Stage 3



  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Did you try the back extension with the swiss ball? I did it for the first time on workout 3, it was pretty good. Face down, wedged my feet under the bed, put my ball under upper thigh, hands behind my neck, and lowered towards the floor 6 times, back to horizontal!

    Last night shift at the mo, I'll polish off 3B Sunday pm when i get up. I'm not feeling the urge for a week off yet, so might push on thru to stage 4. I'll know when it's time...

    Oooh, I like the sound of that. I'll give it a go next time.

    I think I'll be doing the same at the end of stage 3 - doesn't feel like I'm really working too hard on this one.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Re: YTWL

    Due to my vacation-break, I won't hit this stage until mid-March, but I found this video/information, today and thought I'd post here so that I can review it for Stage 3!
    great link Beeps, thanks for sharing.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Starting Stage 3 tomorrow. Looking at all the vids online today.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Yay! I'm done. Here are my 3B results:

    Barbell Romanian DL/Bent over row 24kg up to 30kg

    Partial single leg squat- yep that happened.

    Wide grip lat pulldown, i did wide pull ups on my bar, with feet trailing, so not sure how much i improved!

    Back extension (using swiss ball), loved this.

    YTWL Gahhhhhhhh 2kg up to..... 2kg. hated it.

    3x 15 prone jacknives instead of swiss ball crunch

    Hip flexion - 3x 10 reverse crunch incline

    Lateral flexion- swiss ball side crunch, 3x 10 each side

    Prone cobra 3 x 90 sec, yep.

    HIIT, on the bike 1 min fast 2 mins slow x 5.

    As most of this was not weighted it's hard to see progress, but i am getting really good at the prone jacknives, and getting my butt higher so it's turning into the pike (but not that high!)

    All in all i liked it and not looking forward to stage 4, cos it's very like stage 2. But hurry up and join me! I will take my week off in about 2 weeks time, planning a weekend away so will do it then.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    As most of this was not weighted it's hard to see progress, but i am getting really good at the prone jacknives, and getting my butt higher so it's turning into the pike (but not that high!)

    All in all i liked it and not looking forward to stage 4, cos it's very like stage 2. But hurry up and join me! I will take my week off in about 2 weeks time, planning a weekend away so will do it then.

    Great work Jen! I'm running to catch up - see you in Stage 4.

    Can you see any difference in the mirror yet?
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    Getting ready to start Stage 3.. But had a question.

    Do you do the body-weight matrix right after the other exercises? Stage 2 I just did running intervals after every workout day ( A & B.) So then would this mean I do matrix for A, and intervals for B?
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Getting ready to start Stage 3.. But had a question.

    Do you do the body-weight matrix right after the other exercises? Stage 2 I just did running intervals after every workout day ( A & B.) So then would this mean I do matrix for A, and intervals for B?

    Yes, that's my understanding. The BWM is short, but pretty taxing. If you are already pretty fit though, you could probably do some more cardio on top of that if you really wanted to.
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    Yes, that's my understanding. The BWM is short, but pretty taxing. If you are already pretty fit though, you could probably do some more cardio on top of that if you really wanted to.

    GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I would bow at the feet of anybody who has the energy to do more after the BWM... it kicks my butt!!! Some improvement today (hooray!) Down to 3:13 from 3:40... phew!

    Jen - I think you are right about putting a complaint in. Those guys that made the comments weren't there today - but if it happens again... !!!

    I want one of those Nike Tee-Shirts "Strong is the New Beautiful" ... can't find one ANYWHERE!?!?
  • lizlee8
    lizlee8 Posts: 92 Member
    EC - definitely complain if they do that again! some guys can be so intimidated! :wink:
    I want one of those t-shirts too :love: if you find out where do get them let us know

    1 more A and B left. Think I'll actually miss the BWM, might keep it :tongue: crazy times :bigsmile:
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I did B this evening, but my dinner wad ready before I could do the BWM. As I'm sure you can imagine, I was sorely disappointed. Something to look forward to for tomorrow.:laugh:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ok finaly did 3A1 tonight. The one-armed squat was trickery than I expected and I didn't expected to feel it so much in my back. The Body Weight Matrix...what can I say about it, except... THE FING BODY WEIGHT MATRIX. That really freaking hurt, and I half-assed the jumping lunge. I almost fell and the guy on the stair climber behind me was chuckling a little. Did manage to finish both sets and in the same time of 3:49 and that's with taking a breather during the jumping squats every 10. It can only get better form here. I'm wondering how far I can push the Incline bench press because using the 15dbs felt wimpy.
  • athletemcgoo
    athletemcgoo Posts: 23 Member
    i've been doing 20 lbs. db on the bench press -- i tried 25 lbs. and could only do 2, and had to drop back to 20 lbs. the BWM is a killer . . . . i feel like i'm "hopping" between lunges instead of jumping. i did keep my hands up behind my ears today and lowered my time, but wow! it's a struggle to finish!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Yep, I tried to go to 25lbs on the bench press and couldn't manage it. My SO told his friend recently that I was lifting, and his first question to me was "how much can you bench press?". Is this some kind of 'badge of honour' in men's circles?
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    Yup. Men are all about thier bench presses. LOL! Check this link - great write up about bench presses!

    I'm at 20s for the press too! I was thinking I might try and push it up to 25s next time because I was doing sets of 10 (6 didn't feel enough)...

    EMC - I can see how you could get attached to the BWM... I think it comes back in Stage 5? Is that right?

    So far no luck with the tee-shirt... sold out everywhere! They don't even show it on the Nike webpage...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    (Forehead smack) I was checking my log today with the book and I did sets of ten for WO 3A1 instead of sets of 6. DUH! Well it was a great workout and I got in 20 reps instead of 18. ( ANd someone showed me a cheat move for the lunge jumps because I almost fell on my keyster a few time last night, it's swinging one leg in a little hop instead of trying to hop with both, just don't forget to change the hopping foot.)
  • lizlee8
    lizlee8 Posts: 92 Member
    Well that's me finished 3A. My stats
    1 arm snatch - 8kg to 10kg
    db single leg deadlift - 8kg to 9kg - brought it back to 8 today cos i found i was curving my back, so need to work on that
    bb row - 15kg to 20kg - think i could go higher but like the deadlift I can round my back so working on the form for this
    db single are overhead sqaut - 8kg/4kg to 10kg/5kg <-- achieved today on the last one
    bd bench press - 8kg to 12.5kg <-- could go higher on 6 reps but next one up is 15kg! might need a spotter for that one :tongue:
    plank - 90s to 90s - it will be a trial upping this to 120s
    reverse woodchip - lvl3 to lvl4 on cable machine think the plate are 10kg each but not sure :ohwell:
    BWM - 4:12 to 2:44 it burns so much on the jumping ones

    EC - does it? will need to check that out. As I'll be taking a break in the middle of stage 4 for my wedding I think I'll keep it in or do an extra interval session. Have you checked ebay for the t?
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    Getting ready to start Stage 3.. But had a question.

    Do you do the body-weight matrix right after the other exercises? Stage 2 I just did running intervals after every workout day ( A & B.) So then would this mean I do matrix for A, and intervals for B?

    Yes, that's my understanding. The BWM is short, but pretty taxing. If you are already pretty fit though, you could probably do some more cardio on top of that if you really wanted to.

    BWM kicked my butt. Still feelin it today, even the arm workouts from Day A have made me sore.

    Easy to say, I did not do much in the way of cardio yesterday. Lovin the idea of change however.
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    Well that's me finished 3A. My stats
    1 arm snatch - 8kg to 10kg
    db single leg deadlift - 8kg to 9kg - brought it back to 8 today cos i found i was curving my back, so need to work on that
    bb row - 15kg to 20kg - think i could go higher but like the deadlift I can round my back so working on the form for this
    db single are overhead sqaut - 8kg/4kg to 10kg/5kg <-- achieved today on the last one
    bd bench press - 8kg to 12.5kg <-- could go higher on 6 reps but next one up is 15kg! might need a spotter for that one :tongue:
    plank - 90s to 90s - it will be a trial upping this to 120s
    reverse woodchip - lvl3 to lvl4 on cable machine think the plate are 10kg each but not sure :ohwell:
    BWM - 4:12 to 2:44 it burns so much on the jumping ones

    EC - does it? will need to check that out. As I'll be taking a break in the middle of stage 4 for my wedding I think I'll keep it in or do an extra interval session. Have you checked ebay for the t?

    CONGRATS on your wedding!!!! YAY!! Good progression with Stage 3 - especially with your BWM time!

    Yup - I've checked eBay... I've checked EVERYWHERE!!! I think I might just make one on my own!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hey everyone! I've just completed Phase 2 on Tuesday and I'll be joining all you lovely ladies for Phase 3 starting on Monday! I want to give my body some decent rest from heavy lifting, since I didn't have much of a break between Phase 1 and 2 and I just ran a 5K on Sunday (with a slightly twisted ankle that is 95% better now).

    I skimmed the workouts and they look hard! The Body Weight Matrix is probably going to be my nemesis, haha. I'm doing new measurements and photos in the next 2 days, so we'll see how I did for Phase 2. I had issues with eating too much on the weekends so I haven't lost any weight, I'll be happy if I've lost inches at all.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    hi everyone!

    just started today.. BWM is CRUEL. :laugh: