Progress after one month?

After the first month of this, how did you do?

I must admit I didn't lose 5 pounds like I planned. I only lost about 3, I had a few difficult days, which always seemed to launch my weight back up a couple pounds. i keep fluctuating between 145 - 150 and I just can't break it. I've been stuck here for almost two months now and it's making me crazy!

I hope you all have had more success then me!


  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 88 Member
    i have lost 8 lbs but gained last one back again so its total 7 lbs lost this past month :)
  • stefanieceleste0530
    stefanieceleste0530 Posts: 177 Member
    I completely fell off the wagon on Easter weekend...gained 2 lbs back since then...but I'm back at it this week...there's still hope!!
  • spudlovie
    spudlovie Posts: 56 Member
    This first month I am down 9 lbs woohoo :)
  • cranford_s
    cranford_s Posts: 55 Member
    I've lost around 6 lbs, and I'm pretty pumped :)