Bad Pick-Up Attempts



  • AccordingtoTodd
    AccordingtoTodd Posts: 197 Member
    everyone can have a bad day from time to time, a good hitter might strikes out with the bases loaded, a great basket player can miss the last shot and sometimes a pickup line just does come accross right, the timing could be off, or it is just not received well.

    Best to just take a deep breathe, have a cold beer, think of what went wrong and then stay true to who you are. (from someone who has failed with a first impression).
  • solman66
    solman66 Posts: 175 Member
    I don't have any cheesy lines, but last night at the bar, this older man was hardcore hitting on my roommate and me. For the men and women here - hit on people your own age! Or near your own age!

    How old is "older"? I was talking to a girl in bar about a year ago and it turns out she was attending the same college I did (uncommon because the school is on the other side of the state). I told her I graduated from that college and she said "What year did you graduate? And please don't say 2007 because thats the year I graduated high school."

    Nope it wasn't 2007, it was 2 years earlier than that... ouch.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I don't have any cheesy lines, but last night at the bar, this older man was hardcore hitting on my roommate and me. For the men and women here - hit on people your own age! Or near your own age!

    How old is "older"? I was talking to a girl in bar about a year ago and it turns out she was attending the same college I did (uncommon because the school is on the other side of the state). I told her I graduated from that college and she said "What year did you graduate? And please don't say 2007 because thats the year I graduated high school."

    Nope it wasn't 2007, it was 2 years earlier than that... ouch.

    That's not too bad! My roommate graduated high school in 2008, and her boyfriend graduated college in 2007, so they're a few years apart. This guy at the bar was mid-forties, early-fifties. I'm 21.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    My worst:

    Do you have any Italian in you. No. Would you like some?

    Another I am actually too shy to type :blushing: . For you British single peeps, I'll just say the guy shared HRH's fantasy as revealed in the Camillagate sex scandal :laugh:

    Another was difficult as I was in work mode. I do a job where there is often a genuine mutual attachment and sometimes this confuses people and they attempt a pick up. It comes with the nature of the work and usually is expressed in such a way that I am used to dealing with. Once a guy said "actuallly I find you very attractive, is there any chance that we could have sex?" I don't know why I found it so shocking, possibly because it was just so direct, or maybe because I was 27 years older than him. :embarassed:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    One guy told me he wanted to crawl up inside me to feel my love from the inside out

    UH WHAT?!?!??!

    Actually an ex bf once told me that and I thought it was kind of hot. Is that wrong? :laugh: :tongue:
  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member
    And women get annoyed with me when I say they must have a mirror in their pocket because I can see myself in their pants.
    Nice one! :laugh: I'll use it all the time.

    1) Pokemon strategy
    2) this joke
    = instant WIN

    OP: You realise you are stigmatising half the community (the males) with this - we obviously are oblivious to our bad pick up attempts. :sad:

    Maybe we can turn this into a learning experience for ya then hahahaha
  • solman66
    solman66 Posts: 175 Member
    When I was in high school I used to take a couple of screws from shop class and put them in my pocket. Later in the day I would walk up to cute girls, extend one of them and ask "Wanna screw?"
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Well at the end of the night I was sitting in a chair waiting for my friends while holding my shoes. A guy sat down by me took one of my shoes and smelled it. Said "I was just checking to see if they smelled since I like a girl with clean feet."
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I am amazed at some ice breakers or pick up lines that have worked. In college I worked as a bouncer. At closing time, if a girl said No when I was trying to get everyone out the door. Sometimes I would say

    Come on now. Don't make me the only guy you've ever said no to in your whole life. My ego just can't take that. (somehow that got enough laughs to be a good ice breaker. Not necessarily by the girl who I said it to but often by one of her friends).

    Another one that I couldn't believe worked was asking a girl at closing time if she wanted to go home with me. When she said no. I would say Come on baby it's 2:00am. Lower your standards. God knows I am. (obviously delivery matters and I would say it to a girl in a group and usually one of them liked it.)
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    One guy did say to me once "I'm not saying this to impress you ... but I'm Batman." It would've been funny if I hadn't just seen the exact same line on Facebook the day before.

    This would work on me. I'd tell him I was a Green Lantern and we should start our own Justice League ;)
  • I don't have any cheesy lines, but last night at the bar, this older man was hardcore hitting on my roommate and me. For the men and women here - hit on people your own age! Or near your own age!

    It goes both ways! For the young and the old. LOL

    If I'm old enough to be your mama or even just your crazy aunt, then, YOU ARE TOO YOUNG FOR ME.

    I've had some young guys in their 20's, early 20's, come up to me. I usually give them the F off face, but there was one about a month ago that was pretty persistent. At least he was blunt and told me EXACTLY what he was looking for, though. LOL
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Not exactly a pick up line, but someone I saw on PoF had a headline that read "hot dog looking for a toasted bun"
  • craigers13
    craigers13 Posts: 241 Member
    Second date: "I love you baby tell me you love me." Negative ghost rider. Then it continued to spiral out of control from there into "I want to get you pregnant" and "You shouldn't have any male friends, I don't want you talking to any guys but me."

    props for using the Top Gun reference!
  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member
    Well at the end of the night I was sitting in a chair waiting for my friends while holding my shoes. A guy sat down by me took one of my shoes and smelled it. Said "I was just checking to see if they smelled since I like a girl with clean feet."

  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member
    Second date: "I love you baby tell me you love me." Negative ghost rider. Then it continued to spiral out of control from there into "I want to get you pregnant" and "You shouldn't have any male friends, I don't want you talking to any guys but me."

    props for using the Top Gun reference!

    Thanks haha, I say it all the time and no one ever really catches it lol :p
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    I got this one once ..

    Guy: do you have a bandaid
    Me: no sorry, why?
    Guy: because I scraped my knee when I fell for you ...

    LMAO.. I laughed so hard. I thought it was cute .. we dated for a bit.
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    I think I was born with a built in creeper magnet.

    It's the Green Bay Packer fan syndrome... I'm just saying... Go Bears! :-D

    Sorry to hear about your crappy luck with weirdos, I don't really hit on girls at the bar, I usually just sit around and talk to me friends. Lately they are walking up on me. It's a nice change. lol
  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member
    I think I was born with a built in creeper magnet.

    It's the Green Bay Packer fan syndrome... I'm just saying... Go Bears! :-D

    Sorry to hear about your crappy luck with weirdos, I don't really hit on girls at the bar, I usually just sit around and talk to me friends. Lately they are walking up on me. It's a nice change. lol

    I haven't had a Bears fan hit on me yet, I think that would be my all time low. Hahahaha. Da Bears Still Suck.

    :) Sorry had to.

    Haha I hear ya. It is a nice change. All the guys I've dated seriously I've had to make the first (and sometimes second and third) move. It's disheartening haha.
  • threnners
    threnners Posts: 175 Member
    I have creeper magnet. Bad. Sigh.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I think I was born with a built in creeper magnet.

    It's the Green Bay Packer fan syndrome... I'm just saying... Go Bears! :-D

    Agreed other then the Go Bears part.