Tired and hungry :/

I have been eating more for 7 weeks now. I upped to 1900 right away and for the last two weeks I have been averaging ~2100 (because of spike day for the past two Saturdays). I have been getting close to or meeting my macros for 3+ weeks. Could a couple of spike days be throwing me really off?

I am tired to the point of fatigue and this is in stark contrast to how I was feeling. My workouts aren't as intense as they were. I feel like I did when I was on 1200 calories. Which is when I went looking for a solution and found this group.

To top it off, even at 1900 calories, I am hungry at the end of the day. I thought this was just because I had a couple of big days in the past two weeks. But coupled with the tiredness, I am not so sure.

Here are my stats:

TDEE 2300
BMR 1499
HT 5'7"
CW 152.5 (up 2.5 from this time last week)
Age: 43
Workouts: MWF 30 min cardio/30 min legs/abs TTS 30 min carrdio/ 30 min arms/abs


  • jmmscccslp
    jmmscccslp Posts: 42
    We are in the same boat. I have been at it for just over 4 weeks. I am up one pound but down inches. I am so tired. My workouts feel like torture! I just can seem to push past the fatigue. I am between 1900-2000 calories. Seems crazy that I could be this tired! I don't have an answer. Just wanted you to know that you aren't alone! Hang in there!
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    I felt this way last week and took off about 3 days from working out. Just kept eating my same calories but didn't exercise I felt so much better. I think my body was just worn out and needed to recoup. It is worth a try. Even if you just take two days off in a row and try to get to bed a little earlier than normal or if you are lucky like me and can take a nap it might help as well.
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    Sounds like burn out.
    I went through it a couple of weeks ago. So I make sure to take rest days now, it has really helped.
    Your body needs a break, every now and again.
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    I have found since I started lifting that I can really only tolerate 2 heavy workouts a week (with light activities like walking or biking on my off days) or else I get supremely fatigued. I expect my body will get used to it and let me add another lifting session in after awhile though.
  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    I guess I could take a few days off. I am a bit scared that a "few" will turn into a "few too many". :/
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    So you work out 3 days a week or SIX days for about an hour? Wasn't sure the way you have it spelled out.

    Oh my if you are working out six days...you need a break. I was sorely fatigued right before my vacation because I had never taken a week off. If you haven't taken a week off in 3 mos, then it is time.

    Also, six days a week working out is a lot. Just a suggestion maybe go with heavy lifting for an hour 3 days a week and on the other two do some HIIT training...changes things up a bit.
  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    So you work out 3 days a week or SIX days for about an hour? Wasn't sure the way you have it spelled out.

    Oh my if you are working out six days...you need a break. I was sorely fatigued right before my vacation because I had never taken a week off. If you haven't taken a week off in 3 mos, then it is time.

    Also, six days a week working out is a lot. Just a suggestion maybe go with heavy lifting for an hour 3 days a week and on the other two do some HIIT training...changes things up a bit.

    Yes, six days a week for an hour. I took 4 days off in March for vacation and 3 days off in April for my son's wedding. I will take your suggestion on the change up in workout. Do you still think I should take a break before the change?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Abosolutely...you sound fatigued...like me before my vacay...I so needed a break!
  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    Abosolutely...you sound fatigued...like me before my vacay...I so needed a break!

    Okie Dokie, then. :happy:

    Anyone want to message me on Saturday to make sure I get back at it? :wink:
  • darcialarosa
    darcialarosa Posts: 16 Member
    I second the "take a break" thinking. Last week I was just TIRED...the week before I pushed it and worked out hard for 5 days. So last Friday, I decided to take the whole weekend off. First time in a long time that I took 3 consecutive days off. It felt good, tho my guilt was horrible. So Monday's workout felt GREAT, and now I feel more energetic and ready to hit the weights tonight!

    It is so true...your body will tell you what it needs. Well, except for that sugary snack at 11 pm... ;)
  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    It is so true...your body will tell you what it needs. Well, except for that sugary snack at 11 pm... ;)

    What?! You can't be saying that I shouldn't gobble down a Hershey bar before bed, can you? :bigsmile:
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I'm in the same boat, been working out 6+ days a week- I was so fatigued and sometimes even nauseous- I decided to take a break from exercising and eat around 1900 cals a day- feel much better. Do you sleep enough- because I find that when I sleep 6 hours and then work out the next day- get real dizzy
  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    I sleep enough. I get about 7.5 hours then get the hubs off to work and then another .5 nap. :)

    I have decided to not workout until Monday. The hubs was a little shocked when I told him and that made be feel a bit guilty, but I am beginning to realize I need the break as much mentally as I do physically. I'll report back in next week.

    Thanks all for your suggestions and support. It gives me the boost I need.
  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    Just to report back in...I did take the break that was suggested. It was a good idea. I feel much better now. It has been a crazy busy week for me and I have had the needed energy to get through it. I don't think I would have been able to do this week if I hadn't done the break.

    I guess it just goes to show...we need to listen to our bodies. Give it fuel when it needs fuel and rest when it needs rest.

    Thanks again to all of you who posted.
  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    Just to report back in...I did take the break that was suggested. It was a good idea. I feel much better now. It has been a crazy busy week for me and I have had the needed energy to get through it. I don't think I would have been able to do this week if I hadn't done the break.

    I guess it just goes to show...we need to listen to our bodies. Give it fuel when it needs fuel and rest when it needs rest.

    Thanks again to all of you who posted.

    Good to hear! Glad you're feeling better :flowerforyou:
  • lee155
    lee155 Posts: 120
    Glad you're feeling better :)