Well, I got that New Rules book!

Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
I got the New Rules book of Lifting For Women and was a little disappointed. I guess if you hadn't already found this group, it would be informative. But I don't really feel there was anything new that I haven't already learned here. I love this group and soak in every little bit of info I can find on here. The book just didn't do it for me.

By group I mean the Eat More To Weigh Less group.


  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Are you going to do the workouts?
    I'm on stage 1 now, and getting stronger every day..
    I love it.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I'm already lifting heavy and following the info from the Eat More to Weigh Less group on here. Have been for close to 4 weeks. That's what I meant by I've learned so much before getting the book. By lifting heavy and eating close to 1800 calories a day, I'm getting stronger with each workout and toning up.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    For me, it just reiterated what I learned here. It put it in a "hard form" and it stuck more, KWIM? It had a few interesting tidbits in there I hadnt considered, which was nice.
    Honestly, I bought it for the workouts though:) Im just beginning it, but so far Im liking it.. Im actually amazed that the first 8 weeks is only 5 exercises a session.. seems so foreign after being in the gym for forever trying out weights and getting nowhere with it:)
  • TiffyChick
    TiffyChick Posts: 89 Member
    I just downloaded it to my Kindle. I really wanted the workout info since I don't have the $$$ for a personal trainer. Can't wait to get going on my new routine next week! :D
  • Allic1971
    Allic1971 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm on stage 1 week 3, I must say I love it...

    Before I had the book I was doing my own thing and doing more than I should, with no constructed exercise regime. I was doing 20 reps of everthing, most days.. (whoops)

    It confirmed for me that I do really need to eay way more than I was and then I found this group and to let my body rest in between the the lift days.

    I am just hoping the scale or the tape measure are going to move again! :happy:
  • TiffyChick
    TiffyChick Posts: 89 Member

    I haven't read the book yet (going to start it this weekend). I've been doing 45 minutes of a whole-body weight routine on machines (doing ascending pyramids with my weights to try to max my muscles out) and 25 minutes of moderate cardio immediately after. I do this every day, Tuesday - Saturday. Based on your understanding of the book, is that too much? Only asking because if I need a rest day in between weight-lifting sessions, then I am going to take tomorrow off! ; )
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    In the book, they don't think too much of cardio. He suggest yoga or pilates on your rest days and yes, you should never work out the same muscles two days in a row. That off day is allowing your muscles to repair themsleves and grow.
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    Join us on the "NROL4W" forum if you're doing the program! TONS of support and answers re the program there!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Sunbeam0904
    Sunbeam0904 Posts: 53 Member
    Join us on the "NROL4W" forum if you're doing the program! TONS of support and answers re the program there!!! :flowerforyou:

    Is that a separate group or a thread on the EM2WL group? Bc I'd love to hear more - i'm still reading mine - but hoping to start the workouts soon and to be honest i'm more scared than anything. I'm terrified of lifting heavy - and i know that sounds soooo lame - but even though i'm big i consider myself a weak marshmallow type of person and so this whole thing is scary to me. i feel like my body is going to break. lol. lets hope i'm wrong. :-)
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    I am currently reading it on my Kindle too...

    Not sure i am going to be able to do half the exercises tho due to health issues :( Will just need to try to adapt where i can!!
    Its definately interesting tho :)
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Join us on the "NROL4W" forum if you're doing the program! TONS of support and answers re the program there!!! :flowerforyou:

    Is that a separate group or a thread on the EM2WL group? Bc I'd love to hear more - i'm still reading mine - but hoping to start the workouts soon and to be honest i'm more scared than anything. I'm terrified of lifting heavy - and i know that sounds soooo lame - but even though i'm big i consider myself a weak marshmallow type of person and so this whole thing is scary to me. i feel like my body is going to break. lol. lets hope i'm wrong. :-)

    You will surprise yourself at what you can handle if you commit to it. I was really weak at first, but the longer you do it the more you can do. Just listen to her body though. You will be sore, but don't hurt yourself. I didn't mean to put down the book, I just feel like I have already been doing what the book instructs us to do, just by reading all the info in the Eat More to Weigh Less group, which has a ton of members on there that are lifting heavy. Good luck!
  • Sunbeam0904
    Sunbeam0904 Posts: 53 Member
    You will surprise yourself at what you can handle if you commit to it. I was really weak at first, but the longer you do it the more you can do. Just listen to her body though. You will be sore, but don't hurt yourself. I didn't mean to put down the book, I just feel like I have already been doing what the book instructs us to do, just by reading all the info in the Eat More to Weigh Less group, which has a ton of members on there that are lifting heavy. Good luck!

    Thanks! I understand, I'm taking the plunge with NROLFW because of the EM2WL ladies and their amazing muscles. I'm going to take is slow and steady and i'm hoping to be less of a marshmallow after 6 months! :-)
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I loved the book even though the diet stuff was already pretty much covered here. I bought it for the workout routines because after a 5 year hiatus from the gym I was just lost with the weights.

    I have gotten so much stronger already because of it. And I love that there is 6 months worth of workouts.
  • TiffyChick
    TiffyChick Posts: 89 Member
    Thank you for that info, Coco_Puff! I am taking today off, and will do yoga over the weekend, then (hopefully) start NROLFW on Tuesday. Holy cow - I'm excited but scared. I have scoliosis and have had a bulging disc before. I hope I can do all the weight lifting with no injuries!
  • Allic1971
    Allic1971 Posts: 145 Member

    I haven't read the book yet (going to start it this weekend). I've been doing 45 minutes of a whole-body weight routine on machines (doing ascending pyramids with my weights to try to max my muscles out) and 25 minutes of moderate cardio immediately after. I do this every day, Tuesday - Saturday. Based on your understanding of the book, is that too much? Only asking because if I need a rest day in between weight-lifting sessions, then I am going to take tomorrow off! ; )

    Sorry I am on the otherside of the world in Australia so I miss all the posts and have to catch up the next morning LOL.

    I sent you a PM but it looks like the other ladies have it covered

  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Thank you for that info, Coco_Puff! I am taking today off, and will do yoga over the weekend, then (hopefully) start NROLFW on Tuesday. Holy cow - I'm excited but scared. I have scoliosis and have had a bulging disc before. I hope I can do all the weight lifting with no injuries!

    Have you talked with your Dr.? I know my sister has a bulging disc right now and is limited to yoga and pilates, which are wonderful workouts, but she can't lift right now. Please make sure you have the green flag.
  • embclark
    embclark Posts: 186 Member
    What size weights are you using for this?
  • TiffyChick
    TiffyChick Posts: 89 Member

    My bulging disc was about ten years ago. My scoliosis is mild. The nice things is that my back pain has gone away since I started working out - my chiropractor actually suggested working out as physical therapy for my back and he was totally right. There are certain things I can't do, like regular sit-ups - too much strain on the lower back. I'm pretty in-tune to my back, so I will know if I can or can't do exercises based on the descriptions of the movements alone. I have definitely learned not to push it with my back. I do modifications when I can.
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    Is that a separate group or a thread on the EM2WL group? Bc I'd love to hear more - i'm still reading mine - but hoping to start the workouts soon and to be honest i'm more scared than anything. I'm terrified of lifting heavy - and i know that sounds soooo lame - but even though i'm big i consider myself a weak marshmallow type of person and so this whole thing is scary to me. i feel like my body is going to break. lol. lets hope i'm wrong. :-)

    It's a separate group. There is a thread for each Stage, etc. A great, great support forum! Here it is:


    And don't worry about "lifting heavy." Start where you are and increase the next time. You'll get to "heavy" or you won't... either way you're going to see huge changes in your body! What's "heavy" for you isn't going to be "heavy" for somebody else! AND - you might surprise yourself. I was the same before I started... it can be intimidating for sure - but I LOVE it now and will NEVER go back to chronic cardio hell!!! (But that's just me!)