When does the soreness subside?!

Today will be my 4th day. After day one I was sore, but not TOO bad. After day 2 I thought I was going to tear a calf muscle with each step I took. SOME HOW I managed to work out on day 3, but my calves are still indescribably sore. When I flex a feel a very small amount of discomfort in my chest, shoulders, and rear. Nothing in my abs and merely breathing hurts my legs, LOL. I feel the soreness should be more evenly distributed, although I feel confident that I am doing everything correctly. When will I be able to walk like a normal person again?! haha


  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    calf soreness is pretty common, all that hopping in the jumping jacks and jump rope really strain them.

    adding a calf strech to your cooldown should help some.

    i like to go to my stairs, and stand, facing the top of the stairs, with just the front part of my foot on the stair, and let my heal hand down. hold onto the wall/rail with your hand, and let your other foot hover.

    there should be a shoulder/pec/chest stretch in the cooldown to. the one i like to do is a little hard to explain. but here goes nothing:
    stand perpendicular with your arm straight, put your hand against the wall behind you. then slowly and gently, turn your torso away from the arm. this should really open up your pecs.

    you can do it in a doorway like this to:

  • Emikayfoos
    Emikayfoos Posts: 35
    Im on day 8 and imbstill feeling a tinyyyy bit sore. My first couple of days i needed to hold on to something while i sat due to beiending my knees made me feel like my thighs were going to rip off. Just keep working through it..if needed to a little extra stretch before and after the work out. She does bare minimal.
  • Medlockbb
    Medlockbb Posts: 57
    thank you both. Very Helpful!