Contemplating a water aerobics class

Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
I found out the YMCA is offering a water aerobics class. I love swimming, but I'm a little hesitant. I'm very large, and I'm afraid of looking like a fool. Has anyone taken a class, and how did you feel about it? My husband says not to worry about what other people think, but that's easier said than done.


  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    OMG yes! I love water aerobics, it's my primary form of exercise. I go to a gym associated with a hospital that has a cold lap pool and a warm therapy pool and they offer classes for every level in both pools. I have found that cold or warm they both help with my joint pain and I sleep better, there are a mix of sizes in the pool where I go and since the bulk of your movement is underwater if you can't yet do it just like the instructor only you know. According to my fitness trainer effort you spend in the pool burns more calories then effort doing the same thing on land due to the resistance of the water so it's almost perfect for us. I have actually found the classes to be very supportive, once you're a regular and have said hi they miss you when you're not there. I totally recommend this over a land aerobics class.
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    I love water aerobics!!!!!!! It is the only exercise in my 40+ years that I have been able to commit to for more than a month. I've been going to our local YMCA for almost 2 years now and I love, love, love my water ladies. They come in all sizes, shapes and ages. I'm actually probably one of the younger ones! Do not worry about what you think you look like, because everyone dresses for comfort not style. Many of the ladies wear bike shorts under their suits. Since you are tall I recommend you go to the deeper end where the water is at least up to your chest, that's where you will get the best workout and fewer people to get in your way (that's a plus for me!) Be sure that the class is high enought intensity for you, many wa classes are geared to senior citizens and don't do enough to get your heart rate up. Trust me, you will love it!
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I've never taken one, but my little sister is a lifeguard and watches the classes on occasion. She showed me some of the moves and they're HARD! I don't think you'll look like a fool, and it's a great way to get a good workout :)
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    I found out the YMCA is offering a water aerobics class. I love swimming, but I'm a little hesitant. I'm very large, and I'm afraid of looking like a fool. Has anyone taken a class, and how did you feel about it? My husband says not to worry about what other people think, but that's easier said than done.

    I took the Y's water boot camp class for about a year and I loved it.. I promise you nobody cares how you look in the water.. keep smiling because THEY all feel like they look the fool, too.. You'll make friends there and you'll start to feel more comfortable right away. I tend to not like the kind of aerobics classes that are like jazzercize.. which is why I took the boot camp class.. it was more repetition and underwater strength training, running, core building.. a lot of military style exercises.. adapted for water.. it was awesome and I felt strong and healthy every time I got out of the pool.

    Then I couldn't afford the Y anymore and I stopped.. I've got my fingers crossed that my company's wellness program will make YMCA membership possible for me again.. SO excited!

    You'll love water workouts.. they are easier on your joints and you will DEFINITELY get a workout!! Remember, it's not about how you look now, it's about how you WILL look SOON!

  • sandyt58
    sandyt58 Posts: 2
    Hi, I am replying to your question about water aerobics. I am 300+lbs and love swimming. I too started out at the YWCA which closed after many years of going and being comforable at. I ended up joining a gym with water aerobic classes and love it just as well if not better. I find after water aerobics I feel so GOOD about myself for going. I have met new friends larger and smaller than myself. We all go to improve our health and I think anyone who see's someone trying to improve their health gives them credit. Whatever your reason to go exerice is for you and not no one else, like your husband said. I know words are said easier but I really do feel you will feel so good after you go. Take a friend with you at first then after going for a while you will find you have made new friends and will not have to depend on a friend going with you each time. Please go you will not regret it I promise. In fact us ladies that have met at swimming have a water volleyball game we play in the water for fun after the aerobics classes several times a week. We have a ball and get exercise while enjoying ourselves. Us ladies and men too say as long as your moving in the water your getting excerise. :flowerforyou:
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Please don't worry about how you look!! Everyone will be there to get healthier, njot judge each other. You will be fine and feel so good afterwards. If you want to cover your legs more, get a men's swimsuit. I wear one over my suit because my legs are scary, but I don't let that stop me from going to the pool.
  • TraciLee36
    TraciLee36 Posts: 32 Member
    I agree do it!! I just joined a class myself and I am large but it benefits ME!
  • Reba723
    Reba723 Posts: 9 Member
    GO! There are different levels of difficulty in different classes. You'll love it!
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    There's a class tomorrow morning, so I'm going to give it a try. I just always hate being the biggest one in an exercise class and potentially not being able to keep up. I've been exercising for about a month now, so I'm not quite as out of shape as I was. Maybe it won't be so tough.

    Sadly, I don't have any friends in this town. I work in another city, so the hubby is it. No way will he go to water aerobics! lol
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    Here's the good news: It's not like a regular exercise class where everybody is lined up, embarrassingly, in front of a wall to wall, floor to ceiling mirror so you can be humiliated for the entire hour while you huff and puff trying to keep up with the size three wunderkind up front..

    There are no mirrors.

    Unless somebody is looking directly at you, they're too busy trying to keep up with the instructor themselves.. You're gonna do GREAT and I can't wait to hear you come back and say what a fantastic time you had! (oh and you'll feel it.. TOMORROW!)

    Have fun! :flowerforyou:
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I just got back from my first water aerobics class. It was pretty easy, except that my body kept floating away. I'm glad to get some arm exercises since my only other exercise is walking. Oh, and now I'm hungry!

    I wasn't too embarrassed either -- there were only two people in the class! I'll probably do the Saturday-morning classes. The others don't work with my schedule. Yay, a new fun activity I can work into my routine!