and advertise to sell. It was quite a workout, let me tell you!

    Tonight we are going to the drive-in, gonna see a double feature - Avengers first and then John Carter. Will make for a late night, but it's always fun. We take a ton of snacks and ooey gooeys and sit out in lawn chairs and watch the movie. It'll be a blast!

    K, gotta run, gotta get some stuff for the movie.... Y'all have a great night!
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    Great work! You are doing great! Have fun at the Drive in!

    Been consistent with my exercise and logging. Did day 6 of 30day shred today, walked all over town. Got 10 flights of stairs, and 12,360 steps today. Feeling better every day!

    Happy Cinco de Mayo!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Roz where do you live to have a Drive in? I don't know of a one in Dallas. But sure have had some wonderful menorys of them. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Woooooooooooooooo
  • LReneeWalker
    LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
    I have just sucked this week! But got some low carb meals planned and bought for the week. Even have tomorrows meals cooking now (slow cooker is great). Have egg muffins baking and will cook bacon in the morning to go with them (for a few days). I am going to do this, dangit!
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Hey girls, I have not eaten well over the weekend but will be back on track tomorrow.
    I MUST track my food as I do so much better when I do.

    Busy weekend and our A/C still isn't repaired. The humidity has been awful but so thankful there has been a strong breeze all weekend plus a cool front moving in... Thank You LORD cause it would be miserable with out cooler nights. Atleast we can sleep.

    i will catch up reading tomorrow soo until then.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hope your A/C is fix soon. This Texas heat is for the birds. And they seem to love it. You would think they all fly north to be coller

    Well I have change my diet plans. . i am going on WW. for The CAD is just too restictive for me. i love my fruit and cereal for the summer. But I will continue posting here even tho I am not on a really low carbs. If You all will Still have me. For I will be watching my carbs. Have too.
  • LReneeWalker
    LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
    WW is a good program! It works! Good luck!
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    Calie, you've got to do what works best for you. WW is a good program, I'm sure you'll do fine. We definitely want to have you!! You are awesome! :bigsmile:

    And I hear ya about that Texas heat! I grew up in Houston!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    CALIE-GIRL - Ya gotta do what is best for you, WW works for a lot of people! I think you'll do great! I am in Maquoketa, IA - where we have one of the last Drive-Ins in Iowa. It was a blast - got front-row, nothing like sitting out in camping chairs under the full moon to watch a couple of great movies!

    I didn't eat all that great Saturday night or Sunday, but those days are behind me now. Just gotta get through the week here at work. Hospital week, every day is a different theme. Today is Death By Chocolate. Everyone brought in chocolate ooey gooeys. Just shoot me, please? Ugh.....
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks girls. i will keep in touch. on my weight lost. Thanks for being so sweet. I have know several of you for several years now. See you later.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Well, I survived Death by Chocolate day yesterday. All that sugar has ramped up my appetite and I'm paying for it today. Will probably take a few days to get back under control.

    Today no goodies that I know of - those of us on the Leadership Team (administrators) are holding a free car wash for the employees - we are washing cars for several hours. Ugh, it's kinda chilly out there! Will have to work up some energy and burn some calories!

    I better get busy - got a ton of stuff to get done.... Have a blessed day, peeps!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Heeeeeelllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (stops to listen to the echo.....) Anyone still around?
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    I'm here, I'm here!!! Just had major deadlines at work so I haven't checked in. I'm still living by my motto of no excuses, be consistent, get results. I've been consistently working out for 1 hr to 1.5 hrs a day and tracking every bite. I'm hoping to have some results either on the scale or in inches. And if I don't see any results....well then....I'm going to keep at it until I see results! :laugh:

    I start level 2 of the 30 day shred tomorrow :bigsmile: that should be fun!

    Res, I'm glad you made it through Death by Chocolate! Hang in there girl and kick some booty on your workouts! Hope everyone is doing well!
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Hey girls, I am still here.
    It has been so busy here at work.
    I have also been taking my niece to softball games. I am having to learn to juggle my time differently.

    Sorry I have been missing!

    Calie, we do not care which program you follow so keep posting!!!! Our goal is to get us all healthy with which ever eating program works best.

    Res, I have got to better on the weekends. I gain on the weekend,then it takes all week to lose back to ticker by Friday only to gain it back... geez

    Death by chocolate... oh my!!! Sounds like a book...

    I like Fireswans motto... NO excuses, be consistent... ... .... GET RESULTS!!!!
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Marie, finally got the A/C repaired Monday evening. The humidity was awful over the weekend.

    I am tired today but my niece has a softball game at 6 so we will go straight there after work.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry for going dark for so long. I've been overwhelmed with work to get done at home. Between getting and keeping the house clean and applying to seminary, it's been a handful. Last night I had a workshop to attend online while getting the kids to bed. Handful! Anywho, I'm still here and still going. I've lost a few pounds and I'm still working hard. Now I just have to survive the weekend!