How are you going to do it??

I have been trying so many things to loose weight and I keep getting un motivated even though I really want to loose the last bit of weight. So what are some thing you are doing to try and loose those 15lbs?

~ I am going to try and drink more water (I dont drink enough) So I am hoping this will help...


  • pinksyringes
    pinksyringes Posts: 21 Member
    Eat healthy and swim, swim, swim! Seriously, swimming for me is the greatest workout ever.
  • FearLessNess1
    I'll be counting calories and really upping my water intake. I also plan to add in some exercise, I have been majorly slacking in that area.
  • wiggywompus
    wiggywompus Posts: 65 Member
    Zumba, zumba and more zumba!!! Great thing is when I listen to music can't help but do a few zumba moves! Look at my to loose pile of apples each time I loose weight I can eat one!!! Pin really bad photo of my fatty bits up so I can see it when I go to cupboard to get biscuit, cake or other food I am trying to avoid.

    Hardest no wine until I have lost it!
  • bettynelsoncarlson
    Today I am giving up drinking diet coke!!! We call it coke light here in Hong Kong but it's the same thing.
    I will drink 8 glasses of water a day.
    I am quiting my very stressful job and moving on to another job that is a lot less pressure.
    I will not be snacking so much.
  • lkellandmay
    lkellandmay Posts: 121 Member
    How are you going to do it?

    This is so important britbowles1. Having a plan is half the battle isn't it.
    To me losing weight is like spending money. To save money you have to spend less than you have and put the rest in the bank.
    To lose weight you have to eat less calories than you work off. If you eat more calories than you exercise you will store it as F A T!

    Mathematically 15 pounds in 30 days = 1/2 pound per day!
    - 3.5 lbs per week -

    so - for me...

    Step 1 - change the weight loss calculator to lose 3.5 pounds per week.
    right now mine is set to 1.5 pounds per week. If i change it it will identify the number of calories necessary to make the change.

    Prepare - get the foods I need to make the change - salads, lean meat, fish, rice AND get rid of the foods that sabotage me (aka you know who you are you cookies, cakes and baked goods).

    Step 2 - Report
    I will be consistent on reporting everything I eat, exercise and how I feel. The eating and exeercising part will be in the diary part of the MFP log. And the motivational part will be here on in my blog.

    Step 3 - Be consistent
    For me this means eating consistently each day and not skipping a meal because I ate a handful of peanuts (or a large cookie dough blizzard).

    Step 4 Think of how great I will feel and look when I'm done.
    get some new clothes!

    Thanks for the great group - maybe we can do some before after photos!

    I'm off to change my weight loss weekly goals.

  • lkellandmay
    lkellandmay Posts: 121 Member
    Just checked 'My Home' - 'Goals'
    And it only allows a 2 lb per week weight loss.
    I switched from a 1.5 lb to a 2 lb weight loss.

    I think the amount of calories shifted slightly.

    What are you doing to determin the calories required for this weight loss?
  • fatty_pants
    Thanks for the ideas.. this is great. I'm going to recalculate my tracker as well. We have a gym here at work and I never step in side unless I'm doing a tour :(.. I'm going to get down there every day for 15 - 20 mins and walk on the tread mill.

    I'm also going to replace my afternoon coffee with hot water, lemon juice and a splash of honey. It's great for flushing your body of toxin's (get ready to go pee every hour) and it has alot of other really great health benefits.

    Thanks for the motivation. I really love this site and it's great to find people who understand the struggle.

    Best of luck everyone !
  • dms1974
    dms1974 Posts: 37 Member
    I will be doing 3 things:

    1. I will be drinking more water.

    2. Exercising more

    3. Watching what I eat carefully.
  • esech
    esech Posts: 8
    Thanks for the great ideas. I need to try to focus on drinking more water and honestly reporting all that I eat and try to realize a month is not that long so get at it.
  • kellybeans16
    kellybeans16 Posts: 20 Member
    I am going to track every single bite which is usually my everest.. Also I plan on working out as much as possible since I don't usually have the energy.

    Focusing on healthy eating is going to help me a ton.

    Just taking one day at a time
  • kendrafox
    kendrafox Posts: 111 Member
    I am going to work out at least 5 times a week, drink more water, and eat much healthier.
  • Rowberta
    Rowberta Posts: 29 Member
    I am going on day three of my insanity work out. And hitting the treadmill... Last night while i was watching tv (after my workout)i got on my red seat excercise twist thingy that works out your tummy muscles. i may be over doing it.. but its time to change!!! i am doing a shake replacement meal for dinner, which is where i tend to over-indulge!
  • newmommy06
    newmommy06 Posts: 4
    Hi ladies, My name is Rachel

    i thought i'd join this group my hubby is leaving for one month and i'm 10 lbs more than my normal so loosing 15 lbs would be ideal


    1st I'm going to start excessing i haven't exercising in over a year so that will definitely help By taking at least one walk a day around my neighbor hood that is 2 miles but preferably 2

    2nd I'm going to quit drinking soda

    3rd My family is pretty bad about eating vegetables so for 4 days a week we will no longer be having a starch with out dinner only our pro tine(meat usually) and vegetables and in order to get my young children to actually eat the vegetables, i'm going to take them the store each day to let them pick from the produce isle (and from experimenting with these 2 kids i found out that they prefer raw veggies so thats better for me and my goals anyway )
  • britbowles1
    britbowles1 Posts: 10
    Wow everyone has some great ideas and tips. I really need to watch what types of foods I eat and choose more healthy and more filling options. So here is to all of us loosing 15 lbs and feeling better about ourselves :)
  • roeh
    roeh Posts: 17 Member
    1. Increase my water intake:drinker:
    2. Continue to exercise 4 times a week and maybe add a extra day
    3. Maintain my current eating patterns
    4. No eating after 7:00 pm
    5. Recognize the difference between being bored, tired and sleepy and to not confuse this with hunger.
  • glamdiva11
    glamdiva11 Posts: 13 Member
    I think I'm going to just try and stay consistent with my cardio and ab workouts and go back to eating like I want to live lol!
  • lauren3040
    lauren3040 Posts: 27 Member
    My goals for this 15 lbs is to increase my workout from 5 times a week to 6. I also decided to incorporate insanity into my work out schedule, at least 20 mins of it, twice a week to get me over this bump. I stopped loosing for two weeks, and then gained back almost a pound. While I contribute this to TOM and my sweet cravings, it is unacceptable. I have worked to hard to loose the 40 lbs I have LOST. This time next month, I will be on my way to Disneyworld and Id like to loose a bit more before I go shopping for shorts and stuff for my vacation. In addition to the vacation, I also have a big event coming up June 20th that I'd like to be 15 lbs lighter for! :)

    So here is my work out schedule as of right now.

    Exercise 5 times a week.
    60 mins of Cardio.
    I switch Cardio machines every week to keep my muscles confused. (This helps a lot ladies)
    Weights twice a week, on a weight day I only do 30 mins of Cardio.
    8 glasses of water a day.
    Keep my carb intake under 100. ( It works for me)
    Try to eat at least 100 grams of Protein a day.
    No eating past dinner, unless i plan on staying up later than normal.

    This is how I have lost the first 40 lbs. It has been a struggle.

    I want to add in another day of cardio, plus 20 mins of insanity twice a week. But this is just to get me through this pleatu.

    I checked the scale this morning, and I have actually lost a pound ( I switched machines for the week Sunday)! Only 14 lbs to go!

    If any of you ladies want to add me for support, advice, tips, etc. Please do so! It helps me stay motivated by motivating others.
  • HailyP
    HailyP Posts: 16
    Good luck everyone! Summer is coming plan for the 15 is NO fast food and fast walking a min of 3xwk.
  • Gonzojrn
    Gonzojrn Posts: 6
    Continuing my Paleo eating, and NOT stress eating the starches (crackers, chips, etc.)

    I will do this!
  • danjanicole
    danjanicole Posts: 16
    Goals for eating: Lots of water, protein shake and a piece of fruit for breakfast and lunch, and then a reasonable dinner. Also, tracking all calories in and out! For exercising: for the rest of this week, I found a great 20 minute workout on Pinterest, plus at least 30 minutes of cardio, and I need to remember to wear my HR monitor so I can track my calories more accurately. Next Monday, I'm starting Insanity! Good luck everyone! :)